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How to use the word Billy in a Sentence?

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After watching movies by Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, Ingmar Bergman, Billy Wilder, and so many other legendary filmmakers, I knew that someday I would create something for the big screen.

Joseph Strickland

added by NicoleJohnston
5 months ago

He had a tremendous impact on the growth and popularity of the sport, in true Billy fashion, he analyzed the game with his own unique style, perspective and opinions, yet always kept the focus on the game. As passionate as he was about basketball, at his heart Billy was a family man. He leaves part of his legacy at CBS Sports, across college basketball and, most importantly, as a beloved husband, father and grandfather. He will be deeply missed by all.

Sean McManus

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Billy Schuerman/The Virginian-Pilot/AP Authorities was the kid that believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Billy Schuerman/The Virginian-Pilot/AP Authorities does n’t have the capacity to commit a crime or be intentional.

Arthur Busch

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It’s hard being an LGBTQ kid in America, in fact all over the world, you were often told you will never become anything. You have to hide your life to survive. But for those kids watching tonight, I offer up MJ and Billy and Niecy and Matt and Jeremy as examples of possibility. There is a way forward.

Ryan Murphy

Found on CNN
2 years ago

In a conflict like this, the greatest needs are spiritual — and this is why the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has partnered with these churches to train 150 Ukrainian chaplains who have comforted and prayed with thousands of suffering people.

Franklin Graham

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

There was no good reason why Billy didn't get vaccinated. He just figured he was strong and healthy. I guess it was partly he didn't like being told what to do.

Billy Walker

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Billy has the experience, character, and respect of the baseball community that will allow him to attract the players and front office talent to lead the Mets forward, he is a leader who has worked in two of baseball’s biggest markets and his talents and personality will move us closer to my goal of sustained success.

Steve Cohen

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Billy Bob Thornton is not the type, I am not the type, who likes the idea of big corporations telling us how we should live our lives, i'm really happy that that was the final season because I think the evolution worked out perfectly.

Billy McBride on `` Goliath

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Billy is not the type, I am not the type, who likes the idea of big corporations telling us how we should live our lives, i'm really happy that that was the final season because I think the evolution worked out perfectly.

Billy Bob Thornton

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I am honored and humbled to have my work once again be recognized by the academy, i stand at the intersection of art and activism, and I am forever grateful for the healing journey that POSE has been for Billy Porter, my colleagues and the world !

Billy Porter

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I remember I was at the Hollywood Bowl on a really bad date, i mean, the girl is basically ignoring me. But here we were at this show watching Don Rickles. Then Frank Sinatra comes out with Don Rickles Jack Daniel’s and goes ‘ Is Frankie Stallone out there ? ’ I thought I was gon na have a heart attack. I just kind of stood up. Then he goes, ‘ I heard that new album you did with Billy May. Knocked my socks off, kid. ’ I just thought, ‘ Oh. My. God. ’ And now the girl is all over me like a cheap suit ! I was just so smitten. It’s really cool to be recognized by one of the greatest singers of the 20th century.

Frank Stallone

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

It really couldn't have come at a better time, this is about Emily Bugg and Billy Lewis of Chicago, but it really exemplifies my entire staff and how much the people who work at Nonprofit Thresholds care so deeply about the people they serve.

Thresholds CEO Mark Ishaug

Found on CNN
4 years ago

While school districts are making certain that say, you know, romantic notes aren't exchanged, or Billy isn't harassing Susie, or all these things -- that takes time, and some of us think that schools ought to be focused on violence perhaps in their hallways, instead of what some people deem to be sexual harassment.

Jason Lewis

Found on CNN
4 years ago

This is such a boon to lawyers everywhere, they can sue school districts for not preventing Billy from teasing Susie.

Jason Lewis

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Jackie Bray added, Bureaucracy and dysfunction, and all kinds of barriers to serving patients. The director of clinical operations at the Queens Hospital Center, Dr. Timothy Tan, also spoke with the Times and slammed the incompetence of city officials for not taking some of the pressure off overburdened hospitals, by sending more patients to the Billy Jean King facility. Knowing what our patients had to endure in an overcrowded emergency department, its frustrating how few patients were treated at facilities such as Billie Jean King.

