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How to use the word t-groups in a Sentence?

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While it would be silly and ungracious to insist that intelligent deliberation on public issues is nowhere found in modern communities, it would be naive to imagine that wise deliberation can survive the constant pounding from self-interested political behavior. Benevolence in public institutions has a short half-life no matter how noble its original intentions. and Once [a] program is in place, its day-to-day administration falls into the hands of a professional cadre besieged by powerful interest groups whose influence grows as public interest wanes. . . . A slow process of disintegration and reconfiguration sets in, transforming and expanding a program from within.

Richard A. Epstein

added by Normando
1 month ago

Among the liberties of citizens that are guaranteed are the right to believe what one chooses, the right to differ from his neighbor, the right to pick and choose the political philosophy he likes best, the right to associate with whomever he chooses, the right to join groups he prefers.

Justice William O. Douglas

added by Normando
1 month ago

STUM (pronounced stum) - Servility To Unknown Masters First appeared in Nicholas Anderson's fifth book of The NOC Series as a simple explanation to groups of people who believe political propaganda to be the absolute truth. Also applies to members of the public who have their heads down fixated on their mobile/cellular phones instead of taking in their often inspirational surroundings - missing the moment, so to speak. A polite short response to somebody whom you disagree with their opinion and beliefs.

Nicholas Anderson

added by miura_1
4 months ago

What I had failed to understand was that the security I felt in the Party was that of a group and that affection in that strange communist world is never a personal emotion. You were loved or hated on the basis of group acceptance, and emotions were stirred or dulled by propaganda. That propaganda was made by the powerful people at the top. That is why ordinary Communists get along well with their groups: they think and feel together and work toward a common goal.

Bella Dodd

added by Normando
5 months ago

The door of the Free Exercise Clause stands tightly closed against any government regulation of religious beliefs as such. Government may neither compel affirmation of a repugnant belief, nor penalize or discriminate against individuals or groups because they hold views abhorrent to the authorities.

Justice William J. Brennan

added by Normando
8 months ago

However, on religious issues there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'

Barry Goldwater

added by Normando
1 year ago

I wholeheartedly believe that success is never achieved in isolation, and I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to various individuals, groups, and resources that have played a significant role in my journey.

Adam Treasure

added by TalylorDru
1 year ago

Eyal Press writes in The New Yorker. Audm subscribers can listen to that article.)In the rest of today’s newsletter, we look more closely at the 10 states.Furthest alongInitiatives seem most likely to happen soon in two states.In Ohio, a coalition of abortion rights groups is collecting signatures to place an initiative on the ballot this year that would protect access through roughly the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. For now, most abortions remain legal in Ohio, thanks to a court ruling blocking a ban.In South Dakota, organizers are optimistic that they can collect the signatures needed for an initiative next year. It is a compromise measure that would seek to reinstate the minimum access required by the Roe v. Wade decision. All abortions would be legal in the first trimester (roughly 12 weeks), and some would be in the second trimester.Early effortsIn several other states, efforts have begun, but they’re less advanced.In Missouri, advocates have not yet settled on one approach. Some petitions — an early step to putting an initiative on the ballot — would protect most abortion access until 24 weeks of pregnancy. Others would be narrower and let the state enact parental consent laws.In Florida, where Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a near-total ban, advocates are hoping to place an initiative on the ballot that would allow most abortions until 24 weeks. But the state’s pro-marijuana movement helps highlight the slowness of the effort: Organizers of a 2024 ballot initiative to legalize marijuana have already raised $30 million and collected nearly all the required signatures — while organizers of an abortion initiative are just getting started.Arizona has tough rules for ballot initiatives, requiring hundreds of thousands of signatures on a petition.

Planned Parenthood

Found on New York Times
1 year ago

Most of the propagandists that social media companies are most worried about, like the Russian government, the Chinese government, extremist groups, have a lot of resources.

Samuel Woolley

Found on CNN
1 year ago

However, this risk level is reached at different ages for women from different racial/ethnic groups, black women tend to reach this risk level of 0.329% earlier, at age 42. White women tend to reach it at age 51, American Indian or Alaska Native and Hispanic women at age 57 years, and Asian or Pacific Islander women later, at age 61.

