Here's the list of comments submitted by PJAlagna
— There are currently 2 comments total.
BERTA is an Acronym for: B - Bundle E - Events R - Rules T - Tests A - Actions
Berta is a choreography system that allows groups (bundles) of rules to execute tests that judge events (that evaluate the environment) and act on that.more »
BNF format for BASII language. paragraph: paragraphName ":-" clauses* ";" clauses: "[[" clauseNumber "]]" verbs or "." verbs: verbSymbol* or "." verbSymbol: /* math set */ "+" , "-" , "*" , "**" , "++" , "--" , "mod" , "abs" /* logic set */ "=" , "" , "=" /* nds set */ "@" /* get by name */ "!" /* write value to name */ etc. i will publish more if people are interestedmore »