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How to use the word INFERIORITY in a Sentence?

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It is chilling to think of determined efforts to instill a sense of inferiority, to rob people of their cultural identity, to sever their roots, and to consider all the personal and social effects that this continues to entail: unresolved traumas that have become inter-generational traumas.

Pope Francis

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

on sale today we have Doubts, Insecurities, Depression and Guilt for reduced prices, in this section Self-Hatred, Suicidal Ideation and Anger. that section there has Betrayal, Inferiority, Hostility and Frustration, but in the back, the best … Confusion, Apathy, Paranoia, Irritation and the beloved Need-To-Kiss-Ass-At-Work all on sale for very, very low prices…

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

If we teach a generation of young people that, after the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation and all of the events of the 1860s, attempts to integrate free people failed and there were repressive laws enacted that weren't repealed for almost a century, then we're going to have different conversations, we're going to have historical context for why the country is the way it is, instead of thinking that the fact that Black people are at the bottom of every metric is indicative of our deficit or our inferiority.

Danielle Atkinson

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Greatness is always achieved by superiority, which can be represented by minority or inferiority.

Clifford Villalon

added by anonymous
4 years ago

Underneath that, there’s a sense of inferiority and incompleteness.

John Oldham

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

The owner is a guy named Mort Zuckerman who’s got a total inferiority complex and he’s had [it] for years, he’s jealous as hell because he would have loved to have done it himself.

Donald Trump

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

My first reaction was disbelief and disappointment, in a case with this much significance, for a Supreme Court justice to make comments that amplify the myth of racial inferiority, is deeply disheartening.

Janai Nelson

Found on CNN
9 years ago

These claims can be interpreted as signs of an inferiority complex, The most disturbing thing is that many people accept this without questioning it.

Romila Thapar

Found on Reuters
10 years ago

Realize the complicated specials of what we call the “inferiority complex.” In other words, what, Miss Thing, is so damn special about you to make you feel so specially inferior to any other jerk?

Perry Brass

added by JP03
10 years ago

When an individual is kept in a situation of inferiority, the fact is that he does become inferior.

Simone de Beauvoir

added by anonymous
10 years ago

I would rather have an inferiority complex and be pleasantly surprised than have a superiority complex and be rudely awakened.

Vanna Bonta

added by quotable
10 years ago

Exaggerated sensitiveness is an expression of the feeling of inferiority.

Alfred Adler

added by anonymous
10 years ago

The feeling of inferiority rules the mental life and can be clearly recognized in the sense of incompleteness and unfulfillment, and in the uninterrupted struggle both of individuals and humanity.

Alfred Adler

added by anonymous
10 years ago

We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.

Alfred Adler

added by anonymous
10 years ago

All sins have their origin in a sense of inferiority otherwise called ambition.

Cesare Pavese

added by anonymous
10 years ago

Inventors, pioneers, radicals, visionaries; these have ventured from the lonely and costly camp of minority only to be obstructed by majority-rule concepts that tolerate inferiority, hinder progress, harbor injustice, and pose limits within the decaying status quo.

Jonar Nader

added by anonymous
14 years ago

The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.

Oscar Wilde, "The Remarkable Rocket"

added by anonymous
14 years ago

The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling I have always cultivated.

Oscar Wilde

added by anonymous
14 years ago

148. One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. (Every kind of complex, superiority or inferiority is harmful to man).

Imam Ali, Peak of Eloquence (Nahjul Balagha)

added by anonymous
14 years ago

The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.

Mark Twain, What Is Man? (1906)

added by anonymous
14 years ago

Most people enjoy the inferiority of their friends.

Lord Chesterfield

added by anonymous
14 years ago

Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

added by anonymous
15 years ago

The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.

Mark Twain

added by anonymous
15 years ago

The feeling of inferiority rules the mental life and can be clearly recognized as the sense of incompleteness and unfulfillment ... both of individuals and of humanity.

Alfred Adler

added by anonymous
15 years ago

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