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How to use the word fascism in a Sentence?

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Communism and fascism or Nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.

James A. C. Brown

added by Normando
5 months ago

You want to know what fascism is like? It is like your New Deal!

Benito Mussolini

added by Normando
7 months ago

Let me remind you what fascism is. It need not wear a brown shirt or a green shirt. It may even wear a dress shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.

Tommy Douglas

added by Greying_Geezer
1 year ago

The legislature, after the election, could dismiss the election, and I said, welcome to fascism.

Rusty Bowers

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.

Joe Biden

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

We are in great need of weapons that will make it possible to engage the enemy over a long distance, and this can not be delayed, because the price of delay is measured by the lives of people who have protected the world from [ Russian fascism ].

Valeriy Zaluzhnyi

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It has the breath of autocracy and fascism about it.

Art Spiegelman

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I legitimately think he is confusing critical race theory for some type of diversity training or a history class on fascism and communism.

Green Beret

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We will never allow digital fascism and disregard of rules to prevail in Turkey.

Omer Fatih Sayan

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

We are determined to do whatever is necessary to protect the data, privacy and rights of our nation, we will never allow digital fascism and disregard of rules to prevail in Turkey.

Omer Fatih Sayan

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

Social Malware: Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Progressive Fascism are the Social Malware of our day. (Leonardo coined the phrase Social Malware)

Leonardo DiMedio

added by cjcab1313
4 years ago

Social Malware: Communism, Socialism, Marxism Progressive Fascism are the Social Malware of our day. (Leonardo coined the phrase Social Malware)

Leonardo DiMedio

added by cjcab1313
4 years ago

Human rights advocates won great and laudable victories in our lifetimes, from the defeat of fascism, to the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe, to the end of Apartheid, but that was then. The great and noble human rights project of the 20th Century is in crisis.

Secretary Pompeo

Found on CNN
4 years ago

It's not an official stance by the Young Democratic Socialists of America, but a personal belief, fashion, not fascism.

Sam Lynn

Found on CNN
5 years ago

Who is the fascist? Individualism and the political philosophy of limited government is not only inconsistent with but is the exact opposite of fascism and Nazism. Under fascism and Nazism, the state reigns supreme with absolute power over everyone and all forms of property. It can well be asked: who is the fascist, when the president of the United States and many Democrats and Republicans in congress call for expanded authority for the FBI and other federal security agencies to intrude into the lives of the American citizenry? Who is the fascist, when the call is made for increased power for the FBI to undertake “roving wiretapping” or have easier access to the telephone and credit-card records of the general population? Who is the fascist, when the proposal is made to make it easier for the FBI to investigate and infiltrate any political organization or association because the government views it as a potential terrorist danger?

Richard Ebeling

added by Normando
5 years ago

I'm saying this because I've taught about fascism for 30 years.

Cristina Martinez

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

They are the new fascism, we citizens need to stand against privatization of health care and other public services.

Julia Giobelina

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable, Okay? And I speak as a liberal… Liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal and it’s a massive problem. What’s the point of calling yourself a liberal if you don’t allow anyone else to have a different view? You know, this snowflake culture we operate in, this victimhood culture that everyone, has to think in a certain way, behave a certain way. Everyone has to have a bleeding heart… You say a joke 10 years ago that offended somebody you can never host the Oscars… So what’s happening around the world? Populism is rising because people are fed up with the PC culture. They’re fed up with the snowflake culture. They’re fed up with everyone being offended by everything… They just want to tell people, not just how to lead their life but if you don’t lead it the way I tell you to, It’s a kind of version of fascism.

Piers Morgan

added by Normando
5 years ago

When a fair cancels the Confederate Railroad band because of their name its giving in to fascism, plain and simple and our freedom disappears piece by piece. Sick of it. i must say that canceling @ConfederateRR JUST because their name is CONFEDERATE RAILROAD is a crock of crap.

Joe Bonsall

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

The people buried here escaped fascism during the war. Theyre the founders of the community who bought these lands to make it a cemetery, it has historical and sentimental value.

David Prinstein

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

What, actually, is the difference between communism and fascism? Both are forms of statism, authoritarianism. The only difference between Stalin’s communism and Mussolini’s fascism is an insignificant detail in organizational structure.

Leonard E. Read

added by Normando
5 years ago

People have risen to crises before. It was our parents' and grandparents' generation who faced the crisis of fascism in Europe, we are in an existential emergency of the same kind, so staying away from work for a day and organizing is not too much to ask.

Bill McKibben

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

There is no difference in principle, ... between the economic philosophy of Nazism, socialism, communism, and fascism and that of the American welfare state and regulated economy.

Jacob Hornberger

added by anonymous
5 years ago

The real problem with this country is anti-fascism.

Francesco Polacchi

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

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