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How to use the word cousin in a Sentence? Page #2

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It is with the heaviest of hearts we share that John Andretti has today lost his battle with cancer, john was a loving husband and father, a devoted son and a trusted cousin. He was a philanthropist, an advocate for the sport, a dedicated teammate, a driven competitor and most importantly a dear friend.

Andretti Autosport

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

My cousin was murdered with her children in the truck.

Alex LeBaron

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

We don't know why, though they had received indirect threats. We don't know who did it, my cousin was murdered with her children in the truck.

Alex LeBaron

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

If a highly motivated person drags her mother and her husband and her second cousin twice removed to the polls, then it makes a difference.

Kurt Meyer

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

We're in a foreign country, we're approached by two strangers with aggressive behavior: ten months ago when I was with my cousin ... I was stabbed in my face by strangers.

Rakim Mayers

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

They thought it was a hoax, my cousin said the first few sounds they heard were like 6-7, but it was really slow so they thought it was fireworks, firecrackers. Then all of a sudden it was rapid fire just everywhere.

Marissa Lopez

Found on CNN
5 years ago

I would beg both Houses of Congress, I would beg the American people to please look around and understand that federal workers, we have a face — we have families, we might be a neighbor, your best friend, your best friend's mom, your aunt, your cousin. We are everywhere.

Jacqueline Maloney

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I met my mother and my cousin in person, and we cried. It was just a crying fest, not everybody has this kind of outcome when looking for their parents, but I recommend you give it a try, you don't know what will happen.

Connie Moultroup

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I was now the property of my cousin. And no matter how resistant I was to him, his job was to get me into submission as quickly as possible… Then the sexual abuse came later as he started to force himself on me and force that my role as a wife was to be at his beck and call and to have his children. And when I became resistant to that, then the physical abuse started to take over. And I think the frustration of my cousin, his frustration of being judged for not being a good man because his wife wasn’t submissive and she wasn’t good — that all compounded the problem. i felt like something was going terribly wrong.

Elissa Wall

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

By all accounts he’s an honest fella, he’s smart, but he doesn’t have any experience in federal court, and as I said at the time, just because you’ve seen ‘Judge Judy’ or ‘My Cousin Vinny’ doesn’t make you qualified to be a federal judge.

John Kennedy

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I was going through a pretty bad depression, i was kind of ready to give up and say the hell with it. The young man asked his cousin for advice on how to clear his head and he told him to take a long walk. Lemanski did just that. The traveler decided to make the journey in April 2016 after going through a period of depression. (Chris Lemanski ) In April 2016, Lemanski decided on the journey after looking up trails and saw one that went from Istanbul, Turkey to Portugal. The traveler said everything appeared to shift into place after he purchased a cheap ticket to Istanbul. Lemanski made the trek in 18 months, three of those months he was stuck in Morocco after he overstayed his visa for about three months. However, he was able to sneak out of the country and catch a boat to Germany where he continued his journey. As for how much money he spent in 18 months, Lemanski said he saved and people were generous.

Chris Lemanski

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I was going through a pretty bad depression, i was kind of ready to give up and say the hell with it. The young man asked his cousin for advice on how to clear his head and he told him to take a long walk. Lemanski did just that. The traveler decided to make the journey in April 2016 after going through a period of depression. (Chris Lemanski ) In April 2016, Lemanski decided on the journey after looking up trails and saw one that went from Portugal to Istanbul, Turkey. The traveler said everything appeared to shift into place after he purchased a cheap ticket to Istanbul. Lemanski made the trek in 18 months, three of those months he was stuck in Morocco after he overstayed his visa for about three months. However, he was able to sneak out of the country and catch a boat to Germany where he continued his journey. As for how much money he spent in 18 months, Lemanski said he saved and people were generous.

Chris Lemanski

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I saw his face on the news, and my jaw dropped, my cousin called me first and said, ‘Can you believe this?’ The picture of Charlie Manson was the guy on the back of this horse. And we thought for a second, oh my god, what if? It was very freaky, to say the least. Oh, man.

Bryan Cranston

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

There were about eight or so people, and there was a man in the middle on a horse, but he wasn’t holding his own reins — there was someone on the horse in front holding the reins — and Charlie, I guessed, was this comatose, bearded, long-haired guy with big eyes riding as if he’s just stuck to the back of a horse. Totally zoned out. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, my cousin turned back to me and said, ‘Wow, that guy’s weird.’ When we passed him and their whole group, she turned around again and said, ‘That must be Charlie,’ and I said, ‘Yeah … and Charlie’s freaky!’ We didn’t think anything of it.

Bryan Cranston

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I am going to share good news with you that a cousin of TTP chief Mullah Fazlullah has been killed, khursheed was involved in various incidents of terrorism, including attacks on education activist Malala Yousafzai as well as military and police in Karachi’s Quaidabad area.

Senior Superintendentof Police Rao Anwar

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

'It's amazing that once you start talking about this, other people pop up with, 'Oh, my cousin had this; my sister had that,' depression is an illness, and it's a treatable illness, and in some cases, it can metastasize and be fatal for some people, and I think it's important to know that, but it's rare.

Gordon Renner

Found on CNN
7 years ago

No, squid is the dumb cousin, apparently.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

All my friends are here, most of my family are here, my cousin's playing tonight in the session and her fiancé as well.

Jack McGarry

Found on CNN
7 years ago

Those are my cousin's sandals.

Sayed Mohammad

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

I have a cousin who is here right now and she's even scared to go outside to 34th street.

Zainab Bunduka

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

They killed my uncle and took my cousin's wife who had only just married eight days earlier.

Asema Dahir

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

My cousin said you could hear people yelling until yesterday.

Tito Torres

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

ISIL's focus on justifying killing Shiites is because it is being pressed by Shiite forces in Iraq and Syria, iSIL is hoping to enlist Sunnis by framing its jihad as part of a prophetic battle where the Shiites and Jews eventually unite behind the Antichrist. Fanning the flames of the Sunni-Shia split, which dates to shortly after the death of Mohammad, benefits ISIS by helping it recruit Sunnis, Mauro said. And the terror group's leadership appears to believe a final battle has been prophecized. Worldwide, Sunnis make up about 85 percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. Sunnis, who believe the true lineage of Mohammad lies with those who most closely followed his teachings, control powerful Muslim nations including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan. In addition, most Muslims in Africa are Sunnis. Shia Muslims are a relatively small minority of Shia Muslims, concentrated in Iran and Iraq. Shia Muslims believe bloodlines, not devotion, dictate the prophet’s line of successors. Throughout history, Shia Muslims have rejected the authority of Muslim leaders elected by the people, instead following a line of clerics Shia Muslims consider to have been appointed by Mohammad or Allah. The divide goes back to the period following Mohammad’s death in 632, when his close confidante Abu Bakr became the first Caliph of the Islamic nation. Shias believed the rightful heir was Mohammad’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali bin Abu Talib. Both sects have spawned more than their share of terrorists, though the terror organizations operate differently. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Shebab and Boko Haram are Sunni organizations, while Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, are Shia. The 13th issue of Dabiq, a copy of which was provided to FoxNews.com by the Middle East Media Research Institute( MEMRI), is titled The Rafidah : From Ibn Saba' To the Dajjal. The Rafidah is derogatory term for Shia Muslims that translates to.

Ryan Mauro

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

You know someone's cousin, someone's friend knows this friend. It's a very small city. So when Freddie Gray passed, I didn't know him personally but I know people that knew him.

Devin Allen

Found on CNN
9 years ago

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