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How to use the word greedy in a Sentence?

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If asked 'What is gratefulness?' reply: One must be humble with their treats and not give them all at once, for generous dependency comes with the greatest smile of relief but the most sickening feeling of how short the feeling will last. However if you regret giving love as such, then do not give at all for others will regret giving to you and the joy will last even shorter for you. This seems a dark path. As it is with holding back the light within. Proof of how your God is merciful or you wouldn't know what it is to have free will to give at all. You would only know the greed of knowing and never eventually share it. Though in death it is shared anyway however greedy or harsh a person is. That is why everyone is loved equally with love by a merciful God.

Heather Lydia Thornhill

added by heathert.34240
10 months ago

To me, artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT used by those with wisdom, knowledge and experience can authentically enhance the distribution of intelligence and information in a positive way. Though when used by deceptive, unexperienced and greedy fools... it can be a dangerous tool.

Loren Weisman

added by Weismanloren
2 years ago

These two women preyed on vulnerable victims who turned to them in a time of grief and sadness. But instead of offering guidance, these greedy women betrayed the trust of hundreds of victims and mutilated their loved ones, without knowledge or consent, the women disrespected the wishes of the grieving victims and degraded the bodies of their family members to sell them for profit.

Leonard Carollo

Found on CNN
2 years ago

People had seen how CHIT FUND turned out to be a scam and fraud and how the same was promoted by greedy bollywood celebrities and cricketers for money purpose. Now the same CHIT FUND seems to have taken a new avtaar of MUTUAL FUND n SIP

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheispatel
2 years ago

Stock market exchange sees that greedy ordinary people are getting inside seeing 40-85% downfall of share price and therefore SENSEX and NIFTY will not rise for sure. Many stock price was artificially balooned by their corrupt management and even at current level it is very high and may even further go down 40% low

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheishmpatel_2
2 years ago

Another example to prove that this stock market's bumper downfall is manipulated to boost privatization is that private banks share price has not fallen so much as much as that of govt banks. Attempt is being made to sell all PSUs to greedy private players by Government

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheishmpatel_2
2 years ago

But to bully and gaslight developers into thinking that we need to be kissing Apple's feet for permitting us to add billions of dollars of value to their platform is not only greedy, stingy, and morally reprehensible, but deeply insulting.

Marco Arment

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I am not visually greedy, that would be amazing.

Barry Honig

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I personably believe that as long as we have the tree of the Christ Child in our living room and a wreath on the door and as long as men can kneel down and pray to God that there’ll be less men on their knees shooting guns in foxholes. Remember it’s the birthday of the Christ Child and not a holiday for the greedy and with this in mind, may I say Merry Christmas to you all and God bless you.”

Red Skelton

added by anonymous
4 years ago

What assurance have we that our masters will or can keep the promise which induced us to sell ourselves? Let us not be deceived by phrases about 'Man taking charge of his own destiny'. All that can really happen is that some men will take charge of the destiny of the others. They will be simply men; none perfect; some greedy, cruel and dishonest. The more completely we are planned the more powerful they will be. Have we discovered some new reason why, this time, power should not corrupt as it has done before?

C. S. Lewis

added by Normando
4 years ago

Ive been called a greedy treasure hunter, a grave robber, i find these charges to be personally insulting.

David Gallo

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

We have had one friendly e-mail saying they see it the way we do, meaning these are historical objects, but 99% of the emails we received included very bad insults where history is reduced to claiming we are just greedy neo-Nazis.

Bernhard Pacher

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

We are the protectors of the demands of the people, we are not greedy for power.

Omar Zain al-Abideen

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

These are the faces that have spent their entire lives producing puppies for pet stores and consumers who dont care to do research. . These dogs have suffered immensely at the hands of greedy humans.

