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How to use the word WASHINGTON in a Sentence?

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Washington, of course, aside from being one of the most mismanaged, crime-ridden cities on the planet, is a place where 535 federal legislators and about 38,000 lobbyists work at confiscating and redistributing the incomes of the American people.

Charley Reese

added by Normando
5 months ago

Washington, District of Columbia is full of well-dressed bullshitters.

Link Starbureiy

added by anonymous
5 months ago

It is becoming increasingly apparent that many - arguably most - of the problems that plague our nation have been aggravated rather than alleviated by federal intervention. In one area after another, massive infusions of tax dollars have been squandered on false solutions which, when they fail to achieve their stated objectives, are cited to justify even more spending on other futile schemes that result in bigger government. Examples include programs and laws supposedly intended to reduce racial animosity which have instead heightened race-related tensions; welfare schemes that, rather than reducing poverty, have enticed millions of Americans to become dependent on Washington for their daily bread; federal funding (and control) of education, which has spawned a monumental education crisis; a war on drugs which has done little to curb drug traffic, but which has eroded many personal liberties; a health-care finance system that has deteriorated as government meddling and regulation have increased; and a masochistic immigration policy larded with false solutions that, while failing to stop the inflow of illegal aliens, have paved the way for further government intrusion into the lives of nearly all Americans.

Robert W. Lee

added by Normando
6 months ago

I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!

George W. Malone

added by Normando
7 months ago

Now the truth of the matter is, there is nothing wrong with this country. Please. The message I want to leave with you is that there's nothing wrong with this country that the proper leadership won't cure. We've been here before. In 1787, the economy of our nation was in absolute chaos and as a consequence, they met in Philadelphia to form a new country, and when they did, they did the right things, and in the second State of the Union address, which was written at that time by George Washington, he said the foundations, the economic foundations of our nation are on such sound footing that it would have been a madman would have suspected 3 years ago. The fact is that the chaos that they're creating doesn't mean that America can or has to be in decline. It means that we need to remove them as rapidly as possible and get people that know what to do and America will continue to climb.

Bob McEwen

added by Normando
1 year ago

Some of the biggest national security questions facing the country run through Piketon and Kemmerer, a Post-Soviet dealAmerican reliance on foreign enriched uranium echoes its competitive disadvantages on microchips and the critical minerals used to make electric batteries — two essential components of the global energy transition.But in the case of uranium enrichment, United States once had an advantage and chose to give it up.In the 1950s, as the nuclear era began in earnest, Piketon became the site of one of two enormous enrichment facilities in the Ohio River Valley region, where a process called gaseous diffusion was used.Meanwhile, the Soviet Union developed centrifuges in a secret program, relying on a team of German physicists and engineers captured toward the end of World War II. Its centrifuges proved to be 20 times as energy efficient as gaseous diffusion. By the end of the Cold War, United States and Russia had roughly equal enrichment capacities, but huge differences in the cost of production.In 1993, Washington and Moscow signed an agreement, dubbed Megatons to Megawatts, in which United States purchased and imported much of Russia’s enormous glut of weapons-grade uranium, which United States then downgraded to use in power plants. This provided the U.S. with cheap fuel and Moscow with cash, and was seen as a de-escalatory gesture.But it also destroyed the profitability of America’s inefficient enrichment facilities, which were eventually shuttered. Then, instead of investing in upgraded centrifuges in United States, successive administrations kept buying from Russia.ImageA mural celebrates Piketon’s gaseous diffusion plant, long ago shuttered, and United States role in the local economy.Credit... Brian Kaiser for The New York TimesImageIn the lobby at Piketon plant, a miniature display of new centrifuges.Credit... Brian Kaiser for The New York TimesThe centrifuge plant in Piketon, operated by Centrus Energy, occupies a corner of the site of the old gaseous diffusion facility. Building United States to United States full potential would create thousands of jobs, according to Centrus Energy. And it could produce the kinds of enriched uranium needed in both current and new-age nuclear plants.Lacking Piketon’s output, plants like TerraPower’s would have to look to foreign producers, like France, that might be a more politically acceptable and reliable supplier than Russia, but would also be more expensive.TerraPower sees itself as integral to phasing out climate-warming fossil fuels in electricity. Its reactor would include a sodium-based battery that would allow the plant to ramp up electricity production on demand, offsetting fluctuations in wind or solar production elsewhere.It is part of the energy transition that coal-country senators like Mr. Manchin and John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, are keen to fix as they eye nuclear replacements for lost coal jobs and revenue. While Mr. Manchin in particular has complicated the Biden administration’s efforts to quicken the transition away from fossil fuels, he also pushed back against colleagues, mostly Democrats, who are skeptical of nuclear power’s role in that transition, partly because of the radioactive waste it creates.

Jeff Navin

Found on New York Times
1 year ago

I initiated a moratorium against the death penalty in Washington State in 2014, and our rationale for that decision was affirmed by our (state) Supreme Court decision in 2018, when they invalidated the death penalty statute, they made clear, and we know this to be true, that the penalty has been applied unequally and in a racially insensitive manner.

