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How to use the word Geography in a Sentence?

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But this legislation does not address the fundamental production and supply shortage in California markets, the high energy prices this bill purports to address are a function of an under-supplied, isolated market for specialized gasoline blends. The state’s own regulators have found time and again that California’s high gas prices are caused by regulation, policy and geography.

Ross Allen

Found on CNN
1 year ago

New tools like genetic data open up new understanding of how these events happen across geography and time, one question we want to look into in the region in Peru where this study was done is how this complex foothill landscape has evolved through time and what role those changes have played in diversification of birds and other organisms.

John Bates

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We firmly believe in the hyper-expansion of services within one geography, we have no incentive to go abroad yet.

Nadiem Makarim

Found on CNN
2 years ago

In Europe, we have more players in our market, they’re generally smaller and they’re generally specialized in terms of geography – so they’re more subject to external forces.

Pere Suau-Sanchez

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We have decided to declare a state of emergency to ensure that operations are carried out rapidly, we are facing one of the biggest disasters not only of the history of the Turkish republic but also of our geography and the world.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I think it's important for the whole country that Iowa keep its first in the nation, we Iowans, I mean, really uniquely have set very high expectations for every candidate. We Iowans's a state with a size and a geography that you can do great retail politics. So everybody expects that they're going to have an opportunity to actually look their candidate in the eye, shake their hand, ask them a question.

Linda Upmeyer

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Finnish security has always been based on two concepts : first geography and history ; second idealism and realism, in an ideal world we want to cooperate with Russia, which we can not escape being our geographical neighbor. But we also know from history that the greatest realistic threat to our national security is Russia. Over time, the reality that Russia is willing to create greater chaos in our region has become even clearer, so joining NATO becomes the pragmatic option.

Alexander Stubb

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Taiwan and Ukraine are fundamentally different in geopolitics, geography and the importance to international supply chains.

Tsai Ing-wen

Found on CNN
2 years ago

'Donald Trump's the smart one — and y'all elitists are dumb!' 'You elitists with your geography and your maps- and your spelling!'.

Rick Wilson

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The authors describe the' Southern Diet' based on the U.S. geography associated with this dietary pattern, yet it would be a mistake for us to assume that this is a diet of choice, the gap in healthy eating between people with means and those without continues to grow in the U.S., and there is an incredible need to understand the complex societal factors that have led and continue to perpetuate these disparities.

Stephen Juraschek

Found on CNN
3 years ago

This nation was built on an idea, the only nation in the world built on an idea. Every other nation is built on ethnicity, geography, religion, etcetera. We were built on an idea, the idea of liberty, an opportunity for all.

Beau Biden

Found on CNN
3 years ago

We can not rest or truly recover until there is fair distribution to every corner of the world, the virus does not respect borders and access to the vaccine can not be determined by geography.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP -RRB- Harry

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We cannot rest or truly recover until there is fair distribution to every corner of the world, the virus does not respect borders and access to the vaccine cannot be determined by geography.

Prince Harry

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Iran wants two things, to hedge on Afghanistans future by building ties on both sides of the civil war and to drive up U.S. costs to get U.S. forces off one of its borders. Geography ensures that Iran will always have an interest in Afghanistan, but Irans support for the Taliban is largely driven by antagonism with the U.S. So a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan would likely lessen, if not end, Irans support for the Taliban.

Benjamin Friedman

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

Brandon really, really likes geography and maps, so I thought maybe I could reach out to Twitter and I'll get 50 or 100 people from the United States and Canada, maybe the UK. I never expected it to blow up.

Brandon Smith

Found on CNN
4 years ago

That's why I think it's important that we governors are leading and showing the way and being aggressive. I'm grateful that I have great, you know, colleagues here in the Midwest in particular. We've been pretty aggressive as a geography, and I think that's important.

Gretchen Whitmer

Found on CNN
4 years ago

We will see on each journey what the energy consumption will be depending on the geography and topology, with an electric battery, instead of carrying merchandise around you are carrying around the battery. You have a 200 km range, which you can use for a city, but you cannot use it for the Alps.

