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How to use the word expanding in a Sentence? Page #10

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Islamic State has realised that the largest factions are more interested in fighting each other, it is expanding in central Libya, encountering little resistance.

Mattia Toaldo

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Islamic State has realized that the largest factions are more interested in fighting each other, it is expanding in central Libya, encountering little resistance.

Mattia Toaldo

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We like the fact that the mermaid world is expanding -- there's a place for everyone, as far as we're concerned. We admire other women who go out and fulfill their dreams.

John Athanason

Found on CNN
9 years ago

A rising population may be beneficial for a company looking for an expanding market size where the demand will not vary much because of income levels, but looking at Turkey's investment case more broadly, you need jobs for these people and incomes and living standards need to be rising too.

William Jackson

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Sending people to Mars and returning them safely is the challenge of a generation, journey to Mars will forever change our history books, rewriting what we know about the red planet and expanding the human presence deeper into the solar system.

Matt Damon

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We are expanding actually in Europe with our retail and logistics.

Khaled Al-Mushaileh

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We have to end the flood of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our elections, corrupting our political system, and drowning out the voices of too many everyday Americans, our democracy should be about expanding the franchise, not charging an entrance fee.

Hillary Clinton

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We may talk about expanding such an instrument in the future after the first test is over. Given how the market has been developing such a form of gas sales has good prospects.

Alexander Medvedev

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

The figures teased out of their report on the fall in domestic and even long-haul connectivity show that as a nation, by expanding Heathrow, we would merely be investing in decline, their report very clearly shows that a third runway will fail both London and the UK on every level.

Boris Johnson

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We have two years to fill it with new contracts. We are already expanding our sales team and looking for new clients, not necessarily from among the big utilities.

Zbigniew Stopa

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

This administration has gotten really hyperactive in expanding dramatically what the definition of federal waters are. To get a permit to put a culvert in for your field? Or to get a permit for a drainage ditch or a drainage pond? they impose their will top down.

Jeb Bush

Found on CNN
9 years ago

It's about changing the way people think. It's about expanding hearts and minds.

Samantha Moyo

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Today the U.S. economy is still expanding, but corporate sales are not.

Charlie Bilello

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We've seen many employers expanding their amount of paid leave available, but it would be a small number of industries with a relatively small-to-medium size population that could afford to do something as extensive as Netflix Inc.

Mary Tavarozzi

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

More Americans have joined the dots between ice cream, high sugar content and their expanding waistlines – thanks in no small way to a barrage of negative press and the visible evidence in the obesity epidemic. For many Americans – especially younger generations - ice cream is just not worth the extra pounds of weight.

Alex Beckett

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

When you publish a post on LinkedIn, it’s tied directly to your profile, having your insights and thought leadership showcased at the top of your LinkedIn profile can be incredibly beneficial to expanding the conversation when prospects visit your page.

Jason Miller

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

The dynamic in Syria was going against Turkish interests, first, Islamic State was expanding northwest and continuing to take ground along the border.

Sinan Ulgen

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Apple is consciously expanding its distribution in India and pushing its products aggressively. The marketing spend too is a part of that.

Jaideep Mehta

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

If he is going to have a serious national campaign, he is going to have to better reflect the changing demographics with his team. Diversity is a strength, bernie gets it and he does listen. He's always been the champion for the person left behind. He knows he has to update his rhetoric and he is already showing signs of expanding the conversation.

Hal Colston

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We are looking at increasing sales and expanding markets, including export markets.

Valero Energy Corp

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

Argentina hasn't accepted any beef exports from the U.S. since 2003 because of a mad cow disease case. That market has been closed to us for almost 12 years, we would be expanding our imports to Argentina when they won't accept anything from us.

Joe Schuele

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We would be expanding our imports to Argentina when they won't accept anything from us.

Joe Schuele

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We are also refining our curriculum, expanding our outreach to the moderate opposition, and incorporating lessons learned from the first training class.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We are looking for ways to streamline our train and equip program's vetting process to get more recruits into the training pipeline, we are also refining our curriculum, expanding our outreach to the moderate opposition, and incorporating lessons learned from the first training class.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

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    cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across
    A suffuse
    B aberrate
    C huff
    D monish