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How to use the word granting in a Sentence?

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. 0 concept of love in all. I. E pure concentrated love. 0.creator as still or reflex held by force of love I. E 2 (known love and expressing knowing love) Impact 1. Love as within creator I. E Love Rebirth as dot or complex point of love without shape I. E Chaos of love. 2. Love as word or complex concept as containable or renewable within the hold and held love I. E Sharing within being or conshence I. E . Comprehension of love as communicable. 3.Negotiation and mediation of love? Love 2 is the impact glitter expressed on loves first impact of love witnessed and expressed by creator of devine mother and devine father making 3 minds creating flirting between the glitter expression of love I. E First line and Chatline 3 movement of love expression to remind you of its initial impact leading to longevity of love or relove I.E relovence or re-love-nice =3 I. E Revival of love as Spirit world. I. E love breathing in-out-in forming a triangle or breast shape or first shaping of love as air, gender deference, souls, objects of living light, physical world and physical life of mind consciousness or free will, life from physical, mind and spiritual shaping negotiation or law of path/ direction of purpose of mind and living body or plant or mineral or possible non soul spiritual mineral I. E Crystal body or element combinations within development changes of souls. E. g pure souls, souls situatable or adaptable in certain devine or non devine times or dimensions. or planetary souls E. G Ghia or earth on devine blueprint. I. E Balance of Common sense, E. G laws of love unitys or soul families and positive hate destruction of useless or worthlessness with existence concepts harmonised together I. E developing or cocreating reasons for existing or awakening or type of assension or manifestations of love I. E Miracles or devine intervention, gifts or talent I.E Lesson or learning or shining your light as ripple affect or higher vibration or density of spirit movement or dream or physical patterns, codes or visions in residual energy and intelligent residual energy I. E Signs from God and resonate understanding or constancy of love as power or tasks for fullfilment within a void or despite darkness because of transmuting curses or negative energy by angels of light and light workers or good or bad magik or dark angels or demons for flowing of energy between the conscious motivation of guides and intuitive guidance from light spirit guides, ancestors and skilled angels of light to challenge or individual expression of the personality of free will or choice I. E God consciousness or christ consciousness or ascended master consciousness as Living light oneness or loveness or the religion of love as a collective or human, animal, soul, creator equality or knowing. Open hearted connection between consciousness as collectivity within a meditative state or god being I. E truth E. G perception beyond restraint, with developed self restraint or full awareness of materialism, self worth, family and other responsibilities OR Father Mother God/Yahway work I. E Love language or empathy teaching, devine reiki healing or tarot. Leading to flowing leadership of love deligation in roles I. E De ja vu or job changes or nudging between paths of life and moving between houses and/or as conscious prayer granting or self healing through awakening techniques E.g the infinity breath deep breathing or connecting with Father mother god light or through deeper bliss pain or full psychic tolerance. Reaching inner peace place within peace. Enlightenment of initial connection with first love impact and return of beginning of thought renewal or fresh start of microthought or rebirth of macro thought or simple everyday acceptance of loves conception for the greater good E. g Dependant decisions of acts of kindness and going out of your way to realise love through release of painfull memory and facing fears within memories or through flooding exposure without fear or need for expression of fear E.g Clarity or closure release that resonates in now time E.g through adult devine intimacy reinnocence or self acceptance and understanding of forgiveness and need of forgiveness E. g awareness of thoughts that are not of your devine souls influence through your higher self I.e God loves you no matter what other people do to you.

Heather Lydia Thornhill

added by Gina.taylor
1 year ago

Like a river's flow, forgiveness cascades, Washing away resentment's dark shades, It breaks the chains that bind the heart, Granting liberation, a brand-new start.

Oscar Auliq-Ice

added by Auliq-Ice
1 year ago

I walked into one of the first( CFP) meetings when we were looking at the format and said, ‘ If we want to expand to eight teams for the playoff with no automatic bids, I ’ll have that conversation, ’ but moving to an eight-team playoff and granting what were going to be six automatic bids, reducing at-large access, is unwise.

Southeastern Conference

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Granting legal equality is often easier to achieve than issues that try to get at material or political equality, where there is something quite valuable that is being allocated and people feel not just a loss of some symbol but a genuine sense of a loss of power, or a threat to their material well-being.

Omar Wasow

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Affirmative action is a more demanding ask of a white majority than something like interracial marriage because there's no sense of, if these people get married, I'm denying an opportunity to Omar Wasow, granting people the legal right to marry has no material cost to people who had that right but were denying it to others.