Mahdi Fallah

Found on CNN
1 year ago

There is evidence that some uses of social media do, in fact, hurt certain groups of teenagers and children, this is not some moral panic. There is a ‘there’ there.

Alvaro Bedoya

Found on CNN
1 year ago

‘ Xiongnu ’ was the name of a dynasty not a people, per se ; but that dynastic regime greatly impacted the peoples within its realms and left a powerful legacy in Eurasia, many subsequent groups appropriated the potent name of Xiongnu( or Hunnu) as they established their own regimes, leading to the perpetuation of so-called ‘ Hunnic ’ entities even as far as that of Attila and the Huns at the edge of Europe centuries after the demise of the Xiongnu in Inner Asia.

Genghis Khan

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Attacks still happen, but they really have been reduced to small groups of effectively organized crime gangs. They don’t have anything like the weapons or reach that the IRA did. Nor do they have a coherent ideology. They might still be active, but the idea they could carry out anything on the scale of the worst days is just unimaginable now.

Norman Baxter

Found on CNN
1 year ago

By many criteria, the audience of (the military bloggers’) Telegram channels matches those distributed in the United States by far-right groups and communities of conspiracy theorists, people like Tatarsky served as propagandists and their admirers can be found far in western and central Europe.

Ruslan Trad

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Leading up to Tuesday, we will be looking for any new narratives surrounding the indictment that mobilize individuals to offline action, indicators that supporters are organizing (particularly any extremist groups), and content suggestive of credible threats.

Katherine Keneally

Found on CNN
1 year ago

We regret any offence these chants may have caused and will continue to work with supporter groups and officials from both clubs to eradicate hateful chanting from this fixture.

Manchester City

Found on CNN
1 year ago

One striking thing is that the fishing community – the commercial fleet and recreational fishing groups – have largely supported the closure of the salmon season, that has been apparent in the public comments at the council and elsewhere. They argue that they should not be fishing when the stocks have declined to this level.

Michael Milstein

Found on CNN
1 year ago

It is necessary to stop hostilities and declare a truce that prohibits both sides from moving groups of troops and from transferring weapons, ammunition, manpower, and equipment. All stopped, frozen.

Alexander Lukashenko

Found on CNN
1 year ago

It’s going to make it difficult for the (LGBTQ) community to exist. They are just trying to erase the community through this bill, so it will definitely lead to an increase in attacks, there have been different types of cases, but the most dominant one is the activities of violent groups and they are widespread. So if this bill is passed, these activities are going to continue and it’s only going to also get worse.

Danny Bediako

Found on CNN
1 year ago

The majority of the population fiercely oppose going to the polls to legitimize the military’s political control, so we will see violence ratchet up if the regime seeks to impose a vote, and resistance groups seek to disrupt them.

Richard Horsey

Found on CNN
1 year ago

( There) has been a lack of data from other ethnic groups around the world, compared to Caucasians, as a result, the diagnostic rates for people from those backgrounds is lower. There are more variants from those backgrounds that we do n’t know anything about – we ca n’t interpret them.

David Bentley

Found on CNN
1 year ago

The pro-democracy movement was fighting against the Nationalist Chinese regime (in Taipei), and they wanted to look for distinct characteristics that represented the Taiwanese identity, of course, Taiwan’s Indigenous groups gave it the most legitimacy, and so it also gave rise to subsequent Indigenous rights movements in the 1980s.

Ku Heng-chan

Found on CNN
1 year ago

They threaten to marginalize and discredit critical voices in the country. This threat is real, under the disguise of transparency, the latest statements by the Georgian authorities strongly suggest that if adopted, the law will be weaponized to further stigmatize and penalize independent groups, media and critical voices in the country.

Giorgi Gogia

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Georgia’s international and bilateral partners have been very clear that adopting a ‘foreign agent’ bill would be inconsistent with Georgia’s stated commitments to human rights and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, i hope the Georgian authorities would heed to the warning and instead of passing the bills that would clearly impede the work of independent groups and media, they should ensure safe and enabling environment for civil society in the country.

Giorgi Gogia

Found on CNN
2 years ago

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