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How to use the word Flesh in a Sentence?

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Without the Holy Spirit, humanity is only left to operate by the arm of the flesh.

Vince Baker

added by vincebaker
11 days ago

No matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. There is no place like home.

L. Frank Baum

added by Normando
2 months ago

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was penned to encourage mankind to embrace a brotherly and sisterly bond. However, if our own flesh and blood fail to embody this ideal, how can we expect the world to do so? Perhaps, it is time to rewrite the scenes of the play of life, to redefine the roles of brothers and sisters, and cultivate a society abundant in empathy and compassion.

Yvonne Padmos

added by Freelancer
1 year ago

I’ve lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience but I’ve been refueled and refilled with love and titanium, jeremy Renner: The Diane Sawyer Interview – A Story of Terror, Survival and Triumph.

Jeremy Renner

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Some people aren’t ready to see that yet, it’s literally people’s flesh rotting, and you can smell it.

James Sherman

Found on CNN
2 years ago

When I got to Stanford, I got to know some conservatives there through the Stanford Review, having actual conservative friends in the flesh — which I didn't have in high school, I just kind of had the reading — made a big difference. Being able to have people I could be friends with who could sharpen me and my conservatism. So yeah, that was it — discovering Thomas Sowell in high school and continuing to build on the ideas at Stanford through the friends that I had.

John Gibbs

Found on CNN
2 years ago

I was born of flesh and blood on record, and upon my first breath became the record, therefore I am the record.

Amir Alsid

added by anonymous
2 years ago

They took pictures of broken bodies... close-ups of limbs, of burnt flesh, it shocks the conscience.

Luis Li

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Britney Spears obtained Britney Spears freedom last November, and as many of you know, particularly in light of recent news, Britney Spears is moving on with her life, britney Spears wants to move on with Britney Spears life. And yet that man, Britney Spears father, Britney Spears flesh and blood, does not want that.

Mathew Rosengart

Found on CNN
2 years ago

This room is not dark enough. Only when my flesh is obscured by night's embrace will this soul know of peace.


added by unochickie
2 years ago

caffeine buzz liquid thrill, chills slowly going down kinda wicked 'n edgy like legs spread wide in razor wrapped dreams, like looking glass lust on lsd, like wigged out flesh of lightening fear, like fried out bits of lovers angst, i lust at you, i live for you, i want you here w/ me

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

They wanted to protect you from that evil. Now one of them has died doing exactly that, and the other is fighting for his life. We respectfully ask you, once again: Please join us to mourn Police Officer Jason Rivera as if he was your own flesh and blood. And please pray for our injured brother, because he is your injured brother, too.

Patrick Lynch

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

People tend to get nervous when you stare at them. They are racked with enough insecurities as it is. They always look away, glance back quickly and look away again. Some part of them melts and as they attempt to gather themselves, their flesh forms puddles at their feet.

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

I chose an eternity of this, Like falling angels, the world disappeared. Laughing into the fire, is it always like this? Flesh and blood and the first kiss; The first colours, the first kiss.

Robert Smith, The Cure

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

i am nothing but bits of paper, grains of sand pressed hot against hard flesh, campfires burning bright against the still night. i am man‑flesh human life walking ~ dreaming, twitching under the noonday sun.

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

It feels like and sounds like an experiment. They have not been able to flesh out from top to bottom what this Department of Public Safety is gonna look like, you know, if you can't tell us -- and I'm not saying you have to have one hundred percent of everything, you know, fleshed out -- but give us something. You know what I mean? Put some meat on the bones. There's nothing here other than we're gonna have a Department of Public Safety and, you know, it's gonna have mental health workers that go on calls. That's not enough.

Teto Wilson

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It was the moment when Martin Luther King Jr. went to jail that his followers saw he was more than just a preacher. He was with them. He risked his life for them. He was one of them. We can’t be afraid or we won’t be able to do what needs to be done. But also, by this fearlessness—willingness to represent the cause, in the flesh, against all dangers—we show everyone else that they’ll be okay as well. The leader risks themselves for us. They step to the front. They make their courage contagious.

Ryan Holiday

added by AnaDay
3 years ago

He is evil in the flesh, just because you have mental health issues, does not mean you are not criminally liable.

Grady Judd

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The idea once was to create a GCC market, but now there’s the realisation that the priorities of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are very different, this regulation is putting flesh on the bone of these political divergences.

Amir Khan

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

This regulation is putting flesh on the bone of these political divergences.

Amir Khan

Found on Reuters
3 years ago

John Lewis was one of the rare political figures in Washington who was widely revered. At a time when politics isso divisive and Republicans and Democrats are firmly entrenched in separate camps, John Lewis was the congressman who transcended party affiliation and was regarded as a national treasure in Washington. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., said she burst into tears when she first arrived at the Capitol for freshman orientation in 2018 and had a chance to meet John Lewis. I ran into Congressman John Lewis and I burst into tears and I said to him, Sir, I read about you in middle school and you are here in the flesh and I get to be your colleague.

Ilhan Omar

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

We are meeting with faculty regularly to plan best modes of instruction, faculty members are also helping flesh out other aspects of the return to campus. In addition, we are closely following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Governor's Coronavirus Task Force.

President Cabrera

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Gen. Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined( a county constable) to lay it on well, an injunction which he did not fail to heed ; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.

Wesley Norris

Found on CNN
4 years ago

The sword of love pierces even the flesh. (L'épée de l'amour Transperce même la chair)

Charles de LEUSSE

added by anonymous
4 years ago

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