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How to use the word Billboard in a Sentence?

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With these billboard campaigns, mainstream media can choose to ignore them, but people passing by them will see them. They’re exposed to them, it’s one way to circumvent those who control the narrative.

Ryan Bomberger

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

we’re a community full of signs, the Billboard Generation, tell me you love me and buy me a beer. is my breath fresh enough? is love really love? is death really death? i want to be jealous but i’m an artist.

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
3 years ago

The billboard will allow me to give so much more visibility to the ones that are struggling the most, these are the forgotten ones and we will never stop fighting for them. Every shelter pet deserves a loving home.

Scott Poore

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

[ Last year ] was a difficult year for a lot of our markets, taco Bell is a such distinctive brand that we're taking a moment to have the world's largest influencer be a billboard in the sky.

Julie Felss Masino

Found on CNN
3 years ago

I am one of those persons you will not normally see on television nor on a billboard, because most of my time is spent trying to save the lives of those coming to me in the hospital's emergency rooms. for me, its a mission of love. I get to know and to feel the pulse of the community of peoples without being on the outside. the hospital is where we meet the community dead or alive. I am ras cardo.

Ricardo A Scott R.T,R,(ARRT), M.S.R,P.B.T, L.R.T,B.A.,J.D.

4 years ago

It is just so hard for me to understand how somebody who claims to care for the community is hurting us so, so much, we are in a highly conservative area which allows Thom Robb to get away with this stuff because our people do respect the( F) irst( A) mendment and the right to free speech... Again, Thom Robb has a right to display this billboard, but is it right for the community ?

Harrison Mayor Jerry Jackson

Found on CNN
4 years ago

I wasn't looked at as the billboard girl -- I was looked at as an actress, sistas.

Racquel Bailey

Found on CNN
5 years ago

I called my brother( Michael) and said,' What if we put dad's picture right on the billboard and say wish him a happy birthday ?' The prankster in me came out, my brother said he loved it -- he was dying laughing.

Chris Ferry

Found on CNN
6 years ago

While some outlets have incorrectly reported that federal rules generally prohibit The PACs from providing more than $ 5,000 in services to campaigns, Scott Applewhite -RRB- Noti told Fox News that the payments were likely proper so long as The PACs were for the fair market value of the services rendered. Job Creators Network CEO Ortiz on' Thanks for nothing, AOC !' billboard in New York City. In terms of possible penalties, Scott Applewhite -RRB- Noti said that Ocasio-Cortezs campaign could be facing FEC fines if it followed bad legal advice and made reporting errors. But civil or even criminal fraud statutes, as opposed to campaign finance laws, would potentially kick in if it were determined that Saikat Chakrabarti had intentionally tried to hide the money to use for illicit expenses. Meanwhile, Former FEC commissioner Brad Smith told the Daily Caller News Foundations investigative unit that, because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez apparently held legal control of Justice Democrats PACwhile Justice Democrats PAC was supporting Scott Applewhite -RRB- Noti campaign, thetwo committees were likely acting as affiliated committees -- andtherefore share a single contribution limit of $ 2,700 that might have been exceeded. If this were determined to be knowing and willful, they could be facing jail time, even if its not knowing and willful, it would be a clear civil violation of the act, which would require disgorgement of the contributions and civil penalties. I think theyve got some real issues here. Mondays filingcomes on the heels of a separate complaint by theWashington, D.C.-based Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which alleged last week that theBrand New New York Democratic Congressional PACmay have illegally funneled thousands of dollars to Riley Roberts, Riley Roberts. It was firstreported late last month that Justice Democrats PAC paid Riley Roberts during the early days of the Ocasio-Cortez campaign.According to FEC records, Justice Democrats PAC made two payments to Roberts one in August 2017 and one in September 2017 both for $ 3,000. CLICK TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The FEC complaint specifically cites the use of.

Former FEC commissioner Brad Smith

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

On one hand, to be able to put Jerry Seinfeld or Chris Rock on a billboard and a bus and have the Netflix logo next to it, it drives subscribers so it makes sense, it's almost like marketing dollars that Chris Rock're paying for content because it's marketing Chris Rock brand. So maybe it makes sense for Chris Rock to spend that kind of money to get the press.

Jonas Larsen

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I love the billboard, we're conservative and there's a lot of corruption that's happened in this country and I don't think it's threatening.

Michelle Rinker

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Some residents took offense to the sign, while others felt it was a great message. I love the billboard, we're conservative and there’s a lot of corruption that's happened in this country and I don't think it’s threatening.

Michelle Rinker

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Gomez praised Raisaduring an acceptance speech for the Billboard Woman of the Year Award in November 2017. I think Francia should be getting this award. She saved my life … I feel incredibly lucky.

Selena Gomez

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Gomez praised Raisaduring an acceptance speech for the Billboard Woman of the Year Award in December 2017. I think Francia should be getting this award. She saved my life … I feel incredibly lucky.

Selena Gomez

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

I did a Salem billboard for about 500 bucks and forever since I’ve been called the Marlboro Man. I did commercials and maybe four still-photography jobs to pay the rent, but in those days, being known as a male model didn’t help your career.

Tom Selleck

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Last week the Fidesz-led government launched a nationwide billboard and television advertising campaign reminiscent of Europe's darkest hours, the Hungarian regime's xenophobia and demonization of refugees are anti-European.

Michael Vachon

Found on Reuters
7 years ago

The billboard is kind of comical but right on; the election is a scary deal that everyone is gearing up for, i would definitely, 100 percent, positively entertain the possibility [of moving] if Hillary won.

Tommy Welch

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

I posted on my own Facebook the story, and I said ‘it’s a shame that this billboard company said no to free speech and this message, we would have no problem doing that with our company…’ so I just thought ‘let’s donate the space on a digital billboard.’ With the digital platform we have, we thought it made a lot of sense.

Ike Wingate

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

I saw the story somewhere online talking about how the billboard was rejected— a little bit vague on the details as far as who and why—but it was rejected because of the messaging and my understanding that it was going to incite feelings that would not be desirable around the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, when I saw that I thought ‘that’s too bad’…I thought ‘wow it’s a shame they are not able to promote that from the standpoint of the film’ but then from a secondary standpoint the right to free speech was in some senses denied, so I didn't like that.

Ike Wingate

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

It was n’t a mistake to put up the billboard.

Rick Camuglia

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

You would have to engineer this problem carefully, how would you illuminate the moon as a billboard without landing there?

James Garvin

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

These artists, who had begun as billboard painters, decorators and illustrators, had set up their studio on the busy streets of Kinshasa so that their canvases would be seen by everyone, i was struck by the freedom, variety, humor, and beauty of the paintings that were passing before my eyes.

Andre Magnin

Found on CNN
9 years ago

We decided we would talk over the heads of the regime by putting the moving billboard in the top floor of our windows, and one day, to the surprise of the regime, we started off with, 'People of Cuba, how come we can go to your hotels and you can't?'.

James Cason

Found on CNN
9 years ago

It would have been cheaper for him to rent a billboard.

Dan Boria

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

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