Releash Atlanta

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

People have become extremely superficial, and feel the need to use and worship a worthless, and fictitious paper out of thin air, which is backed by absolutely nothing, called money (that everyone's been conned into) to be socially respected. People are so lost and franticly divided in their miniscule gender war, chauvinistic and narcissistic fashionista, sports, porn, drug and alcohol consuming, sue happy, sadistic, profiteering sociopathic and psychopathic false ideological (religious and political) activities, that they look but don't see their future right in their face, and yet careless to wake up, acknowledge, and react. I guess Murphy is right, when he says The light at the end of the tunnel, is the train heading for us! This ill fated world population has become a giant worn-out, and sabotaged machine that continues to operate for worse, heading to self-destruction. Thanks to our caring corporate bought and paid- for governments for providing us the indoctrinations and mind controlling schools, press, entertainment, social media, health, politics ( left vs right paradigm, and etc.), religions, police, and justice systems, and not to mention, all ideological (religious and political) high priests, who believe and follow the God named Benjamin, are nothing more than unlawfully paid and legalised criminals in uniform, who are employed to exploit and violate everyone's fundamental rights, sovereignty, well being, and withholding the truth, to prevent mankind’s awakening, and constantly injecting fear into all, while the corporate jezebels rapists, and paedophiliacs that we refer to as politicians, use Hegelian dialectic, spread propagandas, and manufacture false flags to raid and plunder innocents at home and around the world, in the name of security, peace, freedom, health, law, science, and technology. On top of all, these power hungry and greedy psychopaths deploy AI, 5G towers, smart meters, robots, contaminated water supplies, genetically modified junks, chemtrails, poisonous and cancerous treatments, lab generated diseases, euthanasia, mind controlling devices (TVs, phones, tablets, desktops and laptops), pictures and audios with subliminal messages, to infiltrate every individual's body and mind to it's core, redirecting our impulses, and artificially inducing our state of consciousness as mentioned in They Live, in pursuit of destruction of mankind's collectiveness, and driving all livings into extinction, where, the unofficial Doomsday clock is only 15 seconds to midnight! For as long as people are kept asleep, and continue supplying their sweat, voice, time, and efforts to these self entitled, parasitic, and merciless predators known as the ruling class, nothing will change, and the agenda will continue forward, full steam. This is a world-wide madness, and it requires large supplies in high doses of red pill to prevent the annihilation of our beautiful nature and the mother Earth.

Brian Deschanel

added by Londoner0870
6 years ago

My opponent, greedy drug company CEO Bob Hugin, is going to have to answer for his record of driving up prices for cancer patients while making millions for himself.

New Jersey

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

This all could have been avoided with better communication and better training for all involved, let’s face it, if you offer someone a new ticket and a little more than $800, you’ll have more people jumping off. United never expected something like this but because they were being greedy and put crewmembers above the customer, common sense flew out the window.

Charles Carroll

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I won’t let greedy white collars destroy my love letter.

Kelley Drake

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

We will be searching for a strategic partner who understands and knows that one should not be greedy while buying, let's say, 19 percent of shares in Rosneft, that (partner) should not pay attention to the current share price but should look into the future.

President Vladimir Putin

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

The question is, do people feel like that's best executed by giving to a campaign that they're invested in or another candidate's super PAC or our effort? we're not particularly greedy about it coming to our effort, although we have had a lot of enthusiasm for our effort.

Katie Packer

Found on CNN
9 years ago

The problem is that the UK can't be seen as being too greedy and mercenary. It's going from one extreme to another.

Kerry Brown

Found on CNN
9 years ago

I don't begrudge anybody their share, but when businesses are abusing already injured people, it is greedy, it is wrong and it shouldn't be allowed.

Tracy Rizzo

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

The environmental groups did not expect to run everyone out of water, but they got greedy, shut down the whole system, and ran the whole damned state dry.

Devin Nunes

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Narcissism is absolutely toxic to society, when faced with common resources, narcissists take more for themselves and leave less for others. They tend to be greedy and take too many risks. They feel entitled, don't think about consequences and assume that everything will turn out great.

Jean Twenge

Found on CNN
10 years ago

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    a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect
    A rumpus
    B loom
    C affront
    D famish