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How to use the word poisonous in a Sentence?

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When you listen to the kind of poisonous rhetoric that's coming from the other side it's a race to the bottom on who can say the nastiest, ugliest things about immigrants with ignoring the reality that they came from somewhere, too, you know ? Marco Rubio's family fled a dangerous regime that wanted to get nuclear weapons, that were sworn enemies of the United States, where's Marco Rubio come from ? Cuba. But Marco Rubio and the Republicans turn Marco Rubio and the Republicans backs on any Syrians coming into this country. How is it any different ?

United States

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

What is more poisonous for humanity — cocaine, coal or oil ? the opinion of power has ordered that cocaine is poison and must be persecuted, while it only causes minimal deaths from overdoses … but instead, coal and oil must be protected, even when it can extinguish all humanity.

Gustavo Petro

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

My hunch is that we need new leadership across the board, Democrats, Republicans, i think it's time for a generational move for new leaders on both sides. I think the environment politically across the country is poisonous and, you know, people, I think, want some change and I think it's important for us in both parties….

Susan Walsh -RRB- Ryan

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I think it's time for a generational move for new leaders on both sides. I think the environment politically across the country is poisonous and, you know, people, I think, want some change and I think it's important for us in both parties.

Tim Ryan

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Midterms are a nightmare for a president, the midterms are generally poisonous for the party in power.

Stephen Farnsworth

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

This drug is enormously powerful, it is poisonous, and it is showing up more and more often, not just here but in communities across the state and in communities across the country in higher concentrations, with higher potency, and that means with higher toxicity and danger. And as a community, our first focus now is on supporting the school community.

Luke Bronin

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

There is fierce race going on amongst all IAS, IPS and other govt officers as who can do more atrocity on common people by getting poisonous covid vaccine injected in their body overlooking humanity and get fast promotion besides many other rewards

Assem Barua

added by asseem54baerua
3 years ago

Sometimes one cookie, if you’re making it at home, gets more chips in it than the other. If you’re doing that with a potentially fatal poisonous substance, if you make a hot pill, that will kill somebody. it used to be a kilo here, 10 kilos there. We’re seizing 100 kilos, 40 kilos, 50 kilos.

Dante Sorianello

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

This poisonous left-wing doctrine is flagrant racism, plain and simple, and it has no place in our schools, no place in our military and no place in our country.

Former President Trump

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine. You will wring no more hearts as you wrung mine. I will free the world of a poisonous thing. Take that, you hound, and that! -- and that! -- and that! -- and that!

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

added by Normando
4 years ago

President Trump is no longer a mere possibility as President Trump was in 2016 ; President Trump is a poisonous cancer that we urgently must remove from our body politic, and second, I think the vote was more for Joe Biden than against Bernie Sanders.

Jennifer Granholm

Found on CNN
4 years ago

We will not allow anti-Semitism in any form in our society because it is poisonous and divisive, just as much as Islamophobia or far-right racism is.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

They were flipping them over, making a very distinctive, almost surgical precision cut down the chest. They would even remove the gallbladder outside the body, which contains toxic bile salts. They knew to remove that bit. She added that the rats understood which areas of the toad were poisonous, using their sharp teeth and dextrous hands to eatthe non-toxic parts while leaving the poisonous areas stripped. In the medium-sized toads, as well as eating the heart and liver, they would strip off the toxic skin from one or both legs and eat the non-toxic thigh muscle.

Marissa Parrott

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

Negotiations are like a poison as long as The US remains the same way it is. And with the current The US government is additionally poisonous.

The US

Found on CNN
5 years ago

They can breath slowly and usually they don't panic. If there is no poisonous gas they can survive for some time.

Gatot Sugiharto

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

It will be seen as validation of what they already think, that we're not a rule of law country, that's what makes it so poisonous, that they'll think we're just like them and we're not.

The President

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Very few of these cases were admitted to the hospital, the question is, how many actually needed to go to an emergency department, and could costs have been decreased by either calling the poison center if it's envenomation with something that's poisonous, or talking to a primary care doctor ?

