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How to use the word pulse in a Sentence?

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79 results found

False flags used to work—but after events like the Pulse nightclub, the missing graves, and everything that’s escalated since, people have stopped paying attention. Trust in the narrative is gone, from fake governor kidnap scenarios, to staged assassinations and orchestrated false flag events. So, what happens when the public no longer takes the bait? Buckle up—because now, the events won’t be false; they’ll be real. Pray. And when you’re done praying, pray again. Then pray some more. Stay grounded—it’s going to be a bumpy ride for a while.”

Terpsichore Lindeman

added by re.ashley77
2 months ago

For years, I've known of you, in the depths of creation, the presence of source energy is undeniable. I feel it's pulse,reach for it and within me I grasp its flowing essence.

Annia Levy

added by annia_1
1 year ago

The street outside my window is one of a million likeminded Los Angeles streets. Taggers, homeless, families and lovers, thieves and beggars, running children and old women, churches, bars, corner stores, Spanish, Cambodian and Armenian words and accents. I want to hug my street and all within, to feel the throbbing pulse beating its steady rhythm.

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
1 year ago

The scanning LIDAR is a fancy laser pointer, essentially, that sprays out laser pulses – about 500,000 pulses per second – flying along at 23,000 feet, and measures how long it takes for the laser pulse to go out, hit the surface and come back, and we can use that information to then know the surface of the snow. Every square foot of mountain snow is touched by our lasers.

Tom Painter

Found on CNN
1 year ago

With no pulse, no breathing, we needed to get the AED and EMS activated as soon as possible.

Jeremy Parr

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Unfortunately, it’s been a period of several years where we have had elevated strandings of large whales, but we are still concerned about the pulse over the past six weeks or so, we want to know the answers.

Sarah Wilkin

Found on CNN
2 years ago

He let us know he checked her pulse and there was no pulse, i really did n’t believe it.

Tomeshia Brown

Found on CNN
2 years ago

He let us know he checked her pulse and there was no pulse, i really didn’t believe it.

Tomeshia Brown

Found on CNN
2 years ago

As someone who has been involved in this work and has found something similar in a different diagnostic tool -- pulse oximetry -- unfortunately, I'm not surprised, we don't know whether these problems exist unless we look for them, and if we don't look for them, we're not going to identify these problems. If we don't identify these problems, we can't fix them, and so that's part of the issue. We don't know how far this goes. We don't know how deep this goes, this racism within healthcare.

Tom Valley

Found on CNN
2 years ago

They punch him, stomped him, kicked him in the head, used whatever was available – these hard milk crates, baking pans, tablets, whatever, and literally took turns beating him and then left him there probably for four to five minutes, then when they were done with him, they dragged him into a vestibule and then told corrections to come get him. And then corrections stood around for about four minutes before touching him and making sure he still had a pulse.

Brian Kennedy

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

You know, I represent Pulse Nightclub in my district. Every day we have young people who ask questions about what happened at Pulse, who was impacted by Pulse. It's so important that we can have these conversations and talk about every type of family within our schools.

Anna Eskamani

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Three [hunger strikers] have stopped, someone's pulse went below 40.

Shana Gallagher

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I can remember sitting in a dark room with a huge spotlight, there’s a seat there like you’re being interrogated for a crime and all the front-office staff is in the back in the shadows and you ca n’t see them. The guy grabbed my wrist and he’s like : ‘ I can feel your pulse, so I know if you’re lying to me. Have you ever smoked marijuana ? ’ I said : ‘ No. ’ I really had n’t. I’ve never smoked. He said : ‘ I think you’re lying. I can feel your pulse. Are you lying to us ? ’ I said : ‘ No, I ’m not. ’.

Benjamin Watson

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

East Lansing families received a letter from the school district recently regarding the district's decision to stop using school time for Halloween and Valentine's Day. A mention of me in the City Pulse article on the subject has led some people to believe that the City is planning to [do] something similar so I would like to clear that up, i have mentioned to several staff members that I think our seasonal programs would be more welcoming if we didn't include things like pictures with Santa or the Easter Bunny. Yes, Christmas and Easter have become mainstream commercial holidays but they are religious traditions and including them in City sponsored programs makes those events unwelcoming to large segments of our population. We can host a beautiful winter themed festival without including religion.

Jessy Gregg

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The spirit ascends with light as passion consumes with fury; every pulse beholds inspiration when brought to the threshold of dance

Shah Asad Rizvi

added by shahasadrizvi
3 years ago

As desires dance with dreams, as intentions dance with glances, as shivers dance with breaths, so does every pulse dance when movements flirt with feet

Shah Asad Rizvi

added by shahasadrizvi
3 years ago

I think when Pulse happened, there were a lot of folks in elected office locally who also reflected on,' How inclusive are we really being ?' yes, Orlando was very affirming for LGBTQ people before Pulse, and that commitment to equality was certainly strengthened in Orlando after Pulse, but it was also an important moment for our community to reflect and see how we can be even more inclusive.

Carlos Guillermo Smith

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Some people say that everyone has three places : home, work, and a third place -- a place where you find a sense of community and belonging, pulse was that third place for me when I first came out, and for many of us.

Marco Quiroga

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The foundation is centered on what we call our four pillars : the Pulse memorial, the Pulse museum, our educational programs and our legacy scholarships, but the pillars aren't just about what happened at Pulse. They're also about the history of LGBTQ people in this country, and the struggles they face today.

Barbara Poma

Found on CNN
3 years ago

At school, she can't administer her own medication, but she can use her pulse oximeter in class. And if her blood oxygen drops, then her teacher can call me. It can happen so quickly.

Bridget Wiedenmeyer

Found on CNN
3 years ago

We are the pulse, we will be able to leverage the millions of followers we have and tap into a new generation of potential customers.

Josh Richards

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I can remember sitting in a dark room with a huge spotlight, there’s a seat there like you’re being interrogated for a crime and all the front office staff is in the back in the shadows and you ca n’t see them. The guy grabbed my wrist and he’s like : ‘ I can feel your pulse, so I know if you’re lying to me. Have you ever smoked marijuana ? ’ I said : ‘ No. ’ I really had n’t. I’ve never smoked. He said : ‘ I think you’re lying. I can feel your pulse. Are you lying to us ? ’ I said : ‘ No, I ’m not. ’ CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP.

Benjamin Watson

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The Pulse Connect Secure( PCS) team is in contact with a limited number of customers who have experienced evidence of exploit behavior on their PCS appliances, the PCS team has provided remediation guidance to these customers directly.

Pulse Secure

Found on CNN
3 years ago

CISA has been working closely with Ivanti, Inc. to better understand the vulnerability in Pulse Secure VPN devices and mitigate potential risks to federal civilian and private sector networks, we will continue to provide guidance and recommendations to support potentially impacted organizations.

Nicky Vogt

Found on CNN
3 years ago

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