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How to use the word Behavior in a Sentence? Page #10

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We have to watch for bad human behavior, it's the week before Labor Day, which is normally a high-demand week anyway.

Tom Kloza

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The problems at Time’s Up are deeper than Tina Tchen, they’re systemic. They go beyond her. In her statement there is no acknowledgement of changed behavior and no movement toward repair.In her statement, Tina says we are battling each other in harmful ways. She could have taken that space for self-reflection, and yet what she opted to do was to go after the very community that is attempting to make this movement better.

Allison Turkos

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I still have not been apologized to, i've just noticed her habitual behavior where she will say things and go mute and-or block things, and then not follow through with what she says. Again, that is hypocrisy and I don't tolerate it.

Chrissy Teigen

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I'd say he's got the swiftest revolving door in the criminal justice system, it's a small group of people committing these crimes, again and again, and again. And they're doing so because they realize as long as Chesa Boudin is in office, there are no consequences for their bad behavior.

Tony Montoya

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

This impulsive behavior has become a normal occurrence here at the Miami Police Department in the last four months since your arrival and is unacceptable.

Police President Tommy Reyes

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The regulators are very focused on identifying and rectifying industry misbehavior and also efficient regulations, they emphasize compliance, social responsibility as well as fair and proper behavior.

Martin Lau

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Smoke from other fires nearby did limit activity in some places, but not enough to prevent additional growth. Fuel moistures are historically low which is contributing to the critical fire behavior.

Cal Fire

Found on CNN
3 years ago

We have seen an increase in hate crimes, not only in our own home town but around the country. And it's unacceptable, but it becomes doubly unacceptable when we have the people that are sworn to protect all of us who engage in this behavior.

George Gascón

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Thankfully, although technically we've lifted restrictions, The UK looks a very different place than The UK did before the pandemic. My workplace is still practically deserted. It's quite clear that people are not behaving as they were before the pandemic, there's an awful lot of scope for people to change their behavior more to allow more transmission of the virus in the future. Whether they will, we don't know -- predicting people's behavior in the face of an unprecedented pandemic is a fool's game, really.

Mark Woolhouse

Found on CNN
3 years ago

There's an awful lot of scope for people to change their behavior more to allow more transmission of the virus in the future. Whether they will, we don't know -- predicting people's behavior in the face of an unprecedented pandemic is a fool's game, really.

Mark Woolhouse

Found on CNN
3 years ago

The Tuttle family respects Kim Ogg’s effort to prosecute those who are responsible for murdering Dennis Tuttle but to have that process delayed because of the behavior of a single prosecutor is more than disappointing-it hurts, what seems to be lost here is any focus on what this family has gone through, what they continue to go through….

Boyd Smith

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

Everyone on that Zoom will agree that his tone was all wrong and his sole purpose was to intimidate, really appalling behavior. And this insinuation that Naomi owes her off-court success to the media is a myth — don’t be so self-indulgent.

Stuart Duguid

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

This hornet is exhibiting the same behavior we saw last year —attacking paper wasp nests.

Sven Spichiger

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

From the beginning, I simply asked that the Governor stop his abusive behavior, it became abundantly clear he was unable to do that, instead attacking and blaming victims until the end. It is a tragedy that so many stood by and watched these abuses happen.

Lindsey Boylan

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The revelations and Cuomo's resignation is a signal to the powerful men with nasty behavior that survivors' voices will be heard and their behavior no longer rewarded. Not from a governor and not from the president of the United States.

Tara Reade

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

In a statement from Cuomo’s office, four staffers who were on that flight dispute Boylan’s story and the governor’s press secretary says her claims of inappropriate behavior are ‘quite simply false.’ Boylan is running for Manhattan borough president. She first accused the governor of sexual harassment on Twitter back in December.

John King

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

We're seeing truly frightening fire behavior, we really are in uncharted territory.

Chris Carlton

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

If I can inspire people to move on from tragedy, hopefully by my behavior.

The ACM Award winner

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

You truly never settle in your mind that it's happened. I mean, it's always there. if I can inspire people to move on from tragedy, hopefully by my behavior.

The ACM Award winner

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

If you're remorseful and sad because a rumor you started ended up hurting several people, that means you really care about your friends and classmates -- and that's really important, let's figure out how you can improve your behavior so that you don't hurt them again.

Jelena Kecmanovic

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Ultimately, Beijing's crackdown on private business is about control, the main priority is about preventing behavior amongst private companies that could engender more independent and potentially non-conformist activities, which undermines Beijing's state-centric model.

Alex Capri

Found on CNN
3 years ago

It’s like a confessional novel, but you justify your behavior in a certain way.

Hunter Biden

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

And I started getting more into the researching of Hunter, reading his memoir and reading whatever I could on the subject matter. it’s like a confessional novel, but you justify your behavior in a certain way.

Hunter Biden

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

The investigation has found that the Governor engaged in abusive behavior toward women, including subordinates, created a hostile work environment and violated state and federal law, the time has come for Governor Andrew Cuomo to do the right thing for the people of New York State and resign.

Hakeem Jeffries

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

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