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How to use the word accréditation in a Sentence?

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11 results found

Under the cover of journalism, this person was involved in a completely different activity, there are lots of reports that he had accreditation, therefore he’s a journalist. No, No, No … this is what he claims to be.

Foreign Affairs

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Many thought that this feat was impossible, but due to our strong faith in God, our hardworking and wonderful faculty and staff, the support of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, our dedicated alumni, and our resilient spirit, we were able to achieve full accreditation, this was truly The Hard Reset. This is just the beginning !

Kevin James

Found on CNN
2 years ago

At the end of the day, It is up to parties and observers who gets accreditation as part of their delegations. it is really the sovereign right of every government to accredit every representative as part of its delegations, persons it deems appropriate.

Patricia Espinosa

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It has enabled Mexican law enforcement agencies international accreditation at the federal and state levels, resulting in increased transparency, professionalization of institutions and respect for human rights.

Ned Price

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Providing the best, compassionate care for NPRC animals is a top priority and helps ensure research results are scientifically valid. NPRC staff monitors animals daily in order to quickly address any concerns, and all animals receive comprehensive annual checkups, much like humans, the NPRCs follow regulations and guidelines established by the NIH, the USDA via the Animal Welfare Act and institutional animal care and use committees. In addition, all NPRCs maintain AAALAC Int. accreditation, the gold standard in animal care.


Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Our facilities are highly rated by independent accreditation entities.

Pablo Paez

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

PATH International is known for our standards for certification and accreditation. They cover everything from best practices in safety to business practices in management to humane treatment of animals.

Kaye Marks

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Commonwealth Games Federation shall advise Vikram Singh Sisodia, Namdev Shirgaonker and Ravinder Chaudhry that any further infractions by any member of the Indian team of the' no-needle' policy could result in the withdrawal of accreditation of the offending person.

Louise Martin

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

I felt like,' Are you trying to buy us ?' is that how The IOC treats whistleblowers ? Make them quiet by giving them The IOC accreditation and access to VIP lounges.

Vitaly Stepanov

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

Our higher education system is controlled by what amounts to a cartel of existing colleges and universities, which use their power over the accreditation process to block innovative, low-cost competitors from entering the market.

Marco Rubio

Found on CNN
9 years ago

KPMG's accreditation is an important milestone, (It) demonstrates to our customers that we have the rigorous internal processes and controls expected of any traditional financial services provider.

James Smith

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

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