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How to use the word desiccated in a Sentence?

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Our results have strong implications for exoplanets, as they suggest that a large fraction of the exoplanets that were thought to be capable of having surface oceans of liquid water are probably now desiccated because they never succeeded in condensing and thus forming their first oceans, this is particularly important for exoplanets around low mass stars like TRAPPIST-1, which will be prime targets for NASA and ESA's James Webb Space Telescope, to be launched in December this year.

Martin Turbet

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I believe - Itruly believe - the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this president has come, todelay or to do otherwise will betray the foundation of our democracy. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER Are you confused yet ? If so, we dont blame you. If you left town for the week, you may be wondering what the hell is going on exactly. Impeachment ? For years, they told you that Donald Trump was going to be impeached for colluding with Russia, spying for Putin. Then it turned out Donald Trump didnt do that. The story evaporated into dust and seemed to blow away. Then just a few days ago, they were grumbling about impeachment again, and they dragged in Corey Lewandowski. Remember Corey Lewandowski ? They brought Corey Lewandowski to Capitol Hill to make their case. That didnt go well at all. Rep. Nadler You, D-N.Y., House Judiciary Committee chairman : And so we ask you, is it correct that as reported in the Mueller report on June 19th, 2017, you met alone in the Oval Office with the president ? Corey Lewandowski, former Donald Trump campaign manager : Did you read the exact language of the report ? I dont have it available to me. Nadler You : I dont think I need to do that. I have limited time. Did you meet alone with the President on that date ? Lewandowski : Congressman, Id like you to refresh my memory by providing a copy of the report so I can follow along. Nadler You : You dont have a copy with you ? Lewandowski I dont have a copy of the report, congressman. Nadler You dont have any independent recollection of whether you met with the President on that date. Lewandowski : Congressman, Im just trying to find in the Mueller report where it states that. Nadler You : Well, you have it in front of you. I gave you the page number. Corey Lewandowski : We are on Page 90, is it, sir ? Unidentified male : Mr. Chairman, youve got to the clock. Nadler You : No, I dont have to start the clock. Nadler You is filibustering. It didnt take much for Chairman Nadler to collapse live on C - SPAN -- pretty embarrassing. Youd think at some point, Democrats might just decide to run a real presidential campaign in 2020 and beat Donald Trump that way, just like in a democracy. It would have to be more effective than what theyre doing now, and the numbers show it. As of this morning, Donald Trump Trumps approval rating was the highest it has been since the inauguration. But no, Democrat dont want to wait until the next election. They dont want to wait until November. Politics takes too long, and it leaves too much to chance. The risk of democracy is voters might not agree with you. Hillary Clinton learned that the hard way in 2016. And the one thing Democrats dont want to do is to repeat that. Better to remove your opponents by force, if you can. Which brings us to the latest question of impeachment : What exactly is this about ? Sorry to laugh in the middle of this -- weve spent all day trying to figure out what is the impeachment story. Its about Ukraine. Its less than a week old. And so you might be forgiven for not understanding why would the president be impeached for a story that the Democrats literally cant explain ? What did the president do wrong ? Were going to do our best to tell you the case that theyre making. And honestly, as we said, its confusing and not all that interesting. Within a sentence, here is what theyre saying. Theyre saying that in a phone call with the president of Ukraine, Donald Trump threatened to delay a $ 400 million military aid package to Ukraine, unless the Ukrainian government agreed to investigate possible criminal activity involving Joe Bidens son. Why Joe Bidens son ? Well for five years, Joe Bidens son, Joe Bidens, it turns out, was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to serve on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. Why would Joe Bidens son be on the board of a Ukrainian gas company ? Joe Bidens had no experience in the energy business. Joe Bidens didnt speak the relevant language. Joe Bidens apparently had no experience whatsoever in the region. It turns out at that very moment, Joe Biden was President Obamas point man for Ukraine. Oh. So at a certain point during this saga, the gas company in question was investigated. And then in 2016, the Ukrainian prosecutor overseeing that investigation was fired. Apparently, he was fired under pressure from Joe Biden. Now to the layman, that looks a lot like corruption. What does it have to do with the president being impeached ? Well, the accusation is that Donald Trump suggested that that squelched investigation deserved a second look. And Democrats say that suggestion was an impeachable offense. Are you following this ? Of course, there are plenty of other reasons that the U.S. might not want to send $ 400 million to Ukraine. Its a notoriously corrupt country, for one thing. What do we get out of it, is another. And by the way, sending military aid to Ukraine may please the neocons in CNN -- Bill Kristol was strongly for it -- but it also greatly increases the chances of conflict with Russia. And of course, that would mean nuclear conflict potentially. Whats the point of that, exactly ? Nobody has bothered to explain why sending $ 400 million in military aid to Ukraine is in the interest of the United States. They havent even thought to explain that. Theyre too busy yelling about impeachment. And theyre doing it with all the hysterical intensity that has become the hallmark of the modern left. They have a lot of energy. Too bad, none of it is focused on the countrys real problems, and there are a lot of them. We dont want to go through the same litany again, but we will hit on just a couple because theyre worth mentioning. Our national debt is exploding. And that includes credit card debt, by the way. Personal debt at Donald Trumps approval rating ever measured. We have a war in Afghanistan that we cant seem to win or end. Our towns outside the big cities are being decimated and desiccated by opioids and suicide. If you havent been there, drive through and take a look for yourself. We have basically an open border with Mexico. Tech companies trying to control our freedom of speech. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP In many ways, our country is on the wrong track, and people know it. Everybody knows it, Democrats and Republicans. But instead of trying to fix any of that, Democrats want to spend the next year explaining -- and they plan to -- why it was perfectly fair for Joe Bidens neer-do-well sonto get 600 grand a year from Ukrainian oligarchs. Thats totally fine. But its somehow criminal for Donald Trump to ask about that. Thats the message. Good luck with that. Hard to imagine many voters will be impressed by it. Adapted from Tucker Carlsons monologue from.

Congressman John Lewis of Georgia

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

The modern version of panspermia got a major boost when Australian astronomers Dayal Wickramasinghe and David Allen measured the way light was absorbed by interstellar dust, hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe (Dayal’s brother) showed that this was matched almost perfectly by desiccated E. coli bacteria. This was unexpected, of course.

Professor Lattanzio

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

The situation is very grave, they have no food, no water and are drinking their own urine. This is a game of maritime ping-pong with human life. We expect governments in the region to find a solution rapidly ... or we will be finding boatloads of desiccated corpses floating around in the Andaman Sea in coming days.

Joe Lowry

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

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