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How to use the word joined in a Sentence?

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I’ll tell you why I’m particularly proud of this sailor, so, her grandfather served during World War II, and he was gay and he was ostracized in the very institution that she not only joined and is proud to be a part of, but she volunteered to deploy on Ford and she’ll likely deploy again next month when Ford goes back to sea.

Michael Gilday

Found on CNN
1 year ago

I know you just joined the case last week but there is no evidence of that.

Timothy Kelly

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Hell, they almost broke me. I worked in the back with people whose names were Gomez and Garcia and who could barely understand me. I unloaded sofas, washing machines, a cast iron stove for God’s sake. Nearly broke me. I looked forward to a cigarette break with a madman’s glee, and I was joined by the others, the cigarette the communal language. When I finally finished my community service, they gave me my paperwork to take back to court and on it they wrote great worker, thanks and I felt more satisfaction out of that than nearly all of my poemsies I’ve ever had published.

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
2 years ago

I think that was pretty tough for him in a lot of ways, because Zak joined with the US, allied with the US, essentially to have a more prosperous Afghanistan that he wanted to invest in, that he wanted to raise his family in, that he believed in, so, for him to make that decision to leave only came after like, significant duress, significant persecution … almost nightly death threats to his home.

Tom Schueman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We had 18 Republicans, who joined with Democrats in the Senate, get on their fancy planes and go home, and we’re sitting here trying to do the work of the people, not spend money we don’t have, not drive up more inflation, not have 7,500 earmarks for $16 billion for pet leftist projects across this country.

Chip Roy

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Sentiment and market momentum have turned decidedly negative, earnings fears have now joined inflation and Federal Reserve at the front of mind of investors.

Mark Hackett

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Shortly after the arrival of these individuals, Martha’s Vineyard residents joined with local and state officials to create temporary shelter and provide necessities in a moment of urgent need, however, the island communities are not equipped to provide sustainable accommodation, and state officials developed a plan to deliver a comprehensive humanitarian response.

Charlie Baker

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

President Biden has always stressed how eager he is to continue working across the aisle to make progress for American families, at the same time, he has joined leading conservative voices like Judge Michael Luttig and Liz Cheney in denouncing violence, threats and attempts to override the will of voters in elections – which we should all reject, regardless of politics.

White House

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

There have been fledgling groups gathering since 8th of August but it escalated and got much worse today. More people joined in huge numbers and there were clashes with police and there was violence on both sides. Some people lost their lives but I don't know the count, the economic situation in the country is really bad, the government says it is due to Ukraine and coronavirus crisis but to date youth unemployment is very high. There are a lot of disgruntled young people in the country.

Morris Marah

Found on CNN
2 years ago

If we can all stop shouting, start listening, and try to find some common ground, I believe we can change the world, that’s why I have joined Daniel and other founding partners of the Starts With Us movement.

Jason Alexander

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Ramesh Sunny Balwani joined Theranos because Ramesh Sunny Balwani believed in Theranos' technology and the groundbreaking mission. Ramesh Sunny Balwani didn't join Theranos because Elizabeth was Ramesh Sunny Balwani girlfriend.

Stephen Cazares

Found on CNN
2 years ago

When I joined the Navy, I was working at a clothing store on Melrose Boulevard, my dream was to continue in the field… I loved serving in the military, but I never really got to follow my passion. In 2019, I gained a little bit of a social media following. I thought I had the influence to start a business. And I wanted to help other women find what works for their bodies… I wanted to show people that you can be in the military, but still have a love of fashion and embrace that. You don’t have to separate the two. I’ve been doing that for three years now. It’s been wonderful.

Janae Sergio

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other, to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.

Author Unknown

added by unochickie
2 years ago

Oh the Rolls Royce was amazing, i was like, ‘Oh, new dream car,’ and it had an all orange interior. Itwas gorgeous. I went to Miami, and my four best friends joined me down there, and we threw this big birthday thing at The Sugar Factory. It was amazing. I was so astonished by, like,I really didn't think it was gonna be that big, and I was so excited.

Hannah Gosselin

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Ultimately, the American Medical Association joined the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council and others to sue the The FDA, essentially saying,' you've ignored the citizens petition for too long,' the judge sided with them and and gave The FDA the deadline of last April to essentially to say what they were going to do.

Erika Sward

Found on CNN
2 years ago

When I joined the London Metal Exchange floor in the late 1970s, it was very much a' my word is my bond' type of place, there were probably as many deals done on the floor as there were in the pub next door.

John Browning

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Obviously, you want her back safe, but overseas is overseas and that’s what the focus of this campaign also is — to (show) how much women have to go through and not having the choice to stay home. All of us play overseas, and I think understanding that we have great marketing and great talent here in the states and understand that we should be here and be able to play here. So that’s the focus as well. You get better at your craft. BRITTNEY GRINER ARREST IN MIDST OF RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR 'KIND OF A PERFECT STORM,' SPORTS ATTORNEY SAYS WNBA star Jewell Loyd, middle, launched The Future of Basketball is Female campaign. Juju Watkins, far left, Hailey Van Lith, left of Loyd, Isabella 'Jiggy Izzy' Escribano, right of Loyd, and Jamad Fiin joined her. (Future of Basketball is female Campaign).

Jewell Loyd

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Despite being very conservative, when I joined the Carroll ISD [Independent School District] Diversity Council, they assumed I was a liberal because I’m Hispanic, what I saw shocked me. The left’s hateful ideologies were being taught to our children. I raised my voice, sounded the alarm, and joined fellow parents in fighting back.

Victor Avila

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The focus is on Mayfield and Graves County for homeowners who had no insurance or too little insurance, and the community has really rallied around that and joined our effort, we’re looking to rebuild homes in their same spots and put them [homeowners] back in a home as soon as possible.

Heather Massey

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We joined forces and the rest is pretty much history.

Matt Winans

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Unless someone is having issues with their equipment or access, has personally had a bad customer service experience, or joined during quarantine, didn't like it and are now back at a gym, I can't imagine anyone abandoning ship because of the stock price and PR, the bigger risk to me is my favorite instructors leaving or the company drastically changing the content.

Shawna Cohn

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I don't think' the great resignation' is the real story when you look( at the fact that) more people joined the workforce last year than any time last 25 years, but I think a lot of people did leave the workforce because they weren't earning good wages and, for whatever reason, decided to leave.

Marty Walsh

Found on CNN
3 years ago

My personal opinion is that Finland should have joined in 1995, at the same time when we joined the E.U. My opinion has not changed. Now, it is more a question of timing. Finland’s military system is more NATO compatible than those of some NATO members. Negotiations are never a walk in the park, but in the case of Finland the membership track would be fast.

Prime Minister Stubbs

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Paul Archuleta/Getty Images might as well be joined at the hip ! loretta Swit see each other quite frequently. … Every time Loretta Swit lose a comrade, it’s a body blow. Loretta Swit feel it harshly, badly. People always ask me, ‘ Do you ever see them ? ’ When do I not see them ?' These are n’t casual acquaintances from years ago. This is my family. … So much of my life can be credited to my family.

Loretta Swit

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

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