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How to use the word persuasion in a Sentence?

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A dark pattern uses coercion, coercion is getting you to do things that you later regret. ... Persuasion is getting people to do things they do want to do, things that they don't regret.

Nir Eyal

Found on CNN
2 years ago

If you let everybody choose what they want to do, it looks like women and minority group members will spend less time on the worksite than men and white employees, people seem to like the workplace less when they are in a distinct minority. And it's not just about gender, race and ethnicity. It also shows up with respect to political persuasion, and religious beliefs.

Steven Davis

Found on CNN
2 years ago

My hot take: Good lawyers win with civility persuasion, not physical intimidation and threats of violence. We aren’t afraid to engage with people and ideas we disagree with. Apparently many of the students missed this lesson.

Kristen Waggoner

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I had to do more persuasion to convince the voters.

Micaela Smith

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

You've got to campaign everywhere and talk to everybody, some progressives bristle at this. I am not suggesting you ignore at all the persuasion work that needs to be done to engage your base, but you can't ignore rural parts of the state when you are running statewide. So, you need to show up.

Brendan McPhillips

Found on CNN
3 years ago

You could not invent a better advertisement for the legislative filibuster than what we've just seen, a President abandoning rational persuasion for pure, pure, demagoguery, a president shouting that 52 senators and millions of Americans are racist unless he gets whatever he wants is proving exactly why the framers built the Senate to check his power.

Mitch McConnell

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It's about boots on the ground, door knocking. It's about text messaging, it's not a persuasion campaign. I mean, you'll still find people that may be on the fence, but it's really about turnout. Labor knows how to turn out.

Gavin Newsom

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It's not a persuasion campaign. People are locked in. But the profound consequences -- particularly the leading candidate on the other side, Larry Elder -- people just need to take a close look.

Gavin Newsom

Found on CNN
3 years ago

We turn out our base, we're going to win, unquestionably, it's not a persuasion campaign. People are locked in. But the profound consequences -- particularly the leading candidate on the other side, Larry Elder -- people just need to take a close look.

Gavin Newsom

Found on CNN
3 years ago

This year, due to COVID, there are fewer people releasing fish here, but there is a major change in attitude towards plastic bags, after years of persuasion, now they don’t throw the plastic bags into the water anymore but collect them to be recycled.

Thich Tinh Giac

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

At this point we're still kind of at that persuasion stage where we'd like to hope that we could persuade Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner to vote for some common sense gun legislation.

Jessica Price

Found on CNN
5 years ago

This is persuasion in the interest of their project. We understand that, they put us in good hotels, treated us to nice meals.

Sandar Min

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

We need laws that protect everyone. Men and women, straights and gays, regardless of sexual perversion... ah, persuasion.

Bella Abzug

added by Normando
5 years ago

Here the great art lies, to discern in what the law is to be to restraint and punishment, and in what things persuasion only is to work.

John Milton

added by Normando
5 years ago

China has set up a deadly demographic trap for itself, condemning itself to low or no growth for years to come, regardless of how many babies they can, using persuasion or compulsion, get young women to bear.

Steven Mosher

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

The Holy See doesn't have business to promote or consular activities to direct, it's all about the big ideas and the power of persuasion.

Francis Rooney

Found on CNN
7 years ago

I have received credible reports that, over the past few years, the U.S. mission to Macedonia has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as the shaping of its media environment and civil society, often favoring groups of one political persuasion over another.

Mike Lee

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Political appointees have a lot of political persuasion, they are essentially political animals kowtowing to their political masters who have an agenda.

Army Col. Robert Maginnis

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

Jeb Bush is one of just a few candidates -- possibly the only candidate -- with multiple paths through the February states and the resources and ground game to execute in them, in addition to the durability to play aggressively inMarch, we already have the biggest ground organization in New Hampshire, where we are leading our lane, and we are about to send more resources there to grow voter contact and persuasion. This comes in addition to what we believe are the best teams in Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada.

Tim Miller

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

He has a different standard of persuasion and proof. Nothing more, he questions (climate change) and cares about the environment.

Doug Watts

Found on CNN
9 years ago

The statement itself is a clear attempt at persuasion.

The Democratic aide

Found on CNN
9 years ago

While I will certainly share my view and try to persuade them that the vote to disapprove is the right one, in my experience with matters of conscience and great consequence like this, each member ultimately comes to their own conclusion. the statement itself is a clear attempt at persuasion.

The Democratic aide

Found on CNN
9 years ago

Republicans are still very much in the television persuasion model, we are still having philosophical arguments about where we are, and meanwhile the Democrats arguing about the type of targeting to use.

Zac Moffat

Found on CNN
10 years ago

The use of violence as an instrument of persuasion is therefore inviting and seems to the discontented to be the only effective protest.

William O. Douglas

added by anonymous
10 years ago

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