Timothy Tan

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

Voter suppression is no longer billy clubs Jim Crow. It's closed polling sites + 6 hr waits w/o pay. COVID is no excuse, who needs to vote in person ? The disabled. The homeless or displaced. Voters w/language barriers. Folks who didn't get their ballots in time. Americans.

Stacey Abrams

Found on CNN
4 years ago

Samantha Ware spot on the show. Samantha Ware talked about how Samantha Ware has reign. And heres the thing : I completely understood that, and I was ready to be like, This is your show. Im not here to be disrespectful, but at that point, we were already past the respect and she was just abusing her power. GLEE STAR SAMANTHA MARIE WARE SEEMINGLY RESPONDS TO LEA MICHELES APOLOGY In her initial statement about Micheles behavior, Samantha Ware claimed that the star once threatened to s -- t in Wares wig, which she said took place during a screening on set. She had an issue because I had laughed [ when watching a scene ] and thats when the Im going to s -- t in your wig comment happened, said Samantha Ware, noting that Michele intentionally spoke loudly so others could hear. Some chuckled and some gasped. It was mortifying. The whole point was for her to embarrass me. People heard her, but no one was going to stand up to her. While Samantha Ware said it could have been unintentional, the comment was racially charged because, as she put it, black women historically are known for their wigs. Clockwise from left : Billy Lewis Jr., Laura Dreyfuss, Matthew Morrison, Lea Michele, Becca Tobin, Noah Guthrie, Samantha Marie Ware and Marshall Williams in' Glee.' ( Ryan Murphy Productions/20th Century Fox Television) It was Micheles tweet in support of the Black Lives Matter movement that spurred Wares accusations. Michele has since issued a public apology for her behavior, saying :.

Samantha Ware

Found on FOX News
4 years ago

Al McGuire to Billy Packer . I saw the first sign of spring in Milwaukee the other day . Packer : What's that ? Al : The curb.

Al McGuire

added by anonymous
4 years ago

Latino evangelicals represent a constituency that is pro-life, supportive of religious liberty, and focused on biblical justice, i do not foresee Latino evangelicals sacrificing core values by supporting an agenda or an ideology that affirms abortion in the third trimester( and beyond), attacks religious liberty, and espouses a socialistic worldview that destroyed Venezuela and Cuba and serves as the primary conduit for economic and civil rights oppression in Latin America. The event, one of several different Trump coalitions to form since last years launch, comes Mark Galli, Mark Galli, retires after writing a December editorial calling for Trumps removal from office, which receivedswift backlash from nearly 200 evangelical leaders, including Jentezen Franklin. The son of the late Rev. Billy Grahamand president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association blasted the magazine for invoking his fathers name even though he had.

Samuel Rodriguez

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

Billy Graham of this generation.

Fox News

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

We have been working towards this for about a month or so, since we suspected Billy Ray Turner was going to testify against Lorenzen Wright, our defense was going to be that Sherra recruited Billy Ray Turner to kill Lorenzen Wright because Billy Ray Turner had beaten Sherra for years.

Juni Ganguli

Found on CNN
5 years ago

The next morning we all woke up to our phones blowing up with messages and Aeron McQuillin Facebook notifications from total strangers, showing their appreciation and gratitude for our random act of kindness, on behalf of bailey [ sic ], billy [ sic ] and Aeron McQuillin - thank you so much to everyone for the kind words and offers of gifts. We hope more people can learn from this situation and not be afraid to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Aeron McQuillin

Found on FOX News
5 years ago

She has a Billy goat brain and a mockingbird mouth!

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy

added by anonymous
6 years ago

Such inappropriate comments have no place in our game. We are aware of this serious issue, Billy Bean will meet with Mr. Newcomb this week, and we will identify an appropriate course of diversity training for him in the Atlanta community.

Major League

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

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