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How to use the word reassert in a Sentence?

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Eisenhower was viewed by Taft and his colleagues as much too moderate, his European focus was deemed by that conservative wing of the party as much too similar to the liberal Democrats. If this was going to be a moment for conservatism to reassert itself not only against liberalism but also against the moderates in the Republican Party, China provided an ideal plank.

Joyce Mao

Found on CNN
1 year ago

AMLO will try to reassert himself. He understands US has power. He flirts with pushing back rhetorically, but doesn’t go over the edge.

Andrew Selee

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The reason that I'm going to Saudi Arabia... is to promote President Joe Biden interest... in a way that I think Saudi Crown Prince have an opportunity to reassert what I think Saudi Crown Prince've made a mistake of walking away from : Saudi Crown Prince influence in the Middle East.

Joe Biden

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The question is are they going to be equipped and are we going to be able to aid them sufficiently to be able to reassert control eventually.

Raja Krishnamoorthi

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Young North Koreans think they owe nothing to Kim Jong Un, he must reassert his ideological control on the young if he doesn’t want to lose the foundation for the future of his family’s dynastic rule.

Jung Gwang-il

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

There has been a trend in recent years to invest more in the workplace, to make it somewhere where staff would want to spend time. It will be quite a revolution if that trend doesn’t eventually reassert itself, however, we are certainly going to see a more hybrid workforce with working from home an option for at least some of their staff.

Natalie Douglass

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

The President says The President doesn't want people talking about certain things, but they have already talked about those things to Mueller and to others. So that means if there was any executive privilege it's been waived, you can not waive the privilege and then reassert it, so there is no legal excuse whatsoever... The only question is how long they will draw it out in court before the subpoena is followed, and how contemptuous of Congress this administration will be.

Jerry Nadler

Found on CNN
5 years ago

The President's sham emergency declaration and unlawful transfers of funds have undermined our democracy, contravening the vote of the bipartisan Congress, the will of the American people and the letter of the Constitution, congress... must reassert its exclusive responsibilities reserved by the text of the Constitution and protect our system of checks and balances.

Nancy Pelosi

Found on CNN
5 years ago

The production cuts by OPEC+ are providing a nice backdrop here for higher prices and until we see U.S. production reassert itself, the easier move is higher for oil.

Edward Moya

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

At some stage, the fundamentals, supported by the quality and strength of your business and asset base will reassert themselves, however, at this stage we need to plan for an environment in which commodity prices could remain flat or even go materially lower for a sustained period of time.

Steve Kalmin

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

The state is awkwardly trying to reassert its primacy, but generations now of Pakistanis have been raised with the belief that their version of religion trumps everything else, the blasphemy law is almost incidental to the larger trend of a radicalized society that has slipped out of the control of a weak state.

Cyril Almeida

Found on CNN
9 years ago

The earthquake has rattled the parties, and also shown how a good constitution needs to be part of the reconstruction process, but it should not be a chance for the ruling classes to reassert their power and forget those who are marginalized. I do not want another conflict in the future.

Dipendra Jha

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

It suggests that the U.S. housing market recovery is back on track after the missteps earlier this year. We expect this upbeat tone in the housing recovery to continue as the favorable domestic fundamentals begin to reassert themselves.

Millan Mulraine

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We need a forward-looking foreign policy that talks about how to reassert American authority and influence around the world.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Found on CNN
9 years ago

Though America is carrying the world economy at the moment, that is simply not sustainable. We need key pillars of global growth to reassert themselves.

Canadian Finance Minister Joe Oliver

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

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