What does snap mean?

Definitions for snap

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word snap.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. catch, grab, snatch, snapnoun

    the act of catching an object with the hands

    "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate"; "he made a grab for the ball before it landed"; "Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away"; "the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion"

  2. snapnoun

    a spell of cold weather

    "a cold snap in the middle of May"

  3. snap bean, snapnoun

    tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections

  4. gingersnap, ginger snap, snap, ginger nutnoun

    a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger

  5. snapnoun

    the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand

    "servants appeared at the snap of his fingers"

  6. crack, cracking, snapnoun

    a sudden sharp noise

    "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the cracking of the ice"; "he can hear the snap of a twig"

  7. snapnoun

    a sudden breaking

  8. elasticity, snapnoun

    the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed

    "the waistband had lost its snap"

  9. snapshot, snap, shotnoun

    an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera

    "my snapshots haven't been developed yet"; "he tried to get unposed shots of his friends"

  10. snap, snap fastener, press studnoun

    a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound

    "children can manage snaps better than buttons"

  11. cinch, breeze, picnic, snap, duck soup, child's play, pushover, walkover, piece of cakenoun

    any undertaking that is easy to do

    "marketing this product will be no picnic"

  12. snapnoun

    the act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand

    "he gave his fingers a snap"

  13. centering, snapverb

    (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back

    "the quarterback fumbled the snap"

  14. snap, snarlverb

    utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone

    "The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer"; "The guard snarled at us"

  15. tear, rupture, snap, bustverb

    separate or cause to separate abruptly

    "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper"

  16. snap, crackverb

    break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension

    "The pipe snapped"

  17. snap, clickverb

    move or strike with a noise

    "he clicked on the light"; "his arm was snapped forward"

  18. snapverb

    close with a snapping motion

    "The lock snapped shut"

  19. snap, crackverb

    make a sharp sound

    "his fingers snapped"

  20. snapverb

    move with a snapping sound

    "bullets snapped past us"

  21. snatch, snatch up, snapverb

    to grasp hastily or eagerly

    "Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone"

  22. snapverb

    put in play with a snap

    "snap a football"

  23. snap, click, flickverb

    cause to make a snapping sound

    "snap your fingers"

  24. break down, lose it, snapverb

    lose control of one's emotions

    "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"

  25. snapverb

    bring the jaws together

    "he snapped indignantly"

  26. photograph, snap, shootverb

    record on photographic film

    "I photographed the scene of the accident"; "She snapped a picture of the President"


  1. Snapnoun

    (Football) The action of snapping the ball back, from the center usu. to the quarterback, which commences the play (down), and, if the clock had stopped, restarts the timer clock; a snap back.


  1. snapnoun

    A quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound.

  2. snapnoun

    A sudden break.

  3. snapnoun

    An attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab.

  4. snapnoun

    The act of making a snapping sound by pressing the thumb and a opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm.

  5. snapnoun

    A fastening device that makes a snapping sound when used.

  6. snapnoun

    A photograph (an abbreviation of snapshot)

  7. snapnoun

    The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.

  8. snapnoun

    A thin circular cookie or similar good:

    a ginger snap

  9. snapnoun

    A brief, sudden period of a certain weather;

  10. snapverb

    To fracture or break apart suddenly.

  11. snapverb

    To give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack.

  12. snapverb

    To attempt to seize with the teeth or bite.

  13. snapverb

    To attempt to seize with eagerness.

  14. snapverb

    To speak abruptly or sharply.

    He snapped at me for the slightest mistake.

  15. snapverb

    To give way abruptly and loudly.

  16. snapverb

    To suffer a mental breakdown, usually while under tension.

    She should take a break before she snaps.

  17. snapverb

    To flash or appear to flash as with light.

  18. snapverb

    To fit or fasten together with a snapping sound.

  19. snapnoun

    A very short period of time (figuratively, the time taken to snap one's fingers), or a task that can be accomplished in such a period.

  20. snapnoun

    A snap bean such as Phaseolus vulgaris.

