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How to use the word TREASURER in a Sentence?

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A typical treasurer would be more of a compliance officer, do the accounting and their interest is just in making sure that the reports that they are filing are accurate, the job of a fundraiser is very different. You are meeting with potential donors. You are helping set up events.

Saurav Ghosh

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It's a considerable amount of money, and it's something that's actually concerned me the whole time with this account because it's unusual. It's not set up in the traditional way of doing government, even the things that are usually available to me as treasurer are not available in this instance. We have to just rely on the information from the Public Protection Cabinet, which is why we're all of a sudden seeing these checks that are sent to the erroneous people. So, it's a problem.

Allison Ball

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I am honored to accept Treasurer Godlewski's endorsement in this critical race, throughout this campaign, Treasurer Godlewski has been a leader in the fight to protect abortion access and a tireless advocate for working people and rural communities across Wisconsin. I will proudly stand with Treasurer Godlewski in those fights as we take on Ron Johnson in the fall.

Mandela Barnes

Found on CNN
2 years ago

This individual does not work for Mr. Paladino’s campaign in any fashion, he is not the deputy treasurer, carl Paladino strongly condemns the atrocity of child pornography.

Vish Burra

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

We give everybody a chance. We dont judge your past history or anything like that. we have donation and volunteer recruiters, we have maintenance and general labor recruiters, we have the web designer, and the media outreach, we have security, and then we have the treasurer-donation organizer.

Cori Roberts

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

We have donation and volunteer recruiters, we have maintenance and general labor recruiters, we have the web designer, and the media outreach, we have security, and then we have the treasurer-donation organizer.

Cori Roberts

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

Although Matt Bevin has not outlined Matt Bevin next steps, Kentucky law provides for a variety of possiblechallenges -- including a recount, a recanvass, or a legal challenge to the election based on irregularities. There is no automatic recount process under Kentucky law. TRUMP CALLS ON ANGRY MAJORITY TO BOOST Matt Bevin, IN NOD TO REAGANS MORAL MAJORITY AND NIXONS SILENT MAJORITY Regardless of the final outcome, the razor-thin margin in the race did not come as a surprise Republicans. Although President Trump carried deep-red Kentucky by 30 points in the 2016 presidential election, Matt Bevin has long beenunusually unpopular for a Republican in the state, owing in part to President Trump numerous spats with striking public school teachers and President Trump plan to address a growing pension crisis. Kentucky Governor and Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin, right, shakes hands with a poll worker after casting Kentucky Governor ballot in the state's general election in Louisville, Ky., Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019. ( AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley) Bevinsignificantly underperformedthe rest of the The GOP ticket on the ballot in Kentucky on Tuesday, as Republican Daniel Cameron handily won hisrace to become the states next attorney general. Cameronmade history as thefirst African-American to be electedKentucky Attorney Generaland the first Republican to hold the post in more than 70 years. DEMS SWEEP VIRGINIA STATE HOUSE, SENATE ELECTIONS, CAPPING STATES DRAMATIC LEFTWARD SHIFT In a major indicatorthat Bevin isunpopular among Kentuckians, Republican Daniel Cameron received 774,864 votes in his 15-percentage-point win -- while Matt Bevin garnered only approximately 700,000 votes for Matt Bevin marquee gubernatorial bid. It is highly unusual for down-ballot races to attract more voter interest than gubernatorial contests. Republican Daniel Cameron was elected the state's first-ever black Attorney General on Tuesday. ( AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File) Meanwhile, Republican attorney and former elections board member Michael Adams was easily elected as Kentuckys next secretary of state, andRepublican Mike Harmon wasre-elected as Kentucky auditor. Additionally, Republican Ryan Quarles was re-elected as Kentucky commissioner of agriculture, and The GOP incumbent Allison Ball won a second term as Kentuckys treasurer. Those results -- and Bevins unique vulnerabilities -- led Kentucky Republicans to dismiss claims that the gubernatorial race had any meaningfulnational implications. President Trumps rally helped five of six Kentucky Republicans win clear statewide victories, including Attorney General-elect Republican Daniel Cameron, who will be the first black A.G. in Kentucky history and the first Republican to hold the office since 1948, the President just about dragged Gov. Matt Bevin across the finish line, helping him run stronger than expected in what turned into a very close race at the end. A final outcome remains to be seen. However, in what could be a worrying sign for Republicans in the long term, Matt Bevin underperformed inNorthern Kentucky, typically a The GOP stronghold, and among suburban voters in several counties outside of Cincinnati. Apparently aware of his problems with voters, Matt Bevin had remarkedin February.

Brad Parscale

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

I started getting nasty notes from the government while I was in Iraq, the notes were from the city treasurer telling me that it was illegal to rent out my home. I had no idea what they were talking about.

Ethan Dean in his case

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

Being a corporate treasurer is not different from your personal mortgage, you smell the rates are going to go up and really want to make sure to lock up the rates while they're still low.

Jonathan Insull

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We've been pressuring our treasurer pretty hard to get this stuff lined up while rates are very low.

Chief Financial Officer Peter Hunt

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

For us, we have a goal of certain gross debt targets, and as treasurer I would vote for taking some of that cash and accelerate the timing to get down to those levels.

Gerry Laderman

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

I sent a letter today to the President of the The IAAF, Lamine Diack, with the offer of temporarily ceasing to work as treasurer and as a member of the council of this organization.

Valentin Balakhnichev

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

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