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How to use the word troubled in a Sentence?

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133 results found

His victory is meaningful for Turkish society and politics, but less disruptive for foreign policy, i do n’t see a troubled relationship getting worse.

Ian Lesser

Found on New York Times
1 year ago

I’m troubled by this trend, because what I think the interpretation will be is that this is working, deSantis is raising his profile every single week. He is putting himself in a better position to potentially win the presidency. And he is doing it through indiscriminate use of state power, not only to achieve kind of broader ends, but also just to score points.

Katherine Mangu-Ward

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We are also troubled that Beijing has deepened its relationship with Moscow since the war began, looking ahead, any steps by China to provide lethal support to Russia would only reward aggression, continue the killing, and further undermine a rules-based order.

Kamala Harris

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Am I troubled by what I know already? The answer is yes, we’re laser focused on capturing this man and bringing him to justice.

Chief Warren Hensman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It’s time for Congress to stop playing political games and move forward with meaningful and common sense immigration reform. We are deeply troubled by the Sinema-Tillis framework’s continued assault on asylum seekers.

Fox News

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

At its heart, Matthew's brilliant script is both a fascinating character portrait of a troubled and fearless man full of contradictions, and a deep dive into the disruptor who used the internet to challenge and break up the American Elite's narrative, you can draw a direct line from Matt Drudge to where we are today as a country in terms of speech, both for better and worse.

Ben Hurwitz

Found on CNN
2 years ago

John Lennon said the reason I go on about peace and love so much is because I'm really angry, maybe you look for what you need for yourself. Gene was a troubled soul for sure.

Gene Roddenberry

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I am still deeply troubled by the overwhelming stigma that I faced, that so many in my place still face.

Arielle Cohen

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We all know that when the post office is forced to cut hours of operation or delivery routes or lay off workers, the rest of us are worse off, thankfully, for the past few months, Democrats and Republicans have been working together in good faith to reform some of the most troubled parts of Postal Service.

Chuck Schumer

Found on CNN
3 years ago

My wife and I were high school sweethearts and all we ever wanted to be were parents, ethan was a fantastic kid… He was troubled by poverty and violence and homelessness and he wanted to help people.

Ethan Williams '

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I was horrified by what I saw, i'm going to let the investigation run its course. But the pictures that I observed troubled me profoundly. That defies all of the values that we seek to instill in our people.

Tuesday Mayorkas

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I'm not there yet, i'm still interested in working to see if we can find a quality, bipartisan infrastructure plan. I want to be involved in that engagement and effort. But I'm still troubled by the statements of Speaker Pelosi. ... It doesn't seem the right kind of negotiating tactic to say,' Yeah, I'll support a bipartisan plan, only as long as I get a vote on everything else I want.'.

Jerry Moran

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I'm especially troubled by the accounts of some members of Congress that January 6 was just a day of tourists walking through the Capitol, i don't know what planet they were on. ... This was not a peaceful demonstration. It was not an accident that it turned violent ; it was intended to halt the very functioning of our government.

Royce Lamberth

Found on CNN
3 years ago

North Carolina deserves a system that works to deliver justice, protects our communities, and serves the people -- not one that allows law enforcement to become warriors against our own citizens, i am deeply troubled by the lack of transparency and accountability that has led us to this point.

Democratic Party

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The people of Elizabeth City are just deeply, deeply troubled by this, there is a racial divide amongst the city and county and this has only widened the divide.

Kristie Puckett-Williams

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Gabriel was a troubled employee, and in the months previous to this incident, he was having unwanted advances toward females that work there. He was having disputes with other workers and threatening them, and was brought into the management office on several times.

Stephen Fitzpatrick

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Although he has more leasure than almost anyone, the indifference ,appathy if one preferes, of the lower class person is such that he seldom makes even the simplest repaires to the place that he lives in. He is not troubled by dirt or dilapidation and he does not mind the inadequacy of public facilities such as schools, parks hospitals and libraries. Indeed, where such things exist, he may destroy them by carelessness or even by vandalism.

Edward C. Banfield

added by anonymous
3 years ago

It’s very much a case of hopes for the future against the reality of the first quarter of this year which is going to still prove to be fairly troubled, for now at least, the optimism that we’re hoping for has been somewhat delayed and that has taken a little bit of steam out of the euro and just put a little bit of support back in the dollar but ultimately I think it is still a case of those high-beta commodity currencies, reflation currencies, will continue to perform well.

Jeremy Stretch

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

He had a great deal of shame and remorse, he is a veteran and told me the fact that he did this to another soldier troubled him. He wants the story printed to remind people that something you do in your youth could haunt you for the rest of your life.

Cindy Gaylord

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

We are deeply troubled by what weve learned so far and immediately launched an investigation, the employee at the center of allegations on social media is on leave and not in the classroom.

Erika Mantz

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

The United States is of course troubled that these proposed actions... will worsen the reporting environment in China, beijing's actions prove time and again that the [ ruling Chinese Communist Party ] is afraid of independent and investigative media reporting that has only broadened and deepened the world's understanding of China for the better.

The United

Found on CNN
4 years ago

I'm troubled by the calls to go after internet advertising, especially during a time of such economic turmoil like we face today with Covid, it's true that making it more difficult to target ads would affect the revenue of companies like Facebook. But the much bigger cost of such a move would be to reduce the effectiveness of the ads and opportunities for small businesses to grow. ... it would probably be felt at a macroeconomic level.

Mark Zuckerberg

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Rihanna typifies the seismic change we've seen in the Rich List in recent years. Once dominated by inherited wealth, the bulk of our 1,000 entries are now self-made people with modest and even troubled starts in life who are driven to work exceptionally hard.

Robert Watts

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

This year, Easter will be very different for all of us, the joyous serenity that usually comes with this day, has been greatly troubled by the pandemic we are experiencing. I am sure that the extraordinary voice of Bocelli will be the embrace we are missing these days, a strong, special hug, capable of warming the heart of Milan, Italy and the world.

Giuseppe Sala

Found on CNN
4 years ago

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    pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
    A abide
    B transpire
    C abase
    D affront