  21. snapnoun

    The passing of a football from the center to a back that begins play, a hike.

  22. snapnoun

    A rivet: a scrapbooking embellishment.

  23. snapnoun

    A small meal, a snack.

  24. snapnoun

    A card game, primarily for children, in which players cry "snap" to claim pairs of matching cards.

  25. snapnoun


  26. snapverb

    To jump to a fixed position relative to another element.

    The floating toolbar will snap to the edge of the screen when dragged towards it.

  27. snapverb

    To snatch with or as if with the teeth.

  28. snapverb

    To pull apart with a snapping sound; to pop loose.

  29. snapverb

    To say abruptly or sharply.

  30. snapverb

    To cause something to emit a snapping sound, such as a fastener.

  31. snapverb

    To close something using a snap as a fastener.

  32. snapverb

    To snap one's fingers: to make a snapping sound often by pressing the thumb and an opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm. Alternatively, by bringing the index finger quickly down onto the middle finger and thumb, thereby creating the same sound.

  33. snapverb

    To cause to move suddenly and smartly.

  34. snapverb

    To take a photograph; to release a camera's shutter (which may make a snapping sound).

    He snapped a picture of me with my mouth open and my eyes closed.

  35. snapverb

    To pass the ball from the center to a back; to hike the ball.

    He can snap the ball to a back twenty yards behind him.

  36. snapinterjection

    The winning cry at a game of snap.

  37. snapinterjection

    By extension from the card game, "I've got one the same." or similar

    Snap! We've both got pink buckets and spades.

  38. snapinterjection

    Ritual utterance of agreement (after the cry in the card game snap).

  39. snapinterjection

    Used in place of expletive to express surprise, usually in response to a negative statement or news; often used facetiously.

    "I just ran over your phone with my car." "Oh, snap!"

  40. snapinterjection

    Ritual utterance used after something is said by two people at exactly the same time.

    "Wasn't that John?" "Wasn't that John?" "Snap!"

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Snapnoun

    Etymology: from the verb.

    He had no sooner said out his say, but up rises a cunning snap, then at the board. Roger L'Estrange.

    With their bills, thwarted crosswise at the end, they would cut an apple in two at one snap. Carew.

  2. To SNAPverb

    The same with knap.

    If the chain of necessity be no stronger, but that it may be snapped so easily in sunder; if his will was no otherwise determined from without himself, but only by the signification of your desire, and my modest intreaty, then we may conclude, human affairs are not always governed by absolute necessity. John Bramhall, against Hobbs.

    Light is broken like a body, as when ’tis snapped in pieces by a tougher body. Digby.

    Dauntless as death, away he walks;
    Breaks the doors open, snaps the locks;
    Searches the parlour, chamber, study,
    Nor stops ’till he has culprit’s body. Matthew Prior.

    The bowzy sire
    First shook from out his pipe the seeds of fire,
    Then snapt his box. Dunciad.

    A gentleman passing by a coach, one of the horses snapt off the end of his finger. Richard Wiseman, Surgery.

    All mungrel curs bawl, snarl, and snap, where the foe flies before him. Roger L'Estrange.

    A notion generally received, that a lion is dangerous to all women who are not virgins, may have given occasion to a foolish report, that my lion’s jaws are so contrived as to snap the hands of any of the female sex, who are not thus qualified. Joseph Addison, Spectator.

    He snaps deceitful air with empty jaws,
    The subtle hare darts swift beneath his paws. John Gay.

    Sir Richard Graham tells the marquis he would snap one of the kids, and make some shift to carry him close to their lodgings. Henry Wotton.

    Some with a noise and greasy light
    Are snapt, as men catch larks at night. Samuel Butler.

    You should have thought of this before you was taken; for now you are in no danger to be snapt singing again. Roger L'Estrange.

    Did I not see you, rascal, did I not!
    When you lay snug to snap young Damon’s goat? Dryden.

    Belated seem on watch to lie,
    And snap some cully passing by. Jonathan Swift.