Christopher Holstege

Found on CNN
6 years ago

People have become extremely superficial, and feel the need to use and worship a worthless, and fictitious paper out of thin air, which is backed by absolutely nothing, called money (that everyone's been conned into) to be socially respected. People are so lost and franticly divided in their miniscule gender war, chauvinistic and narcissistic fashionista, sports, porn, drug and alcohol consuming, sue happy, sadistic, profiteering sociopathic and psychopathic false ideological (religious and political) activities, that they look but don't see their future right in their face, and yet careless to wake up, acknowledge, and react. I guess Murphy is right, when he says The light at the end of the tunnel, is the train heading for us! This ill fated world population has become a giant worn-out, and sabotaged machine that continues to operate for worse, heading to self-destruction. Thanks to our caring corporate bought and paid- for governments for providing us the indoctrinations and mind controlling schools, press, entertainment, social media, health, politics ( left vs right paradigm, and etc.), religions, police, and justice systems, and not to mention, all ideological (religious and political) high priests, who believe and follow the God named Benjamin, are nothing more than unlawfully paid and legalised criminals in uniform, who are employed to exploit and violate everyone's fundamental rights, sovereignty, well being, and withholding the truth, to prevent mankind’s awakening, and constantly injecting fear into all, while the corporate jezebels rapists, and paedophiliacs that we refer to as politicians, use Hegelian dialectic, spread propagandas, and manufacture false flags to raid and plunder innocents at home and around the world, in the name of security, peace, freedom, health, law, science, and technology. On top of all, these power hungry and greedy psychopaths deploy AI, 5G towers, smart meters, robots, contaminated water supplies, genetically modified junks, chemtrails, poisonous and cancerous treatments, lab generated diseases, euthanasia, mind controlling devices (TVs, phones, tablets, desktops and laptops), pictures and audios with subliminal messages, to infiltrate every individual's body and mind to it's core, redirecting our impulses, and artificially inducing our state of consciousness as mentioned in They Live, in pursuit of destruction of mankind's collectiveness, and driving all livings into extinction, where, the unofficial Doomsday clock is only 15 seconds to midnight! For as long as people are kept asleep, and continue supplying their sweat, voice, time, and efforts to these self entitled, parasitic, and merciless predators known as the ruling class, nothing will change, and the agenda will continue forward, full steam. This is a world-wide madness, and it requires large supplies in high doses of red pill to prevent the annihilation of our beautiful nature and the mother Earth.

Brian Deschanel

added by Londoner0870
6 years ago

Incirlik has always sort of been entangled in this situation, viewed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan backers and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a chip in a game, at the officer to officer level... relationships are as good as they can be given the circumstances. However, the politics between the United States, under two administrations, and the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan government are becoming more and more poisonous -- and this is where it becomes more dangerous.

United States

Found on CNN
6 years ago

A military-grade poisonous substance is so powerful that the person dies within seconds or minutes, we repeatedly offered UK authorities our help, and we asked to be given access to the investigation, but there is no response.

Vladimir Putin

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I smelled something, so I took a deep breath in. Bad mistake, i realized there was definitely something poisonous in the air.

Lindsay Tarasco

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Every time someone comes up with idea to give you $25 billion, you should say thank you. The DHS press release is over the top. It’s politically poisonous. It’s ridiculous and I’ve long since stopped paying attention to them.

Lindsey Graham

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I feel like the divisiveness in our country has become poisonous, i feel like bigotry and hatred, xenophobia, homophobia are causing a divide in our country that is not going to be healed easily. And I think that Trump is not capable of making rational decisions.

Jeanne Leonard

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

The readiness challenges are a less potent argument than they have been in the past, and the politics of budgets are poisonous all around, so if there's ever was going to be a year-long CR for defense in recent memory, this would be the year.

Mackenzie Eaglen

Found on CNN
7 years ago

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