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How to use the word tells in a Sentence? Page #15

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I hope people kind of get an understanding of what Vegas was like, get like a visceral feeling, this whole experience, this immersive that you’re sort of surrounded by tells this narrative, this nostalgic feeling, you can feel it.

Craig Winslow

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I tell other cancer patients to do something good for somebody every day,” Marelle said. “It doesn’t have to be big—it can be as simple as opening the door or saying good morning to someone. If that person says good morning back and tells you how he or she is doing, listen to what that person is saying. It took me having a setback with cancer to realize that I haven’t paid as much attention to other people as I should have. And as I started doing things for others, I realized it was giving me strength to do more for myself.

Joe Marelle

added by JoJoOwens88
7 years ago

As bad as you think Trump is, you would be worried about Pence… everyone that is wishing for impeachment might want to reconsider their life, i am Christian, I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things.

Joy Behar

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Can I just say this, as bad as you all think Trump is, you’d be worried about Pence. Everybody that’s wishing for impeachment might want to reconsider their lives, you would be begging for days of Trump back if Pence became president. He’s extreme. I’m Christian, I love Jesus. But he thinks Jesus tells him to say things, and I’m like, ‘Jesus didn’t say that.’ Scary.

Omarosa Manigault-Newman

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

They took this fraudster from ABC, they suspended him for a month. They should have fired him for what he wrote. He drove the stock market down 350 points in minutes, which by the way, tells you they really like me, right? When you think of it, and you know what he cost people? And I said to everybody get yourself a lawyer and sue ABC News, sue them.

President Trump

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

The Canterbury Roll is the most significant and substantial medieval artefact in New Zealand. For 100 years, UC has been the guardian of this unique 600-year-old treasure, which tells the history of England from its mythical origins to the late Middle Ages, no-one has anything like this in New Zealand or Australia. And it’s utterly bonkers that no-one really knows we have it, because it’s magnificent!

Dr Jones

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Fryal Abbo, with her teen daughter, Najma, mourns the death of Fryal Abbo. Fryal Abbo was killed for selling alcohol in a Christian shop two days before Christmas last year. ( Hollie McKay. com) Others at Camp Virgin Mary tell similar stories. Ena Kromy, 77, clutched a cross and a photograph of Ena Kromy son as Ena Kromy sat in the sunshine. Ena Kromy, too, was dressed all in black.Her son was shot in the head at a restaurant where he worked eight years ago. The restaurant, too, was targeted because it served alcohol. Ena Kromy said the shock of his death killed Fryal Abbo a few months later.My son died from his head, and Fryal Abbo from his heart, Ena Kromy sobbed. Recently, Kromypackedup and returned toMosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, after itwas recaptured from ISIS militants.Butshe discovered her househad been destroyed in the fighting.So she returned to Camp Virgin Mary, with Camp Virgin Mary mixture of lingering fear and desperation to flee Iraq altogether. The government tells us to go back, but I will never go back to that home.

Nehla Kheder

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

My foreman comes and tells me like, ‘Ruth you can’t go back, it shows that you are pregnant,’.

Ruth Gichana

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Our attitude tells the universe what we want

H.W. Mann

added by howardmann
7 years ago

The mosaic is a truly important find, not only is it a fantastic new piece of Roman art from Britain, but it also tells us about the lifestyle and social pretensions of the owner of the villa at Boxford.

Neil Holbrook of Cotsworld Archaeology

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

The party that tells women to sit down and shut up is not supposed to be the Democratic Party, … I may not be refined, but I’m real. The polished turds that they continue to shove down our throats as politicians are still turds.

Kimberley Boggus

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Since PSL season is such a popular thing I went to see if there was a tracker which tells you when they are available and nothing came up, and since it didn’t exist and I’m a web developer I figured I’d make one myself.

Patrick Johnson

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I’m not sure what I am supposed to do to support myself while I wait, and no one tells me how long I have to wait for the new permit.

Therese Gobran

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

The applause tells the story, but Goodell should have squashed it immediately and said, ‘We’re in the process of educating players.’ CTE is real. Adams is 20-something years old, stir crazy right now, in the New York spotlight. I don’t blame him for saying that. But to ignore CTE is to ignore the facts. That’s not the message the NFL wants.

Glenn Foley

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

New York Sen. Schumer TELLS CLINTON,' New York Sen. Schumer acknowledged on Sunday that The Democrats were partially to blame for Americans not knowing what the party stands for. When you lose an election with someone who has, say, 40 percent popularity, you look in the mirror and say what did we do wrong ?

New York

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

That tells you demand globally is a lot stronger than people thought it was going to be and that is having a net positive effect on heating and gasoline prices.

Scott Shelton

Found on Reuters
7 years ago

It definitely tells us about the advanced capabilities of the adversaries, i don't think any additional evidence is needed to attribute this to a nation-state attack.

Oleg Derevianko

Found on Reuters
7 years ago

Rajavi tells Fox News that her group’s activists inside Iran have stepped up their opposition to the government, and says a revolution against the theocratic regime could come from within. The Iranian resistance movement is in a new position and on the offensive in its showdown with the regime. Our resistance is an organized movement. The potential for an uprising exists within Iranian society.

