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How to use the word Realises in a Sentence?

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6 results found

The Chinese government realises that no matter how tough they are on regulatory changes, they realise they need the inflows into the Chinese market to help support their economy, there has been a clearing of the air and people have calmed down, the buying has resumed especially in the A-share market.

Louis Tse

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

I suspect this hot spell has made the course very fast and, if the wind whips up, it could live up to its 'Car-nasty' reputation and Tiger will understand how to handle whatever it might throw at him, he realises it's not about overpowering a links course, it's about staying in play and being patient. At least 50 percent of the field won't know anything like as much as he does about plotting their way round.

Tony Jacklin

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

We've gone through literally years of Indonesia closing down its economy to foreign investment, and so the leadership realises that in order to reach their goals they need foreign investors, but they have to make it possible for investors to be here, and that's not always been the case.

Lin Neumann

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

I think he will continue with Abdullah's reforms. He realises the importance of this. He's not conservative in person, but he values the opinion of the conservative constituency of the country, king Abdullah was willing to challenge the conservatives, but not to crush them. Salman respected the status quo. He wanted reform but was very much connected to the tribal mentality, the conservative nature of his constituency.

Jamal Khashoggi

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

Going fast is never the problem... It begins the moment one realises that things are out of control...

Siddharth Astir

added by anonymous
10 years ago

Life, like all games, becomes true, when one realises it is a game.

Nerijus Stasiulis

added by anonymous
12 years ago

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