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How to use the word novelty in a Sentence?

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Passports, Drivers Licenses, ID cards , Visas, Diplomas

added by fast
1 year ago

Date night is a concept with one purpose : to foster feelings of connection with an important person in your life, some core ingredients to add into any good date night include : novelty, screen-free time together, eye contact and shared experience. The more ingredients you have, the more likely you are to surpass the goal of fostering connection and move into a greater feeling of potential for growth in the relationship.

Rebecca Sokoll

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We are seeing lots of discussion and speculation about its mysterious space flavor, our fans are intrigued — they love the playful novelty.

Oana Vlad

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Before we get carried away with the novelty, I think we need to subject the promises of a CBDC to a careful critical analysis.

Randal Quarles

Found on CNN
3 years ago

My buddy( Joe Mercurio) and I were kind of like almost like giddy about it, just the novelty of what we're about to do, and I was like really looking forward to it because it was a beautiful day -- gave me reason to be out and about and being outside.

Andre Fersa

Found on CNN
4 years ago

We're confident about this weekend, but thereafter we're not so sure, the novelty might wear off.

Joseph Ryan

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Every man and their dog is trying to run their own esports series now but the novelty of just watching some real world drivers compete in a virtual race has worn off, it's like 'I've seen that now'. It's got to be quite engaging, which is why we changed our format.

Rupert Svendsen-Cook

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

What started off with some novelty gets harder as we all settle in for the long haul. So we're managing both of our full-time jobs and three children who really need us to be around for them to be successful.

Joshua Lookstein

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Yasuke was initially viewed as a source of entertainment as he was a novelty, but within a month he'd become a valued samurai and member of Oda's entourage, according to the sources, Nobunaga Oda just loved talking with Yasuke.

Thomas Lockley

Found on CNN
5 years ago

We were just hysterical laughing about this, it was an exciting novelty that Bernard Sanders had the chutzpah to jump in there.

Jim Rader

Found on CNN
5 years ago

I'm getting tired of the novelty of the first female governor of this state, the first female African American mayor of this city, when is it going to become the norm instead of the exception ? How are these young women looking up and seeing someone that looks like them, preparing them for the future ? We don't have enough female role models. We don't have enough visible women leaders. We don't have enough women in power.

Muffet McGraw

Found on CNN
5 years ago

President Bush wasn't the first to use signing statements, but President Bush used them more often than both President Bush predecessors and successors, and, as importantly, President Bush consistently used them to advance an aggressive theory of constitutional limits on Congress' power to interfere with the Executive Branch that was largely a novelty.

Stephen Vladeck

Found on CNN
6 years ago

To me she was a novelty because the idea of having someone who was promoting gun rights in the former Soviet Union under Putin was kind of an interesting thing, that was kind of her badge that she carried around and what everyone was interested in.

Saul Anuzis

Found on CNN
6 years ago

It turns out that it was a novelty grenade that a young person had packed in their bags but we didn't know that, so immediately the protocols were put in place.

Bill Begley

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

It is a huge problem right now, there’s the novelty of a new product, and everybody wants to take them with them. Things just tend to walk away.

Nick Richards

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Previous studies had really only said that anticholinergics were associated with dementia incidence, but we broke it down by class, which is where our study really has its novelty and power.

George Savva

Found on CNN
6 years ago

It becomes like an addiction to novelty without substance, when you get a match with someone, it literally gives you a boost of dopamine, and you think, There’s no cost to continuing to play. The dating apps know this, and they are exploiting the shit out of our reward pathways to make sure that we’re always coming back.

Steve Dean

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

In the cocktail age we’re in, I could see this being something of interest to people at home and bartenders, there’s a novelty to it that’s potentially interesting.

Allen Katz

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

The charm of anything is in it's novelty.

Siddharth Astir

added by anonymous
8 years ago

I think it is a novelty and special so I wanted to have a try, and it does taste really good, cute and tasty.

Miss Su

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

I had no idea this sort of thing was out there, i'd been driving a 15-year-old Jeep, which only had cruise control that you constantly had to adjust, so all these new features are a novelty.

Mark Goldsmith

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Elissa Weitzman told FoxNews.com. But Jerry Mcarthur says it's up to the consumer to use it legally. Jerry Mcarthur noted that Jerry Mcarthur Lolo Lid will have a disclaimer on the packaging warning users about public drinking and added Lolo Lids works just as well with sodas and other non-alcoholic beverages. At the end of the day it’s a novelty product and people can use it how they want to use it.

Jerry Mcarthur

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Now, over a year on, the business is better than when we opened, way past the novelty peak, and it has all the goings of improving further.

Susana Felicidade

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

The important thing to remember is that an iconic band with a dedicated fan base -- they aren’t going to do anything simply for novelty, sure, it will serve a purpose on the record, which, featuring production by Ronson and Rodgers, will be awesome.

Rolling Stones writer Steve Baltin

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

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