Maryam Rajavi

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

It tells Russia, 'I can touch you too,' it tells China, 'I don't care what you think, I'm independent,'.

Carl Schuster

Found on CNN
7 years ago

It tells China, 'I don't care what you think, I'm independent,'.

Carl Schuster

Found on CNN
7 years ago

Tyrion Lannister: Last time we saw each other was at Winterfell, yes? You were making jokes about my height, I seem to recall. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person ever to make a joke about a dwarf's height. A height of nobility. A man of your stature. Someone to look up to. You're all making the same five or six jokes.Theon Greyjoy: It was a long time ago.Tyrion Lannister: It was. And how have things been going for you since then? Not so well I gather. Can't imagine you would have murdered the Stark boys if things had been going well.Theon Greyjoy: I didn't murder the Stark boys. But I did things that were just as bad, or worse.Yara Grejoy: And he paid for them.Tyrion Lannister: Doesn't seem like it. He's still alive. It was complicated for you I'm sure, growing up at Winterfell. Never quite knowing who you were. But then, we all live complicated lives, don't we?Daenerys Targaryen: You've brought us a hundred ships from the Iron fleet, with men to sail them. In return I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?Theon Grejoy: Not my claim. [nods his head to Yara] Hers.Daenerys Targaryen: What's wrong with you?Theon Greyjoy: I'm not fit to rule.Tyrion Lannister: We can agree upon that at least.Daenerys Targaryen: Has the Iron Islands ever had a queen before?Yara Grejoy: No more than Westeros.Theon Grejoy: Our uncle Euron returned home after a long absence. He murdered our father, and took the Salt Throne from Yara. He would have murdered us if we'd stayed.Daenerys Targaryen: Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king.Yara Grejoy: You and I have that in common.Daenerys Targaryen: [after a short pause] We do. And both murdered by a usurper aswell. [turns to Tyrion] Will their ships be enough?Tyrion Lannister: With the former masters' fleet, possibly. Barely. [glares down at Theon] There are more than a hundred ships in the Iron fleet- Theon Grejoy: There are. And Euron's building more. [to Daenerys] He's going to offer them to you.Daenerys Targaryen: So why shouldn't I wait for him?Theon Greyjoy: The Iron fleet isn't all he's bringing. He also wants to give you-..Yara Grejoy: [scornfully] His big cock, I think he said. [Daenerys raises her eyebrows disapprovingly, smirking at Tyrion] Euron's offer is also an offer of marriage, you see.. You won't get one without the other.Daenerys Targaryen: And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands.Yara Grejoy: [softly] I never demand but I'm up for anything really.[Daenerys gazes at Yara with a smile]Theon Grejoy: He murdered our father and would have murdered us. He'll murder you as soon as you have what he wants.Tyrion Lannister: The seven kingdoms?Theon Grejoy: All of them.Daenerys Targaryen: And you don't want the seven kingdoms?Theon Grejoy: Your ancestors defeated ours, and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back.Daenerys Targaryen: And that's all?Yara Grejoy: We'd like you to help us murder an uncle or two who think a woman's not fit to rule.Daenerys Targaryen: [with a smirk] Reasonable.Tyrion Lannister: [to Daenerys] What if everyone starts demanding their independence?Daenerys Targaryen: She's not demanding, she's asking. The others are free to ask aswell. [turns her head back to Theon and Yara] Our fathers were evil men. All of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it. [stands up and begins walking down the stairs towards Theon and Yara while she speaks] You will support my claim as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping.Yara Greyjoy: [with a glare] That's our way of life.Daenerys Targaryen: No more.[Daenerys stares at Yara coldly, Yara turns her head to Theon who then nods at her in consent]Yara Grejoy: No more.[Yara lifts her arm up towards Daenerys. Daenerys, indecisively, looks over her shoulder at Tyrion who then signals her to accept Yara's arm-shake. After a brief hesitation, Daenerys puts a grasp around Yara's arm, shaking her arm]

Game of Thrones, Season 6

added by apricity
7 years ago

Look, you always have to be concerned, you don't know exactly who you're dealing with. I had a great great meeting with the president of China and that meeting tells me a lot and you've seen a lot of things happen. They have a pretty good power, not a great power perhaps, but a pretty good power over North Korea. We're gonna see what happens. It's a very, very tricky situation.

Donald Trump

Found on CNN
7 years ago

I suspect from what they tell us this is an ISIS base, an ISIS tunnel, which tells you, number one that ISIS is more entrenched than we would have thought – you have this notion of ISIS being sort of a band of jihadists just running around, but this is pretty entrenched.

Charles Krauthammer

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

What one says as a businessman who has not had TS/SCI clearance and sat in the situation room, or what one says on the campaign trail in a politically charged environment for a year, is incredibly different to the perspective you may have after you take on the mantle of the commander-in-chief, and you are the person responsible for the safety of all Americans, that's what experience tells us, and to judge based on statements they made when they were not in that position of responsibility.

Donald Trump

Found on CNN
7 years ago

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