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How to use the word Reformed in a Sentence? Page #2

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So if by working together we can achieve these changes, then I will unequivocally recommend that Britain stays in a reformed European Union on these new terms.

Germany Prime Minister David Cameron

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

If ... we can stay in a reformed Europe, you know what you get, you know that the borders stay in Calais, you know that we have a seat determining the rules when it comes to the future of Europe, you know we have that vital information whether it's about terrorists or criminals traveling around Europe because we are part of those organizations.

David Cameron

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

When you balance as many budgets as I have, have cut as much taxes, been for as much school choice, reformed welfare, ended the entitlements -- go through all this, grow government at a very small amount. I don't understand it other than maybe sometimes I say we need to work together with the Democrats.

John Kasich

Found on CNN
9 years ago

I was (governor for) eight years in Florida, a purple state -- 500,000 more Democrats that Republicans -- where I applied conservative principles and reformed some big things that seldom are reformed.

Jeb Bush

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We should reform it, if it's to be used as a deterrent, it has to be reformed. It can't take 25 years. That does no one any good. Neither the victims nor the state is solving this problem with that kind of tangled judicial process.

Jeb Bush

Found on CNN
9 years ago

Although Slovakia’s anti-discrimination framework is comprehensive, it provides a differing degree of protection for various vulnerable social groups and must be reformed to close all protection gaps, the placement of Roma children in special schools, the spatial segregation of Roma, and their substandard housing situation must also be addressed as a matter of priority.

Nils Muiznieks

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

For most of my childhood and early adult life, a succession of Labour Party leaders reformed the constitution of the Labour Party. Neil Kinnock did, John Smith did, Tony Blair did, to make sure that it was more rooted in what the British people wanted, if they want to go back to the 1980s, let them. The Conservative Party is not doing that.

George Osborne

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

We have not been reformed with, we've been reformed on, we're now arguing about whose F is better.

Calvin Mackie

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We led, we reformed, we got results. That's what's missing from Washington. The D.C. crowd talks about what's wrong with America; I see what's right.

The Republican nominee

Found on CNN
9 years ago

History demonstrated that all the empires who reached the highest peaks of development never reformed on time and they are all headed for destruction, the IOC system today is expired, outdated, wrong, unfair and not at all transparent.

The Romania-born Vizer

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Success is fierce. It requires sacrifices and a reformed robust focus . So don't give up now if you want TRUE success.

Ikogho David

added by anonymous
9 years ago

For years now, Penn State enthusiasts have repeatedly reassured everyone who'd listen that the university's problematic culture about sex crimes had been 'reformed, the latest allegations -- that a fraternity members posted nude pictures of women on Facebook, some of whom appeared to be sleeping or passed out -- raise serious doubts about those claims.

David Clohessy

Found on CNN
9 years ago

I'm in the business of trying to find constructive solutions and we've made our position on the execution of these Australians pretty clear, we think these two people who've been on death row now for a decade have been thoroughly rehabilitated and reformed.

Tony Abbott

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

There's nothing to be reformed in Brussels. It's run by a group of people who hate the Italian people and economy in particular.

Matteo Salvini

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

The Europe of today cannot be reformed in my opinion, there's nothing to be reformed in Brussels. It's run by a group of people who hate the Italian people and economy in particular.

Matteo Salvini

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

I will negotiate a cut to EU migration and make welfare reform an absolute requirement in renegotiation, if I succeed in the negotiation that I am going to undertake, I will, as I have said, campaign to keep this country in a reformed EU. (But) if our concerns fall on deaf ears and we cannot put our relationship with the EU on a better footing, then of course I rule nothing out.

David Cameron

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

We were married by a reformed rabbi in Long Island. A very reformed rabbi. A Nazi.

Woody Allen

added by anonymous
14 years ago

I used to be a lawyer, but now I am a reformed character.

Woodrow Wilson

added by anonymous
14 years ago

The key to every man is his thought. Sturdy and defying though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified. He can only be reformed by showing him a new idea which commands his own.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

added by anonymous
14 years ago

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    excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion
    A frantic
    B profound
    C hatched
    D noninvasive