Principes et Dictionnaire de la Langue Yuracare of Yurujure (French Edition)
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Principes et Dictionnaire de la Langue Yuracare ou Yurujure (French Edition)
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Principes Et Dictionnaire De La Langue Yuracare Ou Yurujure, Volumes 16-18 (French Edition)
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Remembering Nueva Vida: Living with the Yuracare people -- a tribe in the jungles of Bolivia
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Principes Et Dictionnaire de la Langue Yuracare Ou Yurujure (Classic Reprint)
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Personhood and Human-spirit Relations Among the Yuracaré of the Bolivian Amazon (Gothenburg Studies in Social Anthropology)
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Quantitative Ethnobotany in Bolivia: Knowledge, Use and Diversity of Plants in Quechua, Yuracaré and Trinitario Communities from the Andes and Amazon
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Lamento Yuracare
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