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How to use the word introduce in a Sentence? Page #2

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Once we meet her, we will be able to introduce her to the campus. We are hoping to raise the $ 4,400 again, i think my favorite part of all of this is the genuine joy we see from our( Make-A-Wish) kids and their families. It could be a while before a child gets their wish granted, so it is a matter of timing. We have been lucky to have two really great families to work with so far.

Shelby Maly

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We just cannot afford to panic with the United States, especially and with other partners and allies, we may have difference of opinions on when to introduce sanctions. We may have difference of opinions on some issues.

Oksana Markarova

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

A robust Saudi missile program would introduce new challenges to constraining other missile programs in the region. To take just one example, Iran's missiles, which are a major concern to the U.S., would be more difficult to constrain in the future without parallel constraints on a growing Saudi program.

Ankit Panda

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Congresswoman Greene is a new member, and we will be paying a visit to Congresswoman Greene and delivering delicious Chamorro Chip Cookies as part of our ongoing outreach to new members to introduce them to our wonderful island of Guam.

Michael San Nicolas

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

When they have these weapons, the first time there's an argument — a disagreement — they want to introduce these weapons into that scenario, we see this play out time and time again.

Ethan Crumbly mugshot

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Foreign nationals should not be able to engage in America’s democratic process, it is illegal for foreign nationals to donate to political candidates, parties, and committees. I will soon introduce legislation to extend that commonsense protection of our political process to ballot initiatives and other referendums. We must do everything we can to protect the votes of American citizens.

Marco Rubio

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

What each side is going to do is attempt to prejudice the jury right out of the chute, to strategically plant seeds to subtly set forth their positions, for a seasoned judge, it’s going to be a challenge here because some lawyers are really good and able to slowly introduce their case in the form of questions to the potential jurors.

William Hanrahan

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

It is very important that this now must go through the usual process of careful examination of the data by the Food and Drug Administration both for effectiveness, but also for safety, because whenever you introduce a new compound, safety is very important.

Anthony Fauci

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It is very important that this now must go through the usual process of careful examination of the data by the Food and Drug Administration both for effectiveness, but also for safety, because whenever you introduce a new compounds, safety is very important.

Anthony Fauci

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Sometimes, it can only take a single individual who's got a profile and a following among the young to shift expectations, or to introduce new ideas to make something that once seemed the preserve of some scientists and policy nerds, something that we should all be thinking about, i think sport has a huge role to play in this.

Andrew Simms

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Hurricanes need relatively moist conditions and an unstable atmosphere, the Saharan Air Layer is a warm and dry layer that located about 15,000 feet high so basically that will introduce very dry and warm conditions in the north Atlantic, so that will create very stable and unfavorable conditions to hurricanes.

Bowen Pan

Found on CNN
3 years ago

In cases that involve victims of corporate human rights abuses, business-versus-consumer cases, and family law -- in those cases, the party that has more financial resources may try to introduce arguments about which country should be hearing the case, and whether a UK court judgment can be enforced, i think that the Commission's being short sighted by treating this solely as a way to withhold a favor from the UK, because this doesn't just negatively affect the UK, it will affect EU nationals too.

Zach Meyers

Found on CNN
3 years ago

To help more creators make a living on our platforms, we're going to keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, badges, and our upcoming independent news products free for creators until 2023, and when we do introduce a revenue share, it will be less than the 30 % that Apple and others take.

Mark Zuckerberg

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The opinion essay … was used an in-class assignment where the article was read together as a class, the teacher's purpose for introducing this essay was to introduce students to opinion writing while drawing correlations with 'The Watsons Go to Birmingham' as a secondary source to help support the context and events in the book.

Education Services Ondrea Reed

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The idea of establishing a collegiate hockey program at Tennessee State University is a tremendous opportunity as the nation's first HBCU to take on this endeavor, this allows us to expand the sport, increase diversity, and introduce a new fan base.

Glenda Glover

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Efforts have been made to suppress the vote. Efforts have been made to introduce bills that would suppress the vote, a dozen states including Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania, have introduced legislation to limit access to vote by mail.

Amy Klobuchar

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

There are great ways to introduce payment for order flows, in particular if the broker decides to share revenue with clients, enabling better price execution, in the U.S., because of a lack of transparency, and a misunderstanding of the business model, there was a huge backlash against this.

Chief Executive Michael Katchen

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

Republicans have a great chance to win statewide this year, what we don't know now is what Donald Trump has done to the environment. Has Donald Trump permanently hurt the brand here or can Republicans get a fair shot to introduce themselves to voters again without Donald Trump baggage hanging around ?

Tucker Martin

Found on CNN
4 years ago

We have not taken any decision, in fact we’ve not actually discussed whether or not to introduce negative rates.

England Governor Andrew Bailey

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

The biggest problem with this proposal is not what it would definitely do, but the extraordinary uncertainty it would introduce with extremely unpredictable consequences.

David Johnson

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

We're going to introduce a bill tomorrow night.

Bill Cassidy

Found on CNN
4 years ago

There's potential to introduce hundreds of millions of viewers to trans people, and showing people who may not understand us, that we can tell our own stories.

Janet Mock

Found on CNN
4 years ago

As we introduce more efficient formats, we're reducing the long lines that sometimes occur in metro locations, unlocking more sales.

Roz Brewer

Found on CNN
4 years ago

We started with the goal to introduce Tulsa to the nation and create a vibrant and diverse talent ecosystem within our community, we seek to bring people from diverse industries and skill sets that bring jobs with them into our economy, and at the same time, population growth is always important.

Ben Stewart

Found on CNN
4 years ago

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