Justiniana Prima: An Underestimated Aspect of Justinian's Church Policy (Jagiellonian Studies in History)
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Factores que intervienen la eficiencia terminal. Un programa para el perfil óptimo de egresados de la Ingeniería Industrial: La generación 2005-2009 ... Superior de Tierra Blanca (Spanish Edition)
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La fábula de la condesa Andrea y su abuela Justiniana (Spanish Edition)
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Justiniana Prima (Tsaritsin Grad): A 6th Cent. City in Southern Serbia. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1954.
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Liturgy and Society in Early Medieval Rome (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)
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Justiniana Mug - Funny Gift for Coffee & Tea Lovers - Ceramic White 11oz Mug Keep Calm And Let Justiniana Handle It
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The Age of Justinian (Roman Imperial Biographies)
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Consul of God (Routledge Revivals): The Life and Times of Gregory the Great
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Justiniana ciesaře ustanovenie a naučenie neb prvniech počátkuov práv městských knihy čtvery. (D. Justiniani institutionum libri quatuor) Text latinský a staročeský. 1867 [Leather Bound]
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