Latest Entries: 12 total
eremition | gradually withdrawing from the lives of others to seek solitude and renewal. it is often associated with a desire for personal reflection and peace. |
blooey | Haywire, awry, amiss |
in confidence | Confidentially, privately, secretly or off the record |
slobberknocker | 1. A hard-fought, physically aggressive, or chaotic game, matchup, or contest 2. A violent impact or harsh collision between two opponents, combatants, or competitors |
mesonoxian | Pertaining to, or occurring at midnight |
whipsawed | Victimized or affected badly, usually in two ways at once |
above reproach | Faultless; beyond suspicion or criticism |
monotherapy | The process of using a single method or treatment such as drug therapy or counselling to tackle and attempt to treat a condition or disorder. |
cone of silence | In telecommunications or weather radar, this refers to the volume of space that is undetectable by an antenna. Generally, a target or event that is directly over or in close proximity of an antenna cannot be scanned due to the angle of the mount, and is therefore in the ‘blind spot,’ or blind cone. |
burner phone | AKA ’burn phone,’ is a cellphone that is not intended to be used for a long period of time. It’s typically a cheap, prepaid mobile phone that can be destroyed or discarded when no longer needed and allows you to create a temporary or unidentifiable phone number that can’t easily be traced back to you-- In popular media, criminals often use burner phones to evade detection by authorities. You might use a burner phone for privacy reasons, as a last resort, or during an emergency. |
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