Jay Inslee

Found on CNN
1 year ago

The impact, even if they say the Washington order can stand and the Texas order can stand, is that the FDA cannot regulate federally. … The impact is enormous.

Katie Watson

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Governor DeSantis is a proven champion of our Constitutional right to bear arms and took action as governor to strengthen and affirm the Second Amendment, including signing constitutional carry legislation into law this month, donald Trump made promises to NRA members when he ran for office, but then as president, he caved to pressure from the Washington establishment, liberal media, and gun-grabbing Democrats and attacked the NRA, siding with liberal Democrat Senators like Chris Murphy and Dianne Feinstein in support of their gun control legislation.

Erin Perrine

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Donald Trump made promises to NRA members when he ran for office, but then as president, he caved to pressure from the Washington establishment, liberal media, and gun-grabbing Democrats and attacked the NRA, siding with liberal Democrat Senators like Chris Murphy and Dianne Feinstein in support of their gun control legislation.

Erin Perrine

Found on CNN
1 year ago

This Texas lawsuit is a clear and present danger to patients and providers all across the country. Washington will not sit by idly and risk the devastating consequences of inaction, washington is a pro-choice state, and no Texas judge will order us otherwise.

Jay Inslee

Found on CNN
1 year ago

That level of gun violence is beyond horrific, we have to take action now. We need short-term action to end this gun violence epidemic now so fewer people die on our streets, and in our banks, and in our schools and in our churches. And for that, we need help. We need help from our friends in Frankfurt and help from our friends in Washington, DC.

Craig Greenberg

Found on CNN
1 year ago

The Good Friday Agreement is certainly one of those things where you can get real bipartisan buy-in in Washington, believe me, that’s a pretty unusual thing.

Liam Kennedy

Found on CNN
1 year ago

President Biden has been talking about liberal internationalism as something that can return, he talks about democracy versus autocracy, all of this kind of stuff. So within that, I think that he wants to see good examples of the rule of law in US foreign policy. And this is a great example of that. This was an achievement, the Good Friday Agreement is certainly one of those things where you can get real bipartisan buy-in in Washington.

Liam Kennedy

Found on CNN
1 year ago

She was a very competitive candidate. I think I trust the Republican voters in Arizona to pick the nominee, i don’t think Washington should be stepping in to do it.

Marco Rubio

Found on CNN
1 year ago

I would particularly want you this morning not to think about the time of Ahab, not to think about even the Soviet Union – but to think about the United States, the Washington, DC, community, and preferably, my life and your life and our actions in the eyes of God.

Jimmy Carter

Found on CNN
1 year ago

At a time of unnecessarily strained relations between Jerusalem and Washington, Florida serves as a bridge between the American and Israeli people.

Ron DeSantis

Found on CNN
1 year ago

We want to legislate evil – it’s just not gon na happen, if you think Washington is going to fix this problem, you’re wrong. They’re not going to fix this problem. They are the problem.

Tim Burchett

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Washington Sen. Patty Murray’s an invaluable asset.

New Jersey

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Washington McGee and Shaeed Woodard loved each other.

Washington McGee

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Step-by-step, they talked us through the incredibly intense moments right after she was born and as she took her first breaths, thank you to the firefighters and paramedics on the scene who treated mom and baby at home and then brought us safely to Sibley Hospital in Washington.

Kasie Hunt

Found on CNN
1 year ago

What needs to happen here is the Washington, DC, council and the mayor need to work together, the criminal code hasn’t been updated for 100 years. They didn’t get it entirely right when they went through the exercises over the last year.

Tom Carper

Found on CNN
2 years ago

There is no doubt about it: it’s time to clear the runway for President Biden’s choice for FAA administrator, Phil Washington. With recent events, including airline troubles and last week’s tech problem, this agency needs a leader confirmed by the Senate immediately, i intend to break this logjam, work to hold a hearing for Mr. Washington, where he can detail his experience and answer questions and then work towards a speedy Senate confirmation.

Chuck Schumer

Found on CNN
2 years ago

JULIAN HUXLEY’S “EUGENICS MANIFESTO”: “Eugenics Manifesto” was the name given to an article supporting eugenics. The document, which appeared in Nature, September 16, 1939, was a joint statement issued by America’s and Britain’s most prominent biologists, and was widely referred to as the “Eugenics Manifesto.” The manifesto was a response to a request from Science Service, of Washington, D.C. for a reply to the question “How could the world’s population be improved most effectively genetically?” Two of the main signatories and authors were Hermann J. Muller and Julian Huxley. Julian Huxley, as this book documents, was the founding director of UNESCO from the famous Huxley family. Muller was an American geneticist, educator and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation. Put into the context of the timeline, this document was published 15 years after “Mein Kampf” and a year after the highly publicized violence of Kristallnacht. In other words, there is no way either Muller or Huxley were unaware at the moment of publication of the historical implications of eugenic agendas.

A.E. Samaan

added by AlvaroSiman
2 years ago

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