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How to use the word MINUTES in a Sentence? Page #3

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The first need is my Stand. My Stand, The World, and what lies beyond it are the path for men to advance further. My second need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone who can control his desires. The desire for power, fame, money, sex... He must be free of those things. It must be someone who chooses God's laws over the laws of men. Will I, Dio, ever meet someone with this character trait? I also need at least 36 souls of the worst convicts. Souls of sinners have tremendous energy. I need 14 words. To prevent ever forgetting these words, I will etch them onto my Stand itself. I also need courage. I must have the courage to let go of my Stand just once. My decaying Stand will gather and absorb the souls of 36 convicts. It will then give birth to something new. The spawned creature will awaken. It will be curious about the 14 words spoken by the trusted friend. My friend will find me trustworthy, and he will consider me his friend. Finally, I need the location. It will be north latitude, 28 degrees 24 minutes, west longitude, 80 degrees 36 minutes. Wait for the new next moon. Heaven will appear then.

Dio Brando

added by papyrus_t
2 years ago

Senator Pizzo never misses an opportunity for his 15 minutes of fame and is challenging an action on an appropriation he voted for.

Taryn Fenske

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Does every step count ? Absolutely. And we know that brisk walking each day brings on extra benefits in terms of blood pressure reduction and cardiovascular training and so forth, but the truth is, the same goal has always applied : Challenge yourself at whatever fitness level you're at. Obviously check with your doctor first, but your goal is to become breathless for 30 minutes each day.

Andrew Freeman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Spend 30 minutes being breathless at whatever pace you're at, and then keep challenging yourself to be slightly unsatisfied at your current level so you can get better and better.

Andrew Freeman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

A lot of people forget who Will Smith is, then 10 minutes before Will Smith was about to get the biggest award... Will Smith acted like Will Smith was back in Philadelphia.

Dave Chappelle

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We built the two white solid rocket boosters and provide about 75% of the launch thrust of the vehicle, it's an incredible amount of power for that first 2 minutes and 6 seconds or so to get the vehicle out of the thicker part of the atmosphere and send it on its way to the moon.

Doug Hurley

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I planned it in 10 minutes, built it in 15 minutes, i think a lot of people were laughing at that. They were like, is this guy really serious ?

Jon Herrity

Found on CNN
2 years ago

They arrived and told us we had five minutes to get everything out.

Sandra Ortiz

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Doctors( were) saying he's 30 minutes, max, from dying, with so much pressure on his brain stem, there are some children that arrive in a very, very poor state, and Easton's state upon arrival was among the poorest I've seen.

Jace Oliverson

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The hardest thing for me was to be like, the moment that Taylor Swift like walks onto the screen like for about five minutes, nobody is going to be able to process anything, i kick myself for it too, because I was like, wow, I could've been hanging out with Taylor Swift.

Chris Weitz

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We were there for 15 minutes. It was clear that the committee was unable to comply with the regulations regarding use of deposition authority and moreover has no interest in complying with the regulations, we're happy to provide the information if they can either do it fairly and legally or if we can reach a resolution on how to do a voluntary interview which minimizes the risk of election interference.

Tim Parlatore

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We got down the road a little bit but in a matter of minutes the water rose up enough where it picked up the truck and took us both into Right Beaver Creek.

Chase Williams

Found on CNN
2 years ago

A refreshing power nap that's 15 to 20 minutes around noon to 2 p.m. is 100 % the way to go if you're sleep deprived, if you have chronic insomnia we don't encourage napping because it takes away the drive to sleep at night.

Raj Dasgupta

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Counter autonomy systems to destroy Russian and Iranian drones will be vital, we need more of these anti-drone systems for Ukraine to degrade the Russian targeting for artillery, as well as deny them use of suicide drones. This is important. The' detection to destruction' time flow is several minutes. We need to change this.

Mick Ryan

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I talked to him just a few minutes ago. He's doing fine, he's feeling good.

President Biden

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The answering machine recorded the first three minutes of the conversation, now imagine the Princess of Wales calling you late at night while you were watching television with a family friend. You could hear the affection as they spoke to each other. Diana is almost giggly and shy. George was flattered. But neither of them could let their hair down with each other.

James Gavin

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly within the first two minutes of the shooting.

Greenwood Police Chief James Ison

Found on CNN
2 years ago

He engaged the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun -- was very proficient in that, very tactically sound and as he moved to close in on the suspect he was also motioning for people to exit behind him, many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly within the first two minutes of the shooting.

James Ison

Found on CNN
2 years ago

You always look (at) age, but everybody ages differently, and this is a big man that has played a lot of minutes and been very durable through his career. So we think he’s got at least three more real good years in him as he reaches the age of 40.

Don Waddell

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

This incident, caught on video, shows the perpetrator sitting on a bench for approximately 30 minutes while our victim is sleeping along the building line, the perpetrator then puts on a Covid mask, walks over and stabs our victim one time.

Detectives James Essig

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I had great, great times as a Little League coach, people were talking about me quitting acting, and they would say, 'What about your creative juices?' Coaching is creative, because you could take a kid who thought he wasn't any good and, within four minutes, change his mind. And I didn't have to wait six months for them to put music to it.

James Caan

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

I had great, great times as a Little League coach, people were talking about me quitting acting, and they would say, ‘What about your creative juices?’ Coaching is creative because you could take a kid who thought he wasn’t any good and, within four minutes, change his mind. And I didn’t have to wait six months for them to put music to it.

James Caan

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Crook stock brokers had prior information that stock market will spurt up in the last 45 minutes of trading session therefore they had shut down their terminal function for that period so that traders can't make any profit. SBI securities had closed its server today

Lakshheish M Patel

added by laksheispatel
2 years ago

She was sitting there for about five minutes, she had to get her strength back from all the stress. She finally swam off into the deep water, which was such a cool thing to watch.

Phil Schrieber -LRB- left -RRB-

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

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    easily diffused or spread as from one person to another
    A contagious
    B proprietary
    C foreordained
    D ambidextrous