Omar Wasow

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I'm going to start over, as soon as the panel comes up, I'm granting the motion. We're going to start over.

Carolyn McCann

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Governor Brown believes that granting clemency is an extraordinary act that should be reserved for individuals who have made incredible changes and who are dedicated to making their communities better, she evaluates clemency applications on a case-by-case basis and considers a variety of factors about the applicant’s history and case when making those decisions.

Charles Boyle

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

For the past twenty-one years, both the state and federal judicial system have been involved in scrutinizing this case, the courts have heard multiple appeals in multiple forms and at multiple levels from Julius Jones. They have found no claim which necessitated the granting of relief.

Paul Howell website

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Dr. Busch has an established policy at Twin Palms Chiropractic of meeting personally with a student and parent and/or legal guardian to determine whether a medical condition within the scope of practice as a licensed chiropractor exists which warrants the granting of a mask exemption under the guidelines established by the Sarasota County School Board.

Bryan Kessler

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Kathy Hochul, who had no power as lieutenant governor to really influence things, will have all the power as governor to be able to greenlight and influence deals between state regulators and state agencies and public authorities and Delaware North, bottom line : She's in a place to make Delaware North a ton of money if she was so inclined, by granting them favorable treatment and putting her thumb on the scale.

John Kaehny

Found on CNN
3 years ago

In granting Beijing host status for the Olympic Games, we are crowning a barbarous regime with laurels while we should be condemning their abuse and genocide.

Chris Smith

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We are indeed granting AccorInvest a state-backed loan of half a billion euros ... It is certain. We are finalising this loan today.

Bruno Le Maire

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

Granting reciprocal treatment based on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is standard practice between equal partners and we are confident that we can clear this issue with our friends in London in a satisfactory manner.

Peter Stano

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

It's never more important to move slowly and carefully before granting the state new powers than in the wake of tragedies.

Brian Doherty

added by Normando
4 years ago

When you see a white person here you think Bery Glaser're coming with the biggest opportunities, so people like Bery Glaser are able to use their privilege to oppress and exploit our people, the Ugandan government should be doing thorough and proper checks on Bery Glaser backgrounds at home [ before granting visas ], and also the work these people are doing in our communities.

Olivia Alaso

Found on CNN
5 years ago

Minnesota's laws allow political party chairs to select the candidate( s) on the primary ballot. The state GOP chose Donald Trump.Jim Martin exclusively, our complaint alleges that the statute violates the state constitution's ban on the state legislature granting exclusive privileges to individuals.

Erick Kaardal

Found on CNN
5 years ago

Granting of these permits are supposed to correspond with more vigorous inspections and more frequent inspections by the applicant, but in reality, it is more self-policing which typically falls below the intent of the special permit.

Brian Jorde

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

These permits should not be granted, but certainly not to acompany with repeated safety failures and frequent spills, granting of these permits are supposed to correspond with more vigorous inspections and more frequent inspections by the applicant, but in reality, it is more self-policing which typically falls below the intent of the special permit.

Brian Jorde

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

Granting favors to refiners that aren't really facing an economic hardship is just one of the multiple problems with EPA's handling of small refinery exemptions, the memo clearly shows that EPA continues to disregard the recommendations of DOE.

Kurt Kovarik

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

It was not until after receiving the letter from the groups attorneys that the issue was raised to the appropriate level for a legal and full staff review, there, it was determined that granting a tour to the organization would not violate policy and should be permitted. The decision has been reversed and the tour is being granted.

The National Guard

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

I am disappointed, but not surprised, that the Trump Administration has failed once again to prioritize our long-term national security interests or stand up for human rights, and instead is granting favors to authoritarian countries like Saudi Arabia.

Bob Menendez

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

The sanctions on Iran have turned out to be a damp squib for the time being with the Trump administration granting exemptions, the exemptions have even surprised Saudi Arabia as oil supplies from Iran are likely to spike in the coming days.

Devesh Mamtani

Found on CNN
6 years ago

The president is ‘the government’ when it comes to making security clearance determinations, as the granting, denial, or revocation of a security clearance falls squarely within the president’s commander-in-chief powers per [a Supreme Court ruling].

Sean Bigley

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

We are granting the EIB the capacity to invest in Iran if suitable projects are found, the Iran deal is good for Europe's security.

Siegfried Muresan

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

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