Rainer Deutschmann

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

The ability to be' present' anywhere will also help us address some of the biggest social issues of our day — like ballooning housing costs and inequality of opportunity by geography, today, many people feel like they have to move to cities because that's where the jobs are... Imagine if you could live anywhere you chose and access any job anywhere else. If we deliver on what we're building, this should be much closer to reality by 2030.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Found on CNN
5 years ago

The issues are always the same. Racism, war, poverty, the geography changes. OK, apartheid ended, it was great to see that end for us ... It was great to see the Berlin Wall come down, (These were) amazing things that we never thought we'd see in our lives ... but the subjects about walls, again, it (still) features on the news ... I still think the songs can be symbolic outside of the actual geography and time.

Jim Kerr

Found on Reuters
5 years ago

One of the reasons for which you ultimately became a teacher, however, is the way by which you were taught. You came to realise that teaching is a political act at the heart of which lies political change. You became a teacher to rectify things. Because you had a great responsibility towards the future. As a teenager, you attended an average boys’ public school in a suburban area of a small city in the northeast of Jordan. It was a school where English was not obligatory until the sixth grade. A school where you were taught to stand up for your superiors as they walked into class, and where any eye-contact was frowned upon. A school where you were inspected for your haircut, nails, and shoes but not your concerns. A school where it mattered more where you are from than who you are. A school where the science teacher taught geography, sports, and Islamic religion, too. A school where you were grabbed by the ears and pulled up, hit repeatedly on the knuckles and slapped on the face for not remembering the capital of Cambodia. And for that you never forgot the capital of Cambodia. A school where philosophy was marginalised by religion. And where you had to wait in queues to urinate because toilets were busy with concealed homosexual activities. A school where during winter you had to wear layers and layers of wool and cotton because there was no central heating, double-glazed windows, or even curtains. A school where the drawing studio was used as a canteen by teachers during lunch-time only. A school where there was no awareness of the disconnection between the teaching curriculum and societal needs. A school where the story always goes with Mr Ali in the office, while Mrs Ali is always in the kitchen. A school where most teachers finished classes 15 to 20 minutes earlier so that they could exploit parents and students in highly expensive private classes outside the school. A school where all music classes were spent teaching you how to play the national anthem. A school where it was always easier to deny and reject than debate and accept. A school where the quiet boy was always neglected. A school where you were always asked what to do, but never did anyone ever do what you asked: to listen. A school where your colleagues were scolded for being overtaken in class by a Palestinian student.

Akram Al Deek

added by anonymous
6 years ago

Human by nature, German by nationality, Jordanian by birth, Palestinian by descent, and writing in English, I have severe problems answering to the question “Where Are You From?” Such question boxes one within a boundary and asks you to name geographies and places on the geopolitical map of the world whereby it inhales you to be associated with the whereabouts of an accident called birth, or an absent presence that is called History. On the one hand, having to state singular places therefore surely glorifies the triumphalism of geography and cultural borderlines; on the other, it marginalises the celebration of multiple cultural experiences. No singular or brief answer will ever suffice to answer such question. It is rather the transitory metamorphoses throughout various and diverse cultural experiences that count.

Akram Al Deek

added by anonymous
6 years ago

We spend a lot of time on geography, on the journey that they've been on and where they will be going to.

Heather Reynolds

Found on CNN
6 years ago

The Skripals were poisoned in Great Britain, to send a man to kill somebody is a question of the price of a plane ticket. And, in low season, tickets are on sale with a discount. And moreover you have low-cost airlines nowadays. That's why geography doesn't matter in this case.

Matvei Ganapolsky

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

This gives it the ability to move into any geography in the United States and move out of test mode into full operation.

Mark Siegel

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

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    (of a glutinous liquid such as paint) not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch
    A tacky
    B ambidextrous
    C ultimo
    D contagious