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How to use the word shift in a Sentence? Page #8

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The whole crew is gone, the whole shift is gone, it’s horrible.

One VTA employee

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The' defunding the police,' I think was not a helpful slogan, and I think that the shift to slogans like're - imagining public safety' is a much more constructive one, and is likely to lead to much better discussions and less likely to just push people away from the start.

Rosa Brooks

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I don’t think the time is right to do this shift yet, of course, at some point in the future this will occur, there’s no doubt about that. We have to think about a smooth transition from PEPP to APP.

Yannis Stournaras

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

A lot of frustration when you come out in a playoff game like that, everyone’s pretty upset about it, and the best thing you can do is try to learn from it and make your next shift your best.

Reilly Smith

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

As the pandemic restrictions start to shift, make plans to see friends and family, albeit in a safe way.

Sheila Forman

Found on CNN
3 years ago

We're seeing, as usual with emergencies, a shift of power towards the executive with oversight from parliaments, judiciary and other bodies getting weaker.

Jakub Jaraczewski

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Today is a good day for Americans. By removing Liz Cheney as conference chair, the House GOP has reaffirmed its commitment to policies that put Americans first, hopefully we can complete the shift in focus to break the waning remnants of neoconservative policies that have left America less free, less safe, and more burdened by debt.

Warren Davidson

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Remaining patient through the transitory surge associated with reopening will help ensure that the underlying economic momentum that will be needed to reach our goals as some current tailwinds shift to headwinds is not curtailed by a premature tightening of financial conditions.

Loretta Mester

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

One thing I've actually been encouraged to see is I haven't seen the Biden administration shift away from security.

Nick Solheim

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We believe that both electric and autonomous will be the future of freight, we think that the market is at an inflection point, where you will see a big shift to first electric and then autonomous.

Jessica Schultz

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

We tried to get him out for about 10 minutes or so, i tried putting the thing on its side, trying to get him to shift his legs and whatnot, but we just couldn't get him back out.

Lance Strubing

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The message is one of very brisk activism on the part of The President to address the crisis at hand, which of course is what Franklin Roosevelt did as well, i think the level of activism on Biden's part is very, very notable. President Joe Biden ambition is great. President Joe Biden success may be more doubtful. But I think this shift in tone is itself important.

Ellen Fitzpatrick

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The message is one of very brisk activism on the part of The President to address the crisis at hand, which of course is what Franklin Roosevelt did as well, i think the level of activism on Biden's part is very, very notable. President Biden ambition is great. President Biden success may be more doubtful. But I think this shift in tone is itself important.

Ellen Fitzpatrick

Found on CNN
3 years ago

book/radiology journal- 53 years strong in 2021-shift change- one of the most precarious times for any patient to be in a hospital. over the years I have documented in the most detailed way- of things which can, and will go wrong-yet so many may be unaware or choose to ignore the dangers. consult with me and I will tell you why. my independent research is ongoing.its x-ray exposure of a different kind.


3 years ago

I can’t think of anything, at least since the Second World War, that would have changed the vocabulary as drastically, and at the same time as quickly, as the corona pandemic, i can think of many other examples of a huge cultural shift that changed the German vocabulary. But they didn’t happen within a few months.

Anatol Stefanowitsch

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

There’s just been a lot of grassroots demand for it. Historically, investors who tried to invest in bitcoin through their regional banks ... in a lot of cases, if the banks found out they were sending money to cryptocurrency exchanges, they would actually close their accounts. So this is a huge shift and a huge change.

Zachary Cefaratti

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

For people who did this stuff a decade ago, if they had known that Donald Trump was going to come along in 2016 and shift the American electorate, there's at least a couple dozen seats around the country that would have been drawn differently than they were, and that is the challenge for the next few years is trying to forecast out how much this realignment is permanent versus temporary.

Adam Kincaid

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Why didn't we make a more radical shift ? It ultimately comes down to the kind of company we want to be, our business also exists in the real world, on the streets of thousands of cities, and it's important we stay connected to the places we serve.

Nikki Krishnamurthy

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Anecdotally, our own pediatric ER and inpatient psychiatric units are seeing similar increases, this may reflect lack of access to routine outpatient care, which often plays a preventative role for mental health crises. However, it is very likely also the result of the dramatic shift in teen lives that come from school virtualization, canceled social and extracurricular events, and the same pandemic fatigue that impacts all of us.

Paul Nestadt

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

This decline came after very strong productivity growth in the middle quarters of the year, and we think that the pandemic has led to a shift in economic activity away from some low-productivity sectors that has led to firming in productivity growth through some of the noise in the quarterly readings.

Daniel Silver

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

Rob Malley is a great pick, and The Biden administration's an encouraging sign of how the Washington foreign policy consensus has shifted in a pro-diplomacy direction. Rob Malley has played a big role in helping shift it.

Matt Duss

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Many women are downsizing their hours, they’re quitting their jobs in entirety and going on food stamps or moving in with their parents or taking on the night shift, it is causing huge economic consequences for women.

Reshma Saujani

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

There’s been a bit of a shift of tone in markets in the last few days, markets are starting to worry about COVID again.

Catherine Doyle

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

I don’t think this is a fad, it is a generational shift in how people think about investing their money.

John Patrick Lee

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

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    pose a threat to; present a danger to
    A inspire
    B refine
    C jeopardize
    D condemn