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How to use the word Savage in a Sentence?

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Secret Societies have existed among all peoples, savage and civilized, since the beginning of recorded history... It is beyond question that the secret societies of all ages have exercised a considerable degree of political influence.

Manly P. Hall

added by Normando
1 year ago

What do we mean when we say that first of all we seek liberty? I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it… What is this liberty that must lie in the hearts of men and women? It is not the ruthless, the unbridled will; it is not the freedom to do as one likes. That is the denial of liberty and leads straight to its overthrow. A society in which men recognize no check on their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is the possession of only a savage few -- as we have learned to our sorrow. What then is the spirit of liberty? I cannot define it; I can only tell you my own faith. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias...

Learned Hand

added by Normando
1 year ago

Russia has a history of vicious and savage reprisals against civilians in any area when any kind of resistance movement is taking place. It's moved already to deport people from Mariupol to the remote parts of Russia, which is straight out of Russia's 20th century script for dealing with these problems.

Keir Giles

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Sabism is an art and theatric movement of 21st century occupied with the philotipes, mythologic forms, schematism and chromatic scales, dual art, logism of color, cult art, conglomeration. As an art movement it tries to explore word act, group performance, collective structure, fruitfulness and aesthetics of multitude through philotipes as implicit connotation of colors or schemes in their general use (honeysuckle yellow, female, courtly, savage, dionysiaque).

Vladan Kuzmanović

added by anonymous
3 years ago

We are frequently faced with that misrepresentation or that warrior savage imagery that our ancestors were killed for, generally, we are represented as artifacts, people that aren't really real... but we are very much still a part of our tribal communities. We are living, breathing, evolving people just like any other group of people and we'd like to be recognized as that.

Laura Cummings Balgari

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It's the closest thing we have to a real life dragon, it was essentially just a skull with a long neck, bolted on a pair of long wings. This thing would have been quite savage. It would have cast a great shadow over some quivering little dinosaur that wouldn't have heard it until it was too late.

Tim Richards

Found on CNN
3 years ago

There were no witnesses to the savage acts and there was no indication as to who was responsible.

Detective Inspector Chris Thompson

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I’m ashamed that it became a savage display of violence that day. And I would have never been there if I had a clue it was going to turn out that way, it was never my intent to be a part of anything that’s so disgraceful to our American people.

Anna Morgan Lloyd

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The generous support of 21 Savage will go a long way toward the well-being of these young people, not only will it help them stay afloat during this crisis, but it also provides a glimmer of hope and the realization that they can count on the support of their community at this time of need.

Juma Atlanta site director

Found on CNN
4 years ago

The radical left Democrats have expressed outrage over the termination of this horrible terrorist, instead, they should be outraged by Soleimanis savage crimes and the fact that his countless victims were denied justice for so long.

Donald Trump

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

One of the ironies, as some have observed, is that the secular project has itself become a religion, pursued with religious fervor. It is taking on all the trappings of a religion – including inquisitions and excommunication. Those who defy the creed risk a figurative burning at the stake – social, educational, and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.

William Barr

added by Normando
5 years ago

It's mostly people from outside who talk about racism, anti-black sentiment. At Ath, we never considered 'the Savage' to be a racist figure, it is rather a character that the inhabitants of Ath adore... when one get a kiss from 'the Savage', we have good luck all the year ahead.

Bruno Lefebvre

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

It is rather a character that the inhabitants of Ath adore... when one get a kiss from 'the Savage', we have good luck all the year ahead.

Bruno Lefebvre

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

I have a huge and savage conscience that won't let me get away with things.

Octavia E. Butler

added by Normando
5 years ago

One of the reasons there's reverence for McCain is the opportunity it provides to continue to savage Donald Trump, to continue to rip Donald Trump by setting up these comparisons between Donald Trump and McCain and showing Trump coming up short on virtually every measure the drive-bys( mainstream reporters) make.

Rush Limbaugh

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Mom brought Mayor Mike Savage downstairs for me, we did n’t communicate about, oh the door is n’t locked.

Kelly Jackson

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

The 18-month-old child coughed up some water and was transported to the hospital as a precaution but he was ok. Following the incident, the family installed a fence equipped with a locked door that goes to the pool. Kelly Jackson recalled hugging and thanking her daughter for her help. I hugged her, I cried and I still thank her every day, because honestly, in that matter, two seconds makes a huge difference. Following the heroic act, Halifax Mayor Mayor Mike Savage and Councilor Tony Mancini honored Lexie Comeau-Jackson on Wednesday with a special award, Global News reported.

Kelly Jackson

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

[ I was trying to escape from ] the pain, the misery. The stress. The pressure. You name it. I was just trying to escape. That was my escape route. Not a healthy choice, but it was mainly to numb myself … The mere fact of seeing all the dead bodies, going to autopsies and doing the death notifications during the wee hours of the morning. Oscar-winning actor Actor Haing Ngor. who survived the savage horrors of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, was shot to death outside Actor Haing Ngor apartment. ( Oxygen).

John Garcia

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

The bombing is treated as the American original sin in( North Korean) propaganda and it certainly was savage, it's become a political tool to justify the permanent emergency state.

Robert Kelly

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Partnering with Savage makes sense logistically and strategically.

Bartlett CEO

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

When we shot the series finale…nobody knew whether or not ‘The Wonder Years’ was going to be renewed. And that’s because of a completely ridiculous sexual harassment suit that was going on against Fred Savage — who is like, the least offensive, most wonderful, sweet human being that ever walked the face of the Earth.

Alley Mills

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

They talked a lot about family and the idea of whatever villainous things the characters in the show do that they never stop loving each other, Savage told reporters. He explained the Shapiros pressed that the characters’ sense of family was the central thing that held the show together for all those years….

Stephanie Savage

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

My message to the people of Brentwood and all of Suffolk County is that although we are keenly aware that nothing will ever undue the heartbreaking loss of Nisa and Kayla, we can take solace in the fact that their savage murderers will be held accountable.

Timothy Sini

Found on CNN
7 years ago

He's beating him in a savage way, just fist after fist.

Thomas Yoxall

Found on CNN
7 years ago

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