    Capoch’d your rabbins of the synod,
    And snapp’d their canons with a why not. Hudibras.

    A surly ill-bred lord
    That chides and snaps her up at every word. George Granville.

  3. To Snapverb

    Note the ship’s sicknesses, the mast
    Shak’d with an ague, and the hold and waist
    With a salt dropsy clogg’d; and our tacklings
    Snapping, like to too high-stretch’d treble strings. John Donne.

    The backbone is divided into so many vertebres for commodious bending, and not one intire rigid bone, which, being of that length, would have been often in danger of snapping in sunder. John Ray, on the Creation.

    If your steel be too hard, that is, too brittle, if it be a spring, it will not bow; but with the least bending it will snap asunder. Joseph Moxon, Mech. Exer.

    The makers of these needles should give them a due temper; for if they are too soft they will bend, and if they are too brittle they snap. Samuel Sharp, Surgery.

    If the young dace be a bait for the old pike, I see no reason but I may snap at him. William Shakespeare, Henry IV.

    We snap at the bait without ever dreaming of the hook that goes along with it. Roger L'Estrange.

    Towzer snaps
    At people’s heels with frothy chaps. Jonathan Swift.


  1. snap

    Snap refers to the act or sound of breaking or closing something suddenly, often characterized by a sharp or abrupt noise. It could also refer to moving something quickly or suddenly, like snapping one's fingers. Additionally, in the digital context, snap could refer to a short quick photograph, commonly used in reference to Snapchat, a social media platform. Similarly, in computing, it refers to a packaged software that holds all its dependencies, making it compatible across multiple systems.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Snapnoun

    to break at once; to break short, as substances that are brittle

  2. Snapnoun

    to strike, to hit, or to shut, with a sharp sound

  3. Snapnoun

    to bite or seize suddenly, especially with the teeth

  4. Snapnoun

    to break upon suddenly with sharp, angry words; to treat snappishly; -- usually with up

  5. Snapnoun

    to crack; to cause to make a sharp, cracking noise; as, to snap a whip

  6. Snapnoun

    to project with a snap

  7. Snapverb

    to break short, or at once; to part asunder suddenly; as, a mast snaps; a needle snaps

  8. Snapverb

    to give forth, or produce, a sharp, cracking noise; to crack; as, blazing firewood snaps

  9. Snapverb

    to make an effort to bite; to aim to seize with the teeth; to catch eagerly (at anything); -- often with at; as, a dog snapsat a passenger; a fish snaps at the bait

  10. Snapverb

    to utter sharp, harsh, angry words; -- often with at; as, to snap at a child

  11. Snapverb

    to miss fire; as, the gun snapped

  12. Snapverb

    a sudden breaking or rupture of any substance

  13. Snapverb

    a sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to seize, as with the teeth

  14. Snapverb

    a sudden, sharp motion or blow, as with the finger sprung from the thumb, or the thumb from the finger

  15. Snapverb

    a sharp, abrupt sound, as that made by the crack of a whip; as, the snap of the trigger of a gun

  16. Snapverb

    a greedy fellow

  17. Snapverb

    that which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement; hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap

  18. Snapverb

    a sudden severe interval or spell; -- applied to the weather; as, a cold snap

  19. Snapverb

    a small catch or fastening held or closed by means of a spring, or one which closes with a snapping sound, as the catch of a bracelet, necklace, clasp of a book, etc

  20. Snapverb

    a snap beetle

  21. Snapverb

    a thin, crisp cake, usually small, and flavored with ginger; -- used chiefly in the plural

  22. Snapverb

    briskness; vigor; energy; decision

  23. Snapverb

    any circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained

  24. Etymology: [LG. or D. snappen to snap up, to snatch; akin to G. schnappen, MHG. snaben, Dan. snappe, and to D. snavel beak, bill. Cf. Neb, Snaffle, n.]


