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Advertise on the STANDS4 Network
Learn about advertising opportunities with the STANDS4 network of websites.
The popular and award-winning STANDS4 network of reference related websites reaches well over 25 million* visitors every month worldwide, the majority of them from North America and other English speaking countries. With our diverse advertising offers we ensure your brand ads reach the right audience who regularly visit the STANDS4 Network of more than 18 different website destinations in various categories.
Our audience of savvy, intelligent and high-profiled individuals from the academy, military, music, literature and medical industries dominates the STANDS4 Network.
* Source: Google Analytics™ - April/2020
Work with us to:
- Launch brands or new products, and execute promotions
- Drive traffic to your website
- Grow brand awareness and affinity
- Acquire new users for re-marketing purposes
- Improve your SEO ranking and increase sales and profits
STANDS4 can create an all-encompassing program for your brand - whether you're interested in display ad packages or custom integration opportunities.
Submit the following form:
We will provide you with the customized advertising plan that will work for you.