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How to use the word significant in a Sentence? Page #7

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In response to the rockets fired from Gaza at Israel tonight, we targeted one of Hamas' most significant rocket production sites in Gaza, this strike will significantly impede Hamas' force-building capabilities.


Found on FOX News
2 years ago

That's where we went back to the fact that our culture really is an in-office culture and we think those informal conversations and the face-to-face interactions are important to who we are, and we've seen a significant increase in collaboration. It's also de-escalated some concerns and tensions and some group dynamics by being in person.

Cassandra Pratt

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The deceptive marketing coupled with the ease of accessibility makes these small and seemingly innocuous pills a significant threat to the health and safety of all our communities, a staggering number of teens and young adults are unaware that they are ingesting fentanyl in these fake pills and are being poisoned.

Charge Bill Bodner

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I want to announce that this evening I will present my resignation to the President of the Republic, today's votes in Parliament are very significant from a political point of view. The majority of national unity that has supported this government since its creation is no longer there.

Mario Draghi

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The strategic ties between our militaries are integral in maintaining stability and facing shared threats in the Middle East, and we are striving to expand our cooperation and to create a variety of new opportunities in the air, at sea and on land, our relationship with the United States is a significant component in preserving regional stability in the face of the ongoing strategic race with the Iranian regime, which not only endangers the State of Israel, but is a regional and global threat which countries in the region must act against together.

Joe Biden

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Coach Gary Moeller went into Ohio, enemy territory, and snatched up two Heisman Trophy winners in less than 10 years, that's pretty significant and that should be part of Gary Moeller legacy. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Former Michigan football coach Gary Moeller watches the second half of an exhibition NCAA college basketball game against Wayne State in Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 4, 2013. Former Michigan, Illinois and Detroit Lions coach Moeller died Monday, July 11, 2022. Gary Moeller was 81. The University of Michigan announced Gary Moeller death, and no cause was provided. ( AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File).

Desmond Howard

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

The misuse of mobile location and health information -- including reproductive health data -- exposes consumers to significant harm, the exposure of health information and medical conditions, especially data related to sexual activity or reproductive health, may subject people to discrimination, stigma, mental anguish, or other serious harms.

The Commission

Found on CNN
2 years ago

If we ever got to a state where people were getting infected but it wasn't causing any severe illness anymore -- maybe it's a new variant that is much less severe, or it wasn't causing long Covid -- if there were no really significant adverse health outcomes, then we would no longer care as much about cases, but let me be clear, we're not there yet.

Jason Salemi

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Our growing comprehensive strength and significant institutional advantages continue to be transformed into efficiency in work related to Taiwan issues and push forward the process of national reunification.

Liu Jieyi

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Share price movement up or down takes place only 45 mins in the first and the last hour of trading session and rest of the time in between there is completely lull or virtually no significant action

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheispatel
2 years ago

Due to the significant changes to the macro environment of the property sector in China since the second half of 2021 and the impact of Covid-19, Shimao Group Holdings Ltd. has experienced a noticeable decline in its contracted sales in recent months, which is expected to continue in the near term until the property sector in China stabilizes.

Shimao Tower

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We're not out of the danger yet in this significant weather event, i'd remind people please make sensible decisions that keep you and your family safe.

Carlene York

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Jennifer Meyer talk about Jennifer Meyer significant others and ‘ Hey, you got the kids ? I'm going for a weekend away,' you know what I mean ? now, it's like, anything, or I mean, ‘ Hey, I'm having a hard day' or ‘ Hey, you did this, it really bummed me out.'.

Jennifer Meyer

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Despite a concerted effort on both sides, the current financing and retail environment created significant obstacles to reaching an acceptable and fully executable agreement.

Peter Boneparth

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I think Russia is going to have significant challenges in trying to establish any sort of stable administration for these regions, because likely collaborators -- more prominent ones -- are going to be assassinated and others will be living in fear.

Michael Kofman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Federalist Society's Federalist Society, supreme Court is not just four or eight years. You're talking about 20 to 30 years out. I think that it's a very significant, silent but powerful influence that he has into the future.

John Stemberger

Found on CNN
2 years ago

When you're looking at, 40,000 soldiers that potentially are in that unvaccinated category, absolutely there's readiness implications on that and concerns associated with that, that's a significant chunk.

Jon Jensen

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

The synergy between our agents and criminalists to solve cold cases, especially those with an unidentified victim, is to be applauded, identifying the use of genetic genealogy as a tool and the work of Parabon and our internal genealogy specialist provided significant leads in this disturbing case. Baby Doe can now be properly laid to rest and his killer will be held accountable.

Ricky Adams

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

The vehicle was fully involved with fire on arrival, and took a significant amount of time, water, and thinking outside the box to extinguish, crews knocked the fire down, but the car kept re-igniting and off-gassing in the battery compartment. Working with the on-site wrecking yard personnel, the Tesla was moved on its side to gain access to the battery compartment underneath.

Sacramento Metropolitan Fire Department

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

There's not going to be any full-throated embrace of Russia( at The BRICS summit), there's no doubt about it, and I'm sure there's gon na be plenty of awkwardness there... but behind the awkwardness( de-dollarization) is one area where these governments do have a shared interest, any kind of meaningful steps away from( a US dollar-denominated system) are potentially significant.

Shahar Hameiri

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Looking at the statistics over the last several years, our best chance of seeing 50-millimiter events will probably be in August. If we don't see any significant rainfall by September, then our next best chance is only around March next year, which is concerning, the only way this water crisis is coming to an end it with a flood. But fortunately, or unfortunately — depending on who you ask — there are no forecasts suggesting rain of that magnitude anytime soon.

Garth Sampson

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I think that what's becoming more clear is that many factors that we don't control are going to play a very significant role in deciding whether that's possible or not.

Federal Reserve

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Despite U.S. and international sanctions, Ortega continues to hail his rule as an outcome of democratic representation—torturing and jailing anyone who dares stands in his path, what is the proper response in the face of such defiance and the significant deterioration of U.S.-Nicaragua relations?.

Roberto Salinas Leon

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Although the majority of us agree that the experiences people have in childhood can have a significant impact on their future, a minority of Britons recognize the unique importance of the first five years of a child's life, these formative years are crucial in the emotional, social and physical development of every child, and this critical new research for The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood provides the opportunity for society to ignite a discussion about how parents and children can be better supported during this period.

Kelly Beaver

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

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    (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner
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    D defiant