  1. Snap

    A snap is the backwards passing of the ball in American and Canadian football at the start of play from scrimmage.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Snap

    snap, v.t. to break short or at once: to bite, or catch at suddenly: to crack: to interrupt sharply (often with up): to shut with a sharp sound: to take an instantaneous photograph of, esp. with a hand camera.—v.i. to break short: to try to bite: to utter sharp words (with at): to flash:—pr.p. snap′ping; pa.t. and pa.p. snapped.—n. act of snapping, or the noise made by it: a small catch or lock: a hasty repast, a snack: a crack, the spring-catch of a bracelet, &c., an earring: a crisp kind of gingerbread nut or cake: crispness, pithiness, epigrammatic point or force: vigour, energy: (slang) a brief theatrical engagement, an easy and profitable place or task: a sharper, a cheat: a riveter's tool, also a glass-moulder's tool: the act of taking a snapshot.—adj. sudden, unpremeditated, without preparation.—ns. Snap′dragon, a plant, so called because the lower lip of the corolla when parted shuts with a snap like a dragon's jaw: a Christmas pastime in which raisins are snatched out of a dish in which brandy is burning, in a room otherwise dark—also the raisins so taken; Snap′per; Snap′per-up (Shak.), one who snaps up; Snap′ping-tur′tle, a large fresh-water tortoise of the United States—from its habit of snapping at things.—adjs. Snap′pish, Snap′py, inclined to snap: eager to bite: sharp in reply.—adv. Snap′pishly, in a snappish manner: peevishly: tartly.—ns. Snap′pishness; Snap′shot, an instantaneous photograph. [Dut. snappen, to snap; Ger. schnappen.]

The New Hacker's Dictionary

  1. snap

    To replace a pointer to a pointer with a direct pointer; to replace an old address with the forwarding address found there. If you telephone the main number for an institution and ask for a particular person by name, the operator may tell you that person's extension before connecting you, in the hopes that you will snap your pointer and dial direct next time. The underlying metaphor may be that of a rubber band stretched through a number of intermediate points; if you remove all the thumbtacks in the middle, it snaps into a straight line from first to last. See chase pointers.Often, the behavior of a trampoline is to perform an error check once and then snap the pointer that invoked it so as henceforth to bypass the trampoline (and its one-shot error check). In this context one also speaks of snapping links. For example, in a LISP implementation, a function interface trampoline might check to make sure that the caller is passing the correct number of arguments; if it is, and if the caller and the callee are both compiled, then snapping the link allows that particular path to use a direct procedure-call instruction with no further overhead.

The Foolish Dictionary, by Gideon Wurdz

  1. SNAP

    A brisk, energetic quality that enables a man with ginger to take the cake.

Rap Dictionary

  1. snapnoun

    A form of verbal jestering. Also French and English speaking Africans especially in Dakar and Paris say 'oh snap' in two contexts.

  2. snapnoun

    I you get bagged on (snapped on)

  3. snapnoun

    Meaning 'oh shit' as in 'I didn't know' or 'I forgot something'.

  4. snapnoun

    Referring to a crackhead. As in you can't trust her, she's a snap.

Suggested Resources

  1. snap

    Song lyrics by snap -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by snap on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. SNAP

    What does SNAP stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the SNAP acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

British National Corpus

  1. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'snap' in Verbs Frequency: #593

Anagrams for snap »

  1. naps

  2. NSPA

  3. pans

  4. SPAN

  5. span

How to pronounce snap?

How to say snap in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of snap in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of snap in Pythagorean Numerology is: 5

Examples of snap in a Sentence

  1. Charles Krauthammer:

    Iran is promised a total lifting of sanctions. That's UN, EU, United States, everywhere. We're not sure about the timing but it could be as early as June. And, that will supercharge the Iranian economy, will strengthen the regime, will give it tens of billions of dollars with which not only to build its nuclear facilities, but to use for the proxy wars around the Middle East, it is possible when they sign the agreement in June there will be a huge relief of sanctions, and when Obama speaks about snapping them back, if the Iranians are cheating, there is not a chance in the world that the Chinese or the Russians or even the Europeans are going to snap on sanctions again, we would be acting alone, we'd be completely isolated.

  2. Karen Cox:

    I have a child of my own so I know how that goes. God put it on my heart to go and help her out, the law enforcement official told WBKO. Corbitts mother Karen Cox, was quick to snap a photo of the sweet scene and share it to Facebook, where it later circulated among police support group Kentucky Going Blue. Cox thanked the official for taking the time out of his own break to carry the fussy baby, who quickly relaxed once Hampton held him. The image has since gone viral with over 1,200 likes and more than 480 shares to date. This is far beyond the call of duty!! Love this!!! one commenter said, while others applauded Hampton as a fantastic officer and awesome gentleman. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER Despite all the hype, Hampton said that taking a minute to calm down baby Zerak was simply the right thing to do. All glory goes to God. We had a fallen trooper, Eric Chrisman, who said God first, family second, and everyone is family, he told the Post. We treat everyone like we want our family treated. CLICK HERE FOR THE ALL-NEW FOXBUSINESS.COM The officers wife, Kristen, said that the small act of kindness is just one example of her husbands compassionate character. We have a 1-year-old and we know exactly what thats like! it is really cool though because he does help people a lot, but this time he actually got recognition.

  3. Dottie Rosenbaum:

    It’s pretty striking that when you look at the Great Recession, we saw increases in food insecurity that were pretty sizeable whereas during the pandemic, food insecurity held steady, and actually reached 20-year lows for families with children, in large part because of SNAP and other Covid relief efforts.

  4. Sven Spichiger:

    We’ll now be setting traps in the area and encouraging citizen scientists to trap in Snohomish and King counties, none of this would have happened without an alert resident taking the time to snap a photo and submit a report.

  5. Laicie Heely:

    Iran’s previous actions were the impetus for the international sanctions and negotiations that led to this final deal. Cheating or intransigence on the part of Iran would take us back to where we were before a deal, the final deal contains strong snap-back provisions that would restore sanctions in 65 days if Iran violates the agreement. This provision will be important for maintaining international unity going forward.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for snap

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • يفرقع، ينفجرArabic
  • esnapCatalan, Valencian
  • ausrasten, zurückpassen, durchdrehen, schnappenGerman
  • αποπαίρνωGreek
  • kaptiEsperanto
  • trastornar, chasquido, chasquear, increpar, fotografía, enloquecerSpanish
  • neppari, [[napsauttaa]] [[sormiaan]], nappaus, puraista, äyskäistä, tiuskia, rasahtaa, valmisateria, napsahtaa, paukauttaa, napsaus, silmänräpäys, pompata, haukata, napsauttaa, tiuskaista, katketa, napauttaa, napata, räpsiä, pikkuleipä, hetki, romahtaa, äyskiä, poksauttaa, [[antaa]] [[aloitussyöttö]], keksi, napsahdus, vilaus, välähtää, tarttua, [[napsahtaa]] [[poikki]], näpsäys, napsautus, pimahtaa, hermo, [[napsauttaa]] [[kiinni]], papu, näykätä, katkaista, näpsäyttääFinnish
  • claquer, rompre, claquement de doigts, claquer des doigts, casserFrench
  • snapIrish
  • jepretIndonesian
  • agrafoIdo
  • rubamazzetto, schioccare, sbottareItalian
  • הצמדHebrew
  • ಸ್ನ್ಯಾಪ್Kannada
  • frangereturLatin
  • whati, kē, taukapo, patōMāori
  • snauwenDutch
  • pstrykać palcami, pstryknąć palcamiPolish
  • estalar, estalo, snapPortuguese
  • trageRomanian
  • огрызнуться, сломаться, сломать, щёлкать, рявкнуть, цапнуть, замочек, рявкать, цапать, щёлкнуть, треск, снимок, застёжка, сорваться (с катушек), ломаться, щелчок, огрызаться, ломатьRussian
  • knäpp, knäppa, snäppa, tryckknapp, knäppningSwedish
  • aniTurkish
  • búng tayVietnamese

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