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How to use the word pluto in a Sentence?

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The fact is that there is a serious danger of this country becoming a pluto-democracy; that is, a sham republic with the real government in the hands of a small clique of enormously wealthy men, who speak through their money, and whose influence, even today, radiates to every corner of the United States.

William Gibbs McAdoo

added by Normando
1 year ago

VHS 1256 b is about four times farther from its stars than Pluto is from our Sun, which makes it a great target for Webb, that means the planet’s light is not mixed with light from its stars.

Brittany Miles

Found on CNN
1 year ago

It's a premium service like HBO Max on top of free ad-supported platforms like Pluto TV, on top of licensing shows to other players in the streaming and linear space, and it's in conjunction with theatrical releases -- not a total replacement of it.

Julia Alexander

Found on CNN
2 years ago

If we did send a future mission, we could use ice-penetrating radar to peer directly into Pluto and possibly even see what the volcanic plumbing looks like.

Kelsi Singer

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The icy material was probably more of a slushy mix of ice and water or more like toothpaste while it flowed out of a volcanic vent onto the surface of Pluto, it is so cold on the surface of Pluto that liquid water can not remain there for long. In some cases, the flow of material formed the massive domes that we see, as well as the lumpy terrain found everywhere in this region.

Kelsi Singer

Found on CNN
2 years ago

New Horizons even discovered spectacular mountains on Pluto covered by bright deposits, strikingly resembling snow-capped mountain chains seen on Earth, such a landscape had never been observed elsewhere in the solar system. Could Pluto's atmosphere behave like Earth's ? We discovered that a new and unique( in the solar system) atmospheric process forms these snowy mountains on Pluto.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
4 years ago

This discovery teaches us that there are still plenty of physical and dynamical processes out there in space that we do not know about, and that climates can be very different than that of Earth( despite forming a similar landscape), it is important to study Pluto and other planetary bodies because they are natural laboratories to explore and investigate the diversity of possible climates( and geology, and other planetary sciences) which gives us more perspective on our own climate.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Pluto is covered by exotic-composition ices and its landscape strongly resembles the polar caps on Earth( Greenland and Antarctica), new Horizons even discovered spectacular mountains on Pluto covered by bright deposits, strikingly resembling snow-capped mountain chains seen on Earth.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
4 years ago

« The immorality and amorality reign in the hearts of the 'leaders' of the world, political and religious; from Vatican to Canterbury, and on through their subdivisions, and through the 'Holy Tribunal of The Inquisition', DBA now as The United Nations Security Council. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  As long as governments and religious leaders function in accordance with the daily prescribed rules of ERIS and ARES, PLUTO will be working full time, enjoying the smell of the holocaust of children on the four corners of the Earth. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Blissed are the eyes that can scan the soul of words within their breath of meaning, and reveal the colors of their images with hues of understanding. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  The mind of a Poet is a creative engine of beauty, wonders and grace to diffuse love, harmony; to learn and to teach; to instruct and defend art and the language; and to stimulate intuition and imagination. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Poets have written the most important facts and events of our planet, and of the universe. They have been the fountain of knowledge for historians in all fields of the human culture; for philologists, linguisticians, and grammarians; — mothers, fathers and guardians — of the languages, throughout the history of Mankind. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  A Poet may express her/his natural emotions, the intergalactic wonders, or serve as an interpreter for what is possible to exist, could have existed or exists around her/his perception. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Friends are linked by the most powerful energy of the nature of the Human Race; the energy that is the sister of Motherhood; the energy of Friendship. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A free thinker is one that acts self directed, and learns through resourceful thoughts; that questions everything, and knows the words she/he conveys. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Know the words that You use, — for once they are used — they will identify the true picture of one's intelligence. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Words are the vehicle of Soul’s creation, and the voice of one’s heart. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Inspiration is a tourist in the artistic land of hard work. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  What makes the history of a Poet is not the number of pages written, but the number of souls inspired by her or his work. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU   A poem is a spice for everyone’s cerebral diet; a sublime companion, always present to ignite one’s intellectual dynamo; and to prod the heart to pump beauty.— Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A poem is a precious jar of perfume that needs to be packed accordingly. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Words can have beauty and meaning, but when they are poetized, they have the meaning of beauty. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  A Poet paints with words, and writes with mathematized forms of geometric metaphors. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Any one can learn mathematics, music and letters, and earn a Ph.D. in Poetics, but only a Poet can learn all that, and write with syllables of love and art. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  In English, as in any other language, there are rules that one must follow. In Poetry one must follow the language’s rules, and feel free to improve any branch of the poetic art; one has license to create around, change forms, styles and concepts, but one can never forget that there is no 'poetic license' to ignore the language and its principles. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  Let mankind understand the order of the planet./It’s time for all to gather and sow seed of justice,/Before time disallows use of tools to build ships/To rescue human children from deluge of blood! http://allpoetry.com/poem/6415503 — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU  When we understand that we are the human race, there will be no places for Eris and Ares on this planet. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU » Source: https://allpoetry-classic.com/poem/13600317- Year: Nov 15, 2017  

Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU

added by anonymous
4 years ago

The immorality and amorality reign in the hearts of the 'leaders' of the world, political and religious; from Vatican to Canterbury, and on through their subdivisions, and through the 'Holy Tribunal of The Inquisition', DBA now as The United Nations Security Council. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU As long as governments and religious leaders function in accordance with the daily prescribed rules of ERIS and ARES, PLUTO will be working full time, enjoying the smell of the holocaust of children on the four corners of the Earth. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Blissed are the eyes that can scan the soul of words within their breath of meaning, and reveal the colors of their images with hues of understanding. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU The mind of a Poet is a creative engine of beauty, wonders and grace to diffuse love, harmony; to learn and to teach; to instruct and defend art and the language; and to stimulate intuition and imagination. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Poets have written the most important facts and events of our planet, and of the universe. They have been the fountain of knowledge for historians in all fields of the human culture; for philologists, linguisticians, and grammarians; — mothers, fathers and guardians — of the languages, throughout the history of Mankind. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A Poet may express her/his natural emotions, the intergalactic wonders, or serve as an interpreter for what is possible to exist, could have existed or exists around her/his perception. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Friends are linked by the most powerful energy of the nature of the Human Race; the energy that is the sister of Motherhood; the energy of Friendship. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A free thinker is one that acts self directed, and learns through resourceful thoughts; that questions everything, and knows the words she/he conveys. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Know the words that You use, — for once they are used — they will identify the true picture of one's intelligence. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Words are the vehicle of Soul’s creation, and the voice of one’s heart. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Inspiration is a tourist in the artistic land of hard work. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU What makes the history of a Poet is not the number of pages written, but the number of souls inspired by her or his work. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A poem is a spice for everyone’s cerebral diet; a sublime companion, always present to ignite one’s intellectual dynamo; and to prod the heart to pump beauty.— Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A poem is a precious jar of perfume that needs to be packed accordingly. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Words can have beauty and meaning, but when they are poetized, they have the meaning of beauty. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU A Poet paints with words, and writes with mathematized forms of geometric metaphors. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Any one can learn mathematics, music and letters, and earn a Ph.D. in Poetics, but only a Poet can learn all that, and write with syllables of love and art. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU In English, as in any other language, there are rules that one must follow. In Poetry one must follow the language’s rules, and feel free to improve any branch of the poetic art; one has license to create around, change forms, styles and concepts, but one can never forget that there is no 'poetic license' to ignore the language and its principles. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU Let mankind understand the order of the planet./It’s time for all to gather and sow seed of justice,/Before time disallows use of tools to build ships/To rescue human children from deluge of blood! http://allpoetry.com/poem/6415503 — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU When we understand that we are the human race, there will be no places for Eris and Ares on this planet. — Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU

Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU

added by anonymous
4 years ago

Sputnik Planitia may be as important for Pluto's climate as the ocean is for Earth's climate, if you remove Sputnik Planitia -- if you remove the heart of Pluto -- you won't have the same circulation.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
5 years ago

This highlights the fact that Pluto's atmosphere and winds -- even if the density of the atmosphere is very low -- can impact the surface.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
5 years ago

Before New Horizons, everyone thought Pluto was going to be a netball -- completely flat, almost no diversity, but it's completely different. It has a lot of different landscapes and we are trying to understand what's going on there.

Tanguy Bertrand

Found on CNN
5 years ago

In fact, if you put Earth where Pluto is, it would be excluded !

Alan Stern

Found on CNN
5 years ago

It looks like there will be a few unanticipated rules to comply with, though, ultimately a positive outlook. The real power of this coin will likely unleash though in 2021 when power Pluto lands on Facebook's Mercury.

Rebecca Gordon

Found on CNN
5 years ago

What the study found was when Pluto is farthest away from the Sun, and during its Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, nitrogen freezes out of the atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure has tripled over the past three decades, but as the planet orbits, our modelling showed that most of the atmosphere would condense out to almost nothing left.

Andrew Cole

Found on CNN
5 years ago

This new object has the largest orbit of all the extremely distant objects that stay well beyond Pluto.

Scott Sheppard

Found on CNN
6 years ago

All those people who are mad that Pluto is no longer a planet can be thrilled to know that there is a real planet out there still to be found.

Mike Brown

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

The New Horizons mission has taken what we thought we knew about Pluto and turned it upside down, the New Horizons mission's why we explore -- to satisfy our innate curiosity and answer deeper questions about how we got here and what lies beyond the next horizon. Related : Spacecraft achieves flyby of Pluto, then calls home September NASA, which is discussing a slew of Pluto discoveries at the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Sciences in National Harbor, Md. this week, highlighted the ‘ cryovolcanoes ’ as a key finding. Geologists on the New Horizons team combined images of Pluto’s surface to make 3-D maps that indicate two of Pluto’s most distinctive mountains could be ice volcanoes. In its statement September NASA explained that the ‘ cryovolcanoes ’ may even have been active in the recent past. The two candidates are large features on the dwarf planet’s surface measuring tens of miles across and several miles high. Related : September NASA releases first Pluto flyby images.

Jim Green

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Crater counts of surface areas on Pluto indicate that it has surface regions dating to just after the formation of the planets of our solar system, about four billion years ago.

September NASA

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

The fact that there are so many large faults in this part of Pluto indicates that the crust has experienced a major extension at some point in its history.

Oliver White

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Once again, the Pluto system has surprised us.

New Horizons

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

The surface of Pluto is every bit as complex as that of Mars, the randomly jumbled mountains might be huge blocks of hard water ice floating within a vast, denser, softer deposit of frozen nitrogen within the region informally named Sputnik Planum.

Jeff Moore

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Pluto is showing us a diversity of landforms and complexity of processes that rival anything we’ve seen in the solar system, if an artist had painted this Pluto before our flyby, I probably would have called it over the top — but that’s what is actually there.

New Horizons

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

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