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How to use the word sexist in a Sentence? Page #2

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It seems to me to be particularly sexist, you have people comparing them in a way that doesn't really happen with men --' Meghan Markle's walking funny, or Meghan Markle heels are too high, or Meghan Markle legs are too skinny.'.

Emily Nash

Found on CNN
6 years ago

The #MeToo movement has not spared the world of politics. As long as inequality between women and men persists, no woman will be safe from violence and harassment, we, women and men in politics, do however have a lever that can turn us into movers of change : the Istanbul Convention -- a legal instrument aimed at preventing, protecting, prosecuting and, above all, breaking the sexist pattern.

Liliane Maury Pasquier

Found on CNN
6 years ago

All they're left with at this point is women walking around in bunny costumes : the sexist, objective part, they're not a leader in politics like they were in the 60s. The culture has evolved beyond that.

Carrie Pitzulo

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Right ? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it.

Hillary Clinton

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

First of all, it's a phony attack, and secondly, it's extremely sexist to say that a woman is beholden to her father's former employer ... 84% of the record-breaking money that we raised in this campaign is from Michigan. Eighty-two percent of it is $100 or less.

Richard Whitmer

Found on CNN
6 years ago

We don't feel safe in the street, but also in the workplace, those sexist men, they're perfectly integrated into society, including politicians, musicians, actors, judges, doctors, teachers, everywhere -- it's hard to see that. It can also be a friend, a brother or a father, or a son. It's important that today, we demand zero tolerance. If you see such behavior happen, that you say,' No, I don't agree with you and you need to stop.'.

Marie Laguerre

Found on CNN
6 years ago

And you know what, I'm the first person to admit I'm sexist. I don't think that girls should play on the boys' high school team. I don't think that the girls should be -- I think it's insanity that there are feminists who are stupid enough to fight to go to combat. Are you kidding me? Let the men go die on the front lines, why would you want to go die on the front line? You have to be an idiot. And why on earth would you fight to go on the submarine ship for months on end? You know there was just a story with these girls, these women who are upset that they are sexually harassed in the military. What do you think is going to happen when you go on a submarine for 12 months with 4,000 horny soldiers? I hate to say it, but it's true. They should not even be allowed. The top military should say, 'No way, you're not allowed.' But you know, but you know the feminists have fought for these rights. It's so stupid. I don't know why anybody would want that.

Bill Shine

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I think the wreckage that we’re seeing at this moment is one that will, I hope, be repaired on the policy standpoint when we elect Democrats, but I think we will still then have work to do on repairing the tone in our country, the exposure of the real racist and sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic feeling which is on the rise in our country – a rot that has been exposed.

Chelsea Clinton

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables, right? They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it.

Hillary Clinton

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Ivanka, you stepped in there to talk for women. To speak for women, to have a platform for women. Where are you today? sarah Huckabee Sanders, today is your day… to say the president is a sexist.

Mika Brzezinski

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

There was a lot of just shaming and ‘ no, you ca n’t say that, that’s sexist, ’ there’s just so much hypocrisy in a lot of things they are saying.

James Damore

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

[The] irony of modern feminism is that they look right past sexist comments said about conservative women, definitely pro-life women like Sarah and me.

Kellyanne Conway

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Female sexuality causes problems still today, surprisingly. It's just another side of sexist culture.

Alexandra Kokoli

Found on CNN
7 years ago

It magnifies and enacts the sort of reductive tropes and expectations we face in the real world, especially the real dating world, watching 'The Bachelor' means watching a more exaggerated version of the sexist landscape we navigate, but the exaggeration (and the remove of watching it on TV) makes it easier to observe, discuss, and critique.

Claire Fallon

Found on CNN
7 years ago

They’re all the people I grew up with, they’re their kids. And they’re not racist. They’re not sexist. But we didn’t talk to them.

President Obama

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

That's never a good idea, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.

Hillary Clinton

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

If you voice a difference of opinion on any small issue – they lash out at you, you’re a racist, you’re a homophobe, you’re anti-woman, you’re sexist. This is ridiculous.

Jacob Ellenhorn

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

If you want to transform society and lift people out of poverty, you also have to look at this from a women's perspective, poverty is sexist.

Melinda Gates

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Younger women aren't as used to the sexist battles that professional older women had to struggle through to acquire the positions they have now, the struggle is real; they just haven't had to live it.

Amanda Rodriguez

Found on CNN
9 years ago

As a young woman who supports Bernie Sanders, I'm frustrated and outraged by being constantly attacked by older feminists for my refusal to vote according to my gender, like my fellow young feminist women, I recognize that voting for a woman because she's a woman is sexist, just like voting for a man because he's a man is also sexist.

Ariana Javidi

Found on CNN
9 years ago

Like my fellow young feminist women, I recognize that voting for a woman because she's a woman is sexist, just like voting for a man because he's a man is also sexist.

Ariana Javidi

Found on CNN
9 years ago

She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain -- just explain -- why they supported her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane often, not to mention sexist, to repeat.

Bill Clinton

Found on CNN
9 years ago

People who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain why they supported her, have been subject to attacks that are literally too profane often, not to mention sexist, to repeat.

Bill Clinton

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain -- just explain -- why they supported her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane often -- not to mention sexist -- to repeat.

Bill Clinton

Found on CNN
9 years ago

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