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How to use the word intelligent in a Sentence?

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While it would be silly and ungracious to insist that intelligent deliberation on public issues is nowhere found in modern communities, it would be naive to imagine that wise deliberation can survive the constant pounding from self-interested political behavior. Benevolence in public institutions has a short half-life no matter how noble its original intentions. and Once [a] program is in place, its day-to-day administration falls into the hands of a professional cadre besieged by powerful interest groups whose influence grows as public interest wanes. . . . A slow process of disintegration and reconfiguration sets in, transforming and expanding a program from within.

Richard A. Epstein

added by Normando
1 month ago

When you kill an intelligent man for exposing the truth, you give rise to ten more who were previously quiet.

Genius Omuzira

added by geniusomuzira
6 months ago

Artificial intelligence is only as intelligent as the artifice you program into it.

The Covert Comic

added by l_i
7 months ago

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

Edward Bernays

added by Normando
8 months ago

When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

Isaac Asimov

added by JokerGem
8 months ago

If there is creation then there must be a creator. If there is a car then there must be a car maker. You can’t create something from nothing. Non intelligent matter cannot create itself into highly intelligent forms.

Tommy Zegan

added by TommyZegan
9 months ago

. 0 concept of love in all. I. E pure concentrated love. 0.creator as still or reflex held by force of love I. E 2 (known love and expressing knowing love) Impact 1. Love as within creator I. E Love Rebirth as dot or complex point of love without shape I. E Chaos of love. 2. Love as word or complex concept as containable or renewable within the hold and held love I. E Sharing within being or conshence I. E . Comprehension of love as communicable. 3.Negotiation and mediation of love? Love 2 is the impact glitter expressed on loves first impact of love witnessed and expressed by creator of devine mother and devine father making 3 minds creating flirting between the glitter expression of love I. E First line and Chatline 3 movement of love expression to remind you of its initial impact leading to longevity of love or relove I.E relovence or re-love-nice =3 I. E Revival of love as Spirit world. I. E love breathing in-out-in forming a triangle or breast shape or first shaping of love as air, gender deference, souls, objects of living light, physical world and physical life of mind consciousness or free will, life from physical, mind and spiritual shaping negotiation or law of path/ direction of purpose of mind and living body or plant or mineral or possible non soul spiritual mineral I. E Crystal body or element combinations within development changes of souls. E. g pure souls, souls situatable or adaptable in certain devine or non devine times or dimensions. or planetary souls E. G Ghia or earth on devine blueprint. I. E Balance of Common sense, E. G laws of love unitys or soul families and positive hate destruction of useless or worthlessness with existence concepts harmonised together I. E developing or cocreating reasons for existing or awakening or type of assension or manifestations of love I. E Miracles or devine intervention, gifts or talent I.E Lesson or learning or shining your light as ripple affect or higher vibration or density of spirit movement or dream or physical patterns, codes or visions in residual energy and intelligent residual energy I. E Signs from God and resonate understanding or constancy of love as power or tasks for fullfilment within a void or despite darkness because of transmuting curses or negative energy by angels of light and light workers or good or bad magik or dark angels or demons for flowing of energy between the conscious motivation of guides and intuitive guidance from light spirit guides, ancestors and skilled angels of light to challenge or individual expression of the personality of free will or choice I. E God consciousness or christ consciousness or ascended master consciousness as Living light oneness or loveness or the religion of love as a collective or human, animal, soul, creator equality or knowing. Open hearted connection between consciousness as collectivity within a meditative state or god being I. E truth E. G perception beyond restraint, with developed self restraint or full awareness of materialism, self worth, family and other responsibilities OR Father Mother God/Yahway work I. E Love language or empathy teaching, devine reiki healing or tarot. Leading to flowing leadership of love deligation in roles I. E De ja vu or job changes or nudging between paths of life and moving between houses and/or as conscious prayer granting or self healing through awakening techniques E.g the infinity breath deep breathing or connecting with Father mother god light or through deeper bliss pain or full psychic tolerance. Reaching inner peace place within peace. Enlightenment of initial connection with first love impact and return of beginning of thought renewal or fresh start of microthought or rebirth of macro thought or simple everyday acceptance of loves conception for the greater good E. g Dependant decisions of acts of kindness and going out of your way to realise love through release of painfull memory and facing fears within memories or through flooding exposure without fear or need for expression of fear E.g Clarity or closure release that resonates in now time E.g through adult devine intimacy reinnocence or self acceptance and understanding of forgiveness and need of forgiveness E. g awareness of thoughts that are not of your devine souls influence through your higher self I.e God loves you no matter what other people do to you.

Heather Lydia Thornhill

added by Gina.taylor
1 year ago

Behe's concept of Irreducible Complexity sparks curiosity among scientists, caught between Darwinian theory and the possibility of Intelligent Design. Regardless of whether Irreducible Complexity will gain full scientific legitimacy, will be deemed a creationist theory, or will become a point of convergence between Science and Faith, it is interestingly an additional fuel to the scientific quest. - Aloo Denish

Aloo Denish

added by Aloo-Denish
1 year ago

The truly intelligent person is one who knows when to use logic and when to rely on intuition.

Martin Tobias Lithner

added by anonymous
1 year ago

He was genuine, charming, highly intelligent, insightful, moral, fearless, romantic, and hilarious—all wrapped up in drop-dead gorgeousness.

Eliza Hutton

Found on CNN
1 year ago

What we have in Vice President Harris is a competent, capable, intelligent, authentic leader of color, people have to get comfortable seeing women, and women of color, in places of leadership, period.

Laphonza Butler

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Dr. Ijeoma Opara, you have been a blessing, you are part of our testimonial and what it means to have a community of amazing, beautiful, Black, intelligent scientists and doctors, and more important than that is your heart and your passion for the work that you do.

Andrew Hurley/Yale Bobbi mother

Found on CNN
2 years ago

This kind of technology has developed in ways that nobody could imagine, the goal of Ameca is to advocate, to showcase the technology … We’ve had people try to ask it really tough questions – visitors are trying to show how humans are more intelligent than the AI.

Al Mansoori

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

added by Normando
2 years ago

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

Charles Bukowski

added by Normando
2 years ago

The wise don't know the answer, the intelligent think they do, the crazy don't.

Wesley D'Amico

added by WesleyD'Amico
2 years ago

He used to tell me :' I'm going to get a government job. I'm going to go far in life,' he was incredibly intelligent... he was loved by all. He's not here today, and everyone has tears in their eyes.

Nikhat Parveen

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Intelligent step for investors seem is not to buy any share till Oct 2022 and if possible leave stock market for ever. But fools will remain fools and they will purchase more shares now. Till they buy shares, companies will keep dropping price and profit from it. Asian market or USA market fall, Interest rate, GDP data, inflation, FII or DII selling, Economic recession etc drama will be played as a reason for price to be lowered

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheispatel
2 years ago

Retail small traders have become more intelligent than companies on stock market because every day they see that market opens up in green but ends in red so they do not get lured of high price opening and rather they do short selling everyday to make profits. Investors numbers are decreasing fast.

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheishmpatel_2
2 years ago

Now about Oscar night, my deepest hope is that these two intelligent, capable men have an opportunity to heal, talk this out and reconcile.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Vanity, oh hey. Hello! Camera on a phone that's a snatch in the day long been stolen in a cliche' 100 in a 120 moment of Bipolarity; have enough confidence to not only be Intelligent, Vintea's tea cups never looked so _________. Who laughed at everything and mainly has 2 looks. -this was not photographed and documented today- #2022 #runningformisspetiteUSA #crownup #dewup #glitter-jey #winxandeverythangfabulous #areyourhandscleanvictoria #wheresyoupearlsatheidi #heyshelbywheresyourgoldenhairat

Talesa Marie Chartrand

added by lilbabyteaze
2 years ago

I'm going to speak up for my son because he was a warrior, he was a young man, he was intelligent, intellectual.

Tyre Sampson

Found on CNN
2 years ago

His name is Kevin, he’s very intelligent and comes from a good family. I asked if he wanted to be part of the show and he agreed. It was also a good way for me to see how he behaved in front of other people.

Von Anhalt

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

In order for people, the students, to grow into a citizen that can stay engaged with people who have a variety of opinions, which I feel like is kind of what we see disintegrating sometimes in our country, they actually need to have the vocabulary and the exposure to a range of ideas so that they can actually have an intelligent and thoughtful and respectful conversation.

Sylvia Miller